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Ethical Theories
For a utilitarian, actions are right as they:
a) Produce
the best consequences
b) Produce the most consequences
c) Tend to produce the best consequences
d) Tend to limit the most harm
e) Follow the correct rules of morality
Bentham uses his Hedonic Calculus to:
a) Measure
how many hedons are present in
b) Establish the relative values of different
c) Help us reach our personal goals.
d) Justify the mathematical nature of morality.
e) Complicate the simplicity of ordinary ethics.
Utilitarianism is a demanding theory because
a) it
is difficult to calculate what to do.
b) no one can figure out how to cause pleasure.
c) there will be conflicts between our duties and
our interests.
d) Bentham and Mill were bossy people.
e) self-improvement is its first goal.
For Kant, the only thing good unconditionally is
a) pleasure
b) courage
c) virtue
d) a
good will
e) a good time
For Kant, an action has moral worth only if it is
a) in
accordance with duty
b) from a sense of duty
c) with a measure of good will
d) through a motive of love
e) to cause the most pleasure possible
The contradictions in Kant’s ethics
a) have
plagued Kant scholars for decades
b) are strange, but since he rejects reason, they
are not problematic
c) yield perfect and imperfect duties
d) make his theory unacceptable until they are
e) a and d
Aristotle uses the distinction between intrinsic
and instrumental goods to find
a) a
way to combat militarism is ancient Greece.
b) the best or highest good for humans.
c) who is a friend and who is an enemy.
d) inner peace while maintaining the military.
e) honor
without economic failure.
We seek happiness, according to Aristotle, only
a) as
a means to goodness.
b) as a means to a virtue-filled life.
c) as an end, meaning, as a way to escape
d) for the afterlife, never as an end in this life.
e) for
its own sake, and never as a means to
something else.
Aristotle reasons that “the good of an eye is
seeing, and the eye is good if it sees well.” The
point he is making is that, by analogy,
we can all see how nature makes things good.
b) a
good human will see, and see well.
c) a good human will reason, and reason well.
d) a good human will always use the power of sight
for a good cause.
e) we can test a moral theory only by its unique
Rational animal is a better definition of humans
than featherless biped because
‘Featherless biped’ is a mere biological definition
b) Rationality is better than Featherlessness
c) Animality is better than bipedalism
d) It tells you more about what is important to know
about humans
e) It’s not; featherless biped is better (most unique)
Aristotle’s view of happiness is weird because
he thinks it …
a) depends
on friendship
b) is an activity, not a condition
c) belongs to adults, not children
d) is mysterious to happy people
e) cannot last
For Aristotle, being moral is …
a) more
important than being happy
b) only important if you value it
c) only important as a means to happiness
d) part of happiness, but not the most important
e) part of happiness, and the most important
Which of these virtues is most important?
Moral virtues are:
a) Multi-track
b) Established by nature
c) Habits learned in childhood
d) Never lost once established
e) Difficult to retain
If you tried to return that Bee Gees CD to your
sister on time, but failed because “it’s just
soooo good!”, you are
Moral virtue is better than intellectual virtue
It is more god-like
It depends less on “things”
Its pleasure is more constant
It isn’t better; it is too stressful and so
involves hardship
It isn’t better; it depends on others and so
isn’t self-sufficient
1c, 2b, 3c, 4d, 5b or c, 6c, 7b, 8e, 9c, 10d
11b, 12d, 13c, 14a, 15b, 16e
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longer than the earlier one you may have
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