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What does ‘anti-advertising’ mean?
How has the internet changed the face of TV
As audiences have become more & more
media-savvy & aware of how adverts are
constructed, how has advertising changed in
the way it presents messages & products?
What do you understand by the term ‘postmodern’?
Changing times; changing
technologies; changing
A Social Media Revolution
Cadbury – key dates
Interactive timeline – pay particular attention
Dec 2007
Apr 2008
Jan 2010
Cadbury – interesting facts
John Cadbury sold coffee, tea, drinking chocolate and
cocoa at his shop. Believing that alcohol was a main
cause of poverty, John hoped his products might serve
as an alternative. He also sold hops and mustard. Like
many Quakers John had high quality standards for all of
his products.
Cadbury was the first company to include pictures
instead of just printed text on chocolate boxes.
George Cadbury (son of John who inherited the
company) didn’t want to take mothers away from their
children, so he developed a company rule that women
had to leave work when they got married. Each
married woman was given a bible and a carnation as
wedding gifts.
Codes and conventions of
chocolate advertising
Advertising has a surprising number of
unwritten rules and conventions – what do
you think these are?
Chocolate advertising has long been blessed
with a choice of clichés:
It can either make us drool in anticipation of its
or inspire us with the sight of happy people using
the product to enhance their happy lives
Representations of women
Sex sells - Cadbury’s Caramel ‘Beaver’
Focusing on these 3 areas, discuss in pairs how the
Flake ‘Bath’ advert gets its message across:
Music and sound
Cinematography (shot types, camera angles, camera
Editing (transitions, pace, point of view)
What message is being offered about Flake chocolate?
Who is the target audience?
How would this advert appeal to the target audience?
Is the woman represented in a positive or negative
Gender Representations
How are men & women represented in each
of these (modern) chocolate adverts?
Aero Bubbles
Cadbury Snaps
What is the USP of each advert/ product?
Modern Advertising Campaigns
Changes over time
How has chocolate advertising changed in recent
Why do you think these changes have taken
Watch the Cadbury Gorilla advert and read the
Independent article to find out more
“People don't want advertisers droning on and
on about their products any more; they want to
be entertained” Laurence Green, planning director of
Subverting the Conventions
The gorilla advert does not show chocolate; it
doesn't show people eating chocolate; throughout its
full 90 seconds, it doesn't mention the C word once
It's such a pompous piece of music and the thrashing
of the gorilla is so self-absorbed that the effect is
It's short-form comedy just like one of those funny
clips you see on YouTube. But it seems to have little
to do with chocolate
Facts and Figures
The groundbreaking Gorilla TV advert first aired on
4th September 2007
It lasted a minute and a half (3 times the length of a
standard advert)
It was staged like a cross between a short film and a
music video
The advertising is the second phase of the £6.2
million marketing campaign which launched earlier
in 2007 with outdoor poster activity
Institution: Fallon
Created by the award-winning Fallon agency in
London, the commercial has stimulated great
interest, partly because it does not feature the
product until the very end
Fallon are also responsible for the Skoda Cake advert
A spokeswoman for Cadbury said: "The advert has
been a huge success and it has positively affected
sales of this product. But there is more to come next
year. All advertisements will aim to make people
smile and offer enjoyment, the same enjoyment that
hopefully people get from eating a bar of Cadbury's
Dairy Milk."
Success Story
The campaign boosted sales of Dairy Milk by 9%
Clues to Cadbury brand – purple backdrop, logo in
the closing shot
Set a new standard in the viral world, becoming an
internet phenomenon
Became the most watched commercial ever on
YouTube, spawning a string of spoofs
Broken all records for downloads
Voted favourite TV ad for 2007
Why does it work?
There is a product message in there. In fact, the
entire commercial is a product metaphor.
"Chocolate is about joy and pleasure. For years
Cadbury has told us that it was generous, through
the glass and a half strap line. We thought, don't tell
us how generous you are; show us. Don't tell us
about joy; show us joy."
Rebranding in the 21st
"We've created a branded space in which Cadbury's can be
generous in bringing joy," says Green
In the new approach, almost anything can be inserted into the
branded space as long as it is entertaining and brings joy. It's
as if the agency has said "sod it, forget the science. Let's just
have a laugh."
It's a bit more thought out than that, says Green. "Advertising
can be effective without a traditional 'message', 'proposition'
or 'benefits'. Indeed, some of the latest advertising thinking
suggests that attempts to impose them can actually reduce
effectiveness. We are trading our traditional focus on
proposition and persuasion in favour of deepening a
Cadbury say:
‘Well it just seemed like the right thing to do.
There's no clever science behind it - it's just
an effort to make you smile, in exactly the
same way Cadbury Dairy Milk does. And
that's what we aim to continue to do; simply
make you smile.’