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Chapter 5
Enzymes, Coenzyme and Energy
Biology 100
Spring 2009
All living things require energy.
◦ Nutrients are one source of energy, as well as
being molecules organisms require to grow,
reproduce or repair
Biochemical reactions are the processes
used for the formation, breakdown and
rearrangement of molecules to provide
organisms with energy
Activation Energy
Activation Energy is the required input of
energy to make a reaction start
A catalyst is a chemical that speeds up the
reaction but is not used up in the reaction
◦ Lowers the activation energy needed to start
a reaction
◦ Is not used up during the reaction
◦ Is unchanged after a reaction
Enzymes act as catalysts. Enzymes are
proteins that speed up a rate of reaction
Found in cells throughout the body
Lowers activation energy
Enzymes will end in –ase
How Enzymes Work
Each enzyme has a specific size and 3-D
◦ Each enzyme is going to fit with a certain
substrate (molecule enzyme connects to)
How Enzymes Work
When the enzyme and substrate are
connected, it is known as enzyme-substrate
 The binding site is where the enzyme
physically attaches itself to the substrate
 The active site is where the enzyme will
cause a specific part of the substrate to
Some enzymes need an additional
molecule to carry out the process
◦ Cofactors are inorganic ions or organic
molecules that serve an enzyme helpers
◦ Coenzymes are organic molecules that
function as a cofactor
 May be certain amino acids, nitrogenous bases, and
Turnover Number
The number of molecules of substrate
with which a single enzyme can react at a
given time (ex. reactions/minute) is known
as the turnover number
◦ Can be quite large compared to uncatalyzed
◦ Can depend on the environment
Temperature can have a huge impact on
turnover rate
◦ a higher temperate will increase the rate of
molecular motion, to a certain extent
◦ Too high of temperatures may cause the
enzyme to change its shape, this is known as
denaturing, where a protein structure is
permanently changed
Optimum temperature is when the rate of
formation of the enzyme-substrate
complex is fastest
pH also affects the rate of enzymesubstrate complexes
◦ Most enzymes have an optimum pH of around
7 (neutral)
 However, some prefer acidic or basic conditions
Enzymatic competition is where there are several
kinds of enzymes available to combine with the
same kind of substrate molecule
◦ The substrate acetyl can be acted upon by three
different enzymes: citrate synthetase, fatty acid
synthetase, and malate synthetase
Fig. 5.7,
Gene Regulator Proteins
Gene Regulator Proteins are chemical
messengers that inform the genes of the
cell’s need for enzymes
◦ Gene-repressor proteins decrease protein
◦ Gene-activator proteins will increase protein
Fig. 5.7, pg.103
Inhibitor is a molecule that attaches itself
to an enzyme and interferes with the
enzymes ability to form an enzymesubstrate complex
◦ Competitive Inhibition
◦ Negative-Feedback Inhibition
Competitive Inhibition
In competitive inhibition an inhibitor has a
shape that is closely resembling the normal
substrate of an enzyme
◦ Enzyme becomes ineffective
Negative-Feedback Inhibition
In negative-feedback inhibition is a process
where the output of a system acts to
oppose changes to the input of the system
 Allosteric Regulation is the regulation of an
enzyme or other protein by binding an
effector molecule at the protein's
allosteric site (a site other than the active