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ETP 3700
Techniques and tools that can help achieve
the same outcomes while greatly reducing
Why Bootstrap?
• Start-up: Often necessary for small
businesses to get started
• Growth: Difficulty in raising money for
growth due to cash flow strains
• Exit: Preserves the value and wealth of a
business (EBITDA)
– The Problem of Sharing Equity
– The Problem of Using Debt
Ethics of Bootstrapping
• Don’t pass along your cash flow problems to
someone else
• Don’t embellish financial position
• Don’t create false impressions (Take Chris
Cornell’s advise!)
• Promises, promises, promises
• Ham and egging
• “Giving you my best price”
• Don’t pirate media space (e.g., SPAM to web
Administrative Overhead Bootstrapping
• “A Rolex doesn’t really keep any better
time than a Timex”
• “Luxury is waste”
• “We decided to skip the cell phones and
hire another production worker”
• “Why buy new when used will do?”
Administrative Overhead Bootstrapping
• Bedrooms, basements, garages, dining
rooms, kitchens & barns
• Virtual space (Kinko’s, Bongo Java, etc.)
• Mooch space
• Look for weak real estate markets
Administrative Overhead Bootstrapping
Space: The Virtual Company
• Have face-to-face orientations
• Train on effective e-mail, voice mail, instant
• Stamp out rumor wildfires
• Steady flow of information (even daily briefings
via e-mail) ties virtual employees together
• Meet face-to-face once a week
Administrative Overhead Bootstrapping
Furnishings and equipment
• Auctions
• Scrounge
• “Haul it and its yours” Opportunities
• Business Closings
Administrative Overhead Bootstrapping
Computers, Phones & Equipment
Virtual Equipment (Kinko’s)
Know what you REALLY need
Install yourself
Carefully monitor # phone lines needed
Administrative Overhead Bootstrapping
Administrative salaries (often includes
part or all of you!)
Every dollar spent on administration takes
a dollar away from producing sales
Don’t Over-hire (in terms of qualifications
or numbers)
Overhead or profits: Your Choice
Operations & Inventory Bootstrapping
• Outsourcing
• Effective cost accounting to assess
operations and inventory effectiveness
Operations & Inventory
Just-in-time inventory techniques
Establish continuous inventory update
Set high standards for on-time shipping
Track time to fill back orders
Track customer complaints as a % of orders
Use KISS Principle for your Inventory
(why stock 15 shades of blue when two
will due)
Bootstrap Marketing
• Know your customer
• Impact of message more important than
• Remember your niche and the benefits you
• Spend your marketing dollars carefully
• Marketing is a process, not an event
• Integrate into Business Plan
Tools and Techniques:
The Power of the Business Card
• Never Cut Corners
• Design, paper, color, embossing
• Include all critical data, but none that’s
• Include description or slogan
Tools and Techniques:
The Power of the Business Card
• Remember, it has two sides
Useful trivia
Photo of Product
Tools and Techniques:
The Power of the Business Card
Exercise: In groups of two, interview each
other about your businesses. Make a
layout of a business card for the other
person’s business.
Tools and Techniques:
• Provides a visual presentation
• Increases credibility
• Decreases immediate pressure on
• Captures your pitch
Tools and Techniques:
Brochure Design:
• Tailor to your market’s expectations
• Include clear headline
• Make visually appealing (graphics, white space)
• Tell your story
• Testimonials
• Make it worth hanging on to
• Include useful contact info
• Ask for action (order form, more info form)
Tools and Techniques:
In groups of 2-3, evaluate the effectiveness of
the sample brochure provided in class.
Tools and Techniques:
Video/DVD Brochures
• Production is key
• $1000-$5000 per minute
• Use your Belmont Network!
Tools and Techniques:
Video/DVD Brochures
Evaluate the effectiveness of the sample video
brochure. What would you change?
Tools and Techniques:
Banners & signs
• Proofread!!!
• Make it good, make it last
• Short message
• Use lights
Tools and Techniques:
• Make it interesting, informative, educational
• Proofread!!!
• Keep it tight
• Use design
• Highlight your customers when you can
• Keep consistent look, feel, theme, focus
• Once you start….
• Print, electronic newsletters
Tools and Techniques:
In groups of 2-3, evaluate the effectiveness of
the sample newsletter provided in class.
