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Miss Cook – Biology Name: ____________________________Date:________________ Class Period: _______
Evolution Note Guide
 born in Shrewsbury, England, in 1809
 studied medicine at Edinburgh University (1825-1827) where the
sight of blood and surgery without anesthetics repulsed him
 studied to become a clergyman at Cambridge University (18271831)
 After Cambridge, Charles was recommended for a surveying trip on
the HMS Beagle
 He sailed aboard the Beagle for 5 years (1831 – 1836), working as a
Darwin’s Voyage
 On the voyage, Darwin noticed that everywhere he went; the
animals and plants differed vastly.
 Patterns in the species suggested that the species had changed over
time and had given rise to new and different species.
 Many of Darwin’s conclusions were based on observations of
wildlife in the Galapagos Islands.
Darwin Concluded:
 Each species has descended, with changes, from other species over
 Darwin called this… _________________________________________
***Evolution is:______________________________________________________
 On his journey around the world, Darwin found evidence of
_______________ change (______________).
 Darwin cited evidences he found in ________________________,
geographic distribution and _____________________ structures.
Today most evidences for evolution are grouped into five main
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
1. Fossil Record
 Paleontology
 Fossil – remains or __________ of an _____________ that lived
o Remains: ex. bone, __________, or shell
o Traces: ex. burrow, __________________, or imprint
 Most fossils are found in layered ________________________ rock
o Oldest fossils are on the ________________ layer
 Comparing fossils from different layers shows:
o Life on Earth has ______________
o ________________ number of life forms
2. Biochemical
 The Genetic Code
 Triplets of ______ nitrogen-base sequences that ________ for specific
 The amino acid triplet is the ________ in almost all organisms.
 The similarity of triplet ______ codes making-up ______________
o A probable ____________ _______________ for all life on Earth
 Amino Acid Sequencing is probably the ___________________
evidence for relationships among organisms
3. Comparative Anatomy
 Homologous Structures: structures with ____________ structure but
_________________ function
o ex: turtle, ___________, bird, __________
o Homologous Structures show:
 Similar genes
 Descent from a _______________ ancestor
 Vestigial Structures: organs so _________________ in size that they
are _______________________ remnants of similar organs in _________
o ex: human tailbone, ______________, whale pelvis
o Vestigial structures show:
 an organism’s ____________________________ past
 a common ________________ with species that have
___________ structures that are still ___________________
 Embryology
o Embryos of different ____________ may appear ____________ in
early stages of __________________
o ex: __________________ development
o Comparison of similarities in embryos can show:
 Relationship to a _______________ ancestor
4. Biogeography = Geographic distribution of organisms
 organisms living ____________ __________ (even different
________________) may be similar because they share a ___________
 Shows common ancestor
5. Observable Events
 Some changes in species have been observed and studied:
o _________& ____________________ Study of Beak Size Shift in
Darwin’s Finches
o H. Kettlewell’s Study of ____________________ Color Shifts
 Observable events show that _______________ is an ____________
 Darwin based his theory on his own observations and the writings of
Thomas Malthus.
o Malthus was a British social scientist who made these
observations about humans:
 People have more _____________ than are able to
 There are built-in population checks: ___________,
_________, and _________.
 Darwin extended these principles to biology, which helped him
form his theory of… _________________________________
__________________ of the ______________
Five Basic Components of Natural Selection
1. All species have _____________ variation.
a. Every species is ________________, even within itself.
b. Look around you…are you all the same?
2. Organisms produce more ____________ than can ___________. Many
that survive do not produce _________________.
c. Ex: The female green sea turtle lays a clutch of about 110
eggs. She may lay several clutches.
1. It is likely that less than 1% of the hatchlings will ever
reach sexual maturity.
3. Since more organisms are produced than can survive, there is
______________________ (struggle for existence).
a. Competition exists WITHIN and AMONG species
b. Within and among Species for:
2. _________
3. _________
4. _________
5. _________
d. And within a Species for
1. _________
e. The constant struggle for survival is affected by short-term
natural disasters. (____________, fires, floods, ______________,
hurricanes, and ________________)
f. The constant struggle for survival is also affected by long-term
changes in the environment. (_______________,
____________________________, etc)
4. ___________________ of the _________________
a. Some organisms are more suited to their environment as a
result of variations in the species.
b. ________________: the ability of an individual to ___________
and ______________________ in its specific environment.
Fitness is a result of ________________.
c. Individuals that are fit to their environment _____________ and
leave more _______________ than those who aren’t.
5. _____________________ with ____________________: living species
today are descended with modifications from common ancestral
species that lived in the past.
a. Characteristics of fit individuals _______________ in a
population over time.
b. Over time, genes for ___________ favored characteristics will
be _______________________ from the gene pool.
c. Example: ________________ and their increasingly
Natural Selection: Survival of the Fittest
 An ___________________ is any inherited characteristic (a _________
_____________ that can increase an organism’s chance of survival.
 An organism does not change because of ________ or __________ to
survive. The organism either already has the ______________ that
enables it to survive or it _____________.