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Chapter 5
Cell Respiration & Metabolism
Remon Wahba, MD
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Chapter 5 Outline
Acid Pathway
& Protein Metabolism
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reactions in the body that involve
Energy Transformations
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into 2 categories:
Breaking down of molecules to Release Energy
primary source of energy for making ATP
Formation (synthesis) of larger molecules
Requires Energy
Source of body’s large energy-storage
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Metabolism continued
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 Breaking
 Does
not require Oxygen (Anaerobic)
 Occurs
in the Cytoplasm
 Glucose
 Small
down of Glucose Molecules
Molecules split into 2 Molecules of Pyruvate
amount of Energy is liberated
 2 ATP ( Adenosine Tri Phosphate)
 2 NADH ( Nicotinamide Adenine Di Nucleotide
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Glycolysis (cont)
is Exergonic
Produces net of 2ATPs & 2NADHs
glucose must be activated with 2ATPs
(phosphorylation) before energy can be obtained
Phosphorylation traps glucose inside cell
2 ATPs are used & 4 ATPs are produced (net
gain of 2 ATP)
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Fig 5.2
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Lactic Acid Pathway
Glycolysis to continue, NADHs produced need to
give its Hs away
In absence of O2,
NADH gives its Hs to pyruvate creating Lactic
acid (Anaerobic Respiration)
the presence of O2,
NADH gives its Hs to O2 forming Water (Aerobic
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Lactic Acid Pathway
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Lactic Acid Pathway
called Lactic Acid Fermentation
in Skeletal & Heart muscles when oxygen
supply falls below critical level
During Heavy Exercise or Vascular Blockage
in RBCs
Don't have mitochondria
Use only lactic acid pathway
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Glycogenesis & Glycogenolysis
osmotic reasons cells can't store many free
Glucose molecules
Storage of Glucose as Glycogen
Skeletal Muscles & Liver store lots of Glycogen
down of Glycogen to release Glucose
as glucose 6-phosphate
Phosphate groups trap Glucose molecules inside
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Glycogenesis & Glycogenolysis continued
muscles use trapped glucose-6phosphate for their own energy needs
has glucose-6-phosphatase that
removes phosphate groups
So glucose can be released into the blood
stream to be used by All Body Cells
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Cori Cycle
Lactic Acid produced in skeletal muscle
goes to Liver
Where it is converted back into Pyruvate
then to Glucose & Glycogen
This process is called:
(Formation of new glucose)
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Cori Cycle
Restore Skeletal Muscle Glycogen
which was consumed during exercise
Lactic Acid from the Blood
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Cori Cycle
Aerobic Respiration
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Aerobic Respiration
in the Mitochondria
the presence of Oxygen (aerobic)
are broken down and CO2 is produced
amount of Energy is Produced (34-36 ATP)
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Aerobic Respiration
when Pyruvate formed by Glycolysis
enters Mitochondria
C02 is removed from Pyruvate forming
Acetyl CoA (Coenzyme A is a carrier for
acetic acid)
C02 goes
to lungs to be excreted
in Acetyl CoA is extracted during
Aerobic respiration in mitochondria
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Aerobic Respiration
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Krebs Cycle
with Acetyl CoA combins with Oxaloacetic
Acid to form Citric Acid
a series of reactions Citric Acid is converted back
to Oxaloacetic Acid to complete the pathway
ATP molecules are produced in the Krebs Cycle
from every glucose molecule
amount of ATP is produced by Electron
Transport Chain (ETC) from NADH and FADH
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Electron Transport Chain
of molecules in inner mitochondrial
Molecules undergo Oxidation / Reduction
reactions and Energy is released.