Tools and Techniques:
Targeted Media
Customer Contact Data Bases
Send discount coupon to get ‘em in the door
Send greeting cards
Send “gifts” (trinkets)
Send articles
Send e-mail blasts
Send thank you notes
Secret sale or special celebration postcard
Special contest postcard
Special announcement (new hire, new product)
Tools and Techniques:
Targeted Media
Creating a Customer Contact Data Base
• Track everyone that deals with your business and put
them in your database – easiest if done from the start
• Fishbowl Contests
• Suggestions box
• Offer free newsletter or catalogue for anyone who
gives you their address
• Create an offer that requires people to fill out form
• Phone books or other free lists
Tools and Techniques:
Targeted Media
Direct Mail
• Buying lists
• Keep it focused
• Invite an action
• Be creative and be visual
• Test your effectiveness
Tools and Techniques:
Rules of bootstrap advertising:
• One-shot ads (almost) never work
• Quality counts: production is surprisingly cheap
• Ethics matter
Be honest
Disparagement is unacceptable
Be clear on your intent
Be clear on who you are
Do not use “invoices” for solicitation
Call it free, only if it really is
Tools and Techniques:
Tips for effective newspaper ads
Strong headline
Use pictures
Include testimonials
Make an offer to get them to act
Include a border
Use color
Test, test, test
Placement matters
Copy is good – it’s a newspaper after all
Include easy contact info
Tools and Techniques:
Tips for Magazine Ads
• Bigger ads get more attention
• Color ads get more attention
• Position does not matter, except if on cover
• Rerunning ad is OK
• Photos are more effective than drawings
• Showing product in use is better than showing
static product
• Ads with people in them get more attention than
ads without
Tools and Techniques:
Yellow Pages
Jam in copy
As big as budget allows (compare to competition)
Stress your reliability, integrity and trustworthiness
Stress your scope
Illustrations/logos are effective
Give easy directions to your location
Know the timing for ad purchases
Tools and Techniques:
Radio Advertising
Highly targeted
Reinforces other media used
Humor works, but be sincere
Shorter is better – you have 5 seconds to grab them
Live spots are effective
Creates urgency
Stations will barter
Mention your name 5 times per 30 second ad
Use a single voice
Use only one or two stations
Tools and Techniques:
Television Advertising – its even for bootstrappers
• Cable ads run for as little as $100 per spot
• Keep it clear
• Keep it visual
• Make it memorable
• Quality matters
• Call them to act
• Content sells products
Tools and Techniques:
Web pages
Understand its usefulness for potential and/or
existing customers – make sure you think
like your customers!
Plan for its use: promotion, communication,
order processing
Budget for maintenance - Keeping it up-todate takes time and money
Develop a plan to drive people to the site
Tools and Techniques:
Web pages
Pathfinder Therapeutics, Inc
Sova Catering
Station West
Just Kidding Productions
Nashville Creative
River Rock Media
Tools and Techniques:
Personal selling
Trade shows
Phone and e-mail sales
Social-network sites (e.g., MySpace)
Tools and Techniques:
Free Advertising
Press Releases: Consistent, focused
Do your homework
Include cover letter or relevant article
Build relationships
Create your own angle
Tools and Techniques:
Newspapers, magazines, radio, television
Follow-up with phone call
Be persistent
Don’t be afraid to break the rules
Quality counts
Example: Snappy Auction
Tools and Techniques:
Exercise: In groups of 2-3, develop a press
release for the opening of one of the
businesses from your group members.
Exchange with another group and critique
their press release.
Tools and Techniques:
Word of Mouth
• Must motivate customers to talk about you
– excellence in customer service
• Incentives to spread the word (referral
“thank you” program)
• Ask your customer to “sell” for you
• Creating a “buzz campaign”
Emerging Tools and Techniques:
As of 2005, 10% of small businesses were
using or were planning to use blogs for their
Allows for very targeted contact
Like a newsletter, a forum to share useful
information and expertise
A personal feel
Can be a good public relations tool
Emerging Tools and Techniques:
• Cautions for Blogging as a Marketing Tool
– Need to be consistent – takes time to do it well
– Need to be cautious about what you say
– Avoid crossing the line and becoming too selfserving – blog readers will not come back
– Remember that the WHOLE world can read
what you say, including your employees, your
competition, your banker, etc.
Other Emerging
Tools and Techniques
Street teams
e-mail teams
Video podcasting
Human Resources Bootstrapping
Employee “stretching”
Independent contractors
Employee leasing and temporary employees
Student interns
Equity compensation
Accurate forecasting of employment needs
Human Resources Bootstrapping
• Non-monetary benefits
Offer flexibility
Work environment
Growth potential
Participating in start-up
• Outsource payroll
• Part-time executives
• Grow your own talent