Energy released is used to synthesize ATP by
Oxidative Phosphorylation
is the Last electron acceptor
and water is formed
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Krebs Cycle
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Krebs Cycle continued
Fig 5.8
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Function of Oxygen
Electron Transport to continue by acting as
The Final Electron Acceptor
 O2
accepts these electrons & combines
with 4H+s to form 2 water molecules
O2 + 4 e- + 4 H+  2 H20
the absence of O2, the Kreb’s cycle would
stop and Respiration becomes Anaerobic
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ATP Formation
can be made by 2 ways:
Direct (substrate-level) phosphorylation
Where ATP is generated when bonds break
2 ATPs in Glycolysis are made this way
2 ATPs / glucose in Kreb's made this way
Where ATP is generated by ETC (Electron
Transport Chain)
30 - 32 ATPs are produced this way (some are
used to pump ATP out of the Mitochondria)
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Net Production of ATP
2 from Glycolysis
2 from Direct Phosphorylation in Krebs Cycle
26 from Oxidative Phosphorylation in ETC
total of 30
ATPs are produced from
each Glucose Molecule
Fat & Protein Metabolism
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Fats & Proteins as Energy Sources
are hydrolyzed to Glycerol & Fatty acids
These can be modified to run through Kreb's
are broken down to Amino Acids
Which can be Deaminated & run through Kreb's
pathways can be used to interconvert
Carbohydrates, Fats, & Proteins
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Fatty acids Glycerol
Amino acids
Urea (waste)
Figure 3.30
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Energy Storage
more energy is
taken in than
consumed, ATP
synthesis is inhibited
is converted
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Acetyl CoA
a common Substrate for energy & synthetic
Fig 5.12
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Fat Synthesis (Lipogenesis)
Can be linked together to form fatty acids
acids + glycerol = Fat (Triglycerides)
Occurs mainly in:
 Adipose Tissue
 Liver
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Fat Synthesis (Lipogenesis)
is a major form of energy storage in body
Yields 9 kilocalories/gram
Carbs & proteins yield only 4 Kilocalories/g
Energy stored in the body
is in the form of Triglycerides
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breakdown of fat into Fatty Acids & Glycerol
Via hydrolysis by Lipase
CoAs from free fatty acids serve as
major energy source for many tissues
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Ketone Bodies
are continually broken down &
Ensures blood will contain fatty acids for Aerobic
During Fasting, Severe Dieting & in Severe Diabetes
large amount of fat is broken down
Causes high levels of Free Fatty Acids
Some are converted by the Liver into ketone bodies
Give breath an Acetone smell
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Amino Acid Metabolism
(N) ingested primarily as Protein
is used in body as Amino Acids
is excreted mainly as Urea
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Nitrogen (N) Balance
balance = N ingested Vs. N excreted
Positive N balance:
N ingested is more than excreted
Negative N balance:
N ingested is less than excreted
Healthy Adults:
 Amount of N excreted = Amount ingested
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Nitrogen (N) Balance
amino acids are not stored in the body
Can be converted into:
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Essential & Non-essential Amino Acids
amino acids used to build proteins:
12 can be produced by body (Non-essential)
must come from diet (Essential Amino
Proteins of Animal Origin are rich in Essential Amino Acids
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Essential & Non-essential Amino Acids
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of Amine Group from one Amino Acid to
create another one
Amino Acids can be produced
of -NH2 group to pyruvate or Kreb's cycle
Acids (Keto Acids) to make a new amino acid
by Transaminase
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Oxidative Deamination
process by which excess Amino Acids are
-NH2 (Amine group) is removed from Glutamic acid,
forming keto acid & Ammonia
Ammonia is converted to urea & excreted
Keto acid goes to Kreb’s or to Fat or Glucose
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formation of new Glucose from NonCarbohydrate molecules.
Prolonged Fasting most of Blood
Glucose is produced in the Liver by
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glucose can be formed from:
 Amino Acids
Amino Acids are converted to Keto Acids, then
Pyruvate, then Glucose
 Glycerol
 From the breakdown of Lipids
 Lactate
 Lactates are first converted into Pyruvates then
to Glucose (Cori Cycle)
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Uses of Different Energy Sources
cells have different preferred
energy substrates
uses glucose as its major
source of Energy
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Uses of Different Energy Sources
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Terms to Remember
Breakdown of Glucose into 2 Pyrovate
Formation of Glycogen from Glucose
Breaking down of Glycogen to release Glucose
Formation of Glucose from Noncarbohydrate
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Terms to Remember
Breakdown of Lipids into Fatty Acids & Glycerol
Formation of Lipids for storage
Formation of Ketone Bodies from Fatty Acids
Occurs in the Liver