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End of Ecosystems: Nutrient Flow
Beginning of Environmental Crisis
Lecture 12
Principles of Ecology
College of Forestry, Guangxi University
Eben Goodale
Today and next Tuesday
1. Finish ecosystems
by talking about
nutrient flow.
2. Move to higher
levels: “applied and
large-scale ecology”
3. Introduce
challenges and
global challenges.
4. Talk about
conservation biology as
one response.
5. Talk about landscape
ecology and
management as
another response.
Today leave 45 minutes for writing.
Tuesday leave 1 hour for review for
Saturday May 16 final exam!
Moving up a Layer:
Definition of an Ecosystem
Characteristics of the ecosystem
That we’ll talk about:
- Productivity
- Energy flow
- Nutrient flow
What is a nutrient(养分)?
C is
of organic
N and P
were limiting
nutrients of
NPP on land
and in sea.
What is a nutrient?
C:N ratio
measures nutrientrichness, as carbon
usually structural,
Whereas N is
nigh energy.
Animals << plants
because more N.
Nutrients are in the air
• Some nutrients like carbon (CO2), oxygen
(O2) can be fixed(固定) by living things
from the air.
• But other nutrients like nitrogen (N) can
not be: N2 is very plentiful(丰富) but
difficult to get N out of. P not in
• Only certain kinds of bacteria(细菌)
able to fix N, as we will see…
Nutrients are in the ground
• Mineral supplies.
• Rocks are called
“parent materials”…
• Nutrients slowly come
out of them due to
(slow breaking down of
Nutrients are in the ground: soil
• Decomposition is
an important
process that makes
dead things like leaf
litter soluble溶解
(available in water)
to living organisms.
• Strongly dependent
on temperature.
Nutrients are in the ground: soil
• Soils different in particle
• Different soils are better
able to hold water and
• Leaching(淋溶) is the
loss of nutrients from
soils carried away by
Largest: sand
Nutrients are in the ground: soil
• Soils develop over
successional time.
• The more
decomposition the
better the soils.
• Poor soils in tropics
where decomposition
so quick, all nutrients
leach out.
Nutrients are moved within the
• Most nutrients in
• Chlorophyll
before leaf dropping.
• 60-70% of N, 40-50%
of P saved this way.
Nutrient cycling(循环)
How nutrients are moved between
atmosphere, rocks, soils, water, living
Basics of nutrient cycling
• Reservoir(容量) or pool: we can define as a part
of the cycle (e.g. atmosphere, soil) in which a
nutrient stays for some time.
• Residence time(停留时间): the average time a
substance spends within a reservoir.
• Flux(流量):
from one
pool to
The water cycle
3,200 years
20 to 100 years
Seasonal snow cover
2 to 6 months
Soil moisture
1 to 2 months
Groundwater: shallow
100 to 200 years
Groundwater: deep
10,000 years
Lakes (see lake
retention time)
50 to 100 years
2 to 6 months
9 days
Cycle is fairly quick (except for ground water, deep
ocean circulation)
Phosphorus (磷)(P)
• Needed for DNA, ATP
• Little in atmosphere
(just dust, mostly from
human activities) so
most derived from
weathering of rocks.
• Most important/limiting
in aquatic ecosystems,
tropical terrestrial
Phosphorus Cycle: the numbers are 1012 g P or fluxes as 1012 g P per year
Amount in pool
in box.
are the small
numbers next
to arrows
Very little in atmosphere. Huge pool in marine sediments.
Marine sediments mined by humans. 4 times the amt of natural weathering.
Note: a different kind of
bacteria, sends N back to
• Nitrogen: used for
DNA, proteins
• Nitrogen fixation
done by some
free-living bacteria
and others
associated with
plants, especially
In some agriculture, legumes
Added because of N fixing properties.
Nitrogen Cycle: the numbers are fluxes as 1012 g N per year
Orange shows
N-fixation ~
What’s lost by
Human fix
N2 by HaberBosch process
(industrial way
to make fertilizer)
Carbon cycle
• Central “nutrient”:
– closely bound to
– bound to N
– makes up
structure of most
organisms: 50%
of dry biomass
• Major carbon storage, or sinks:
– slow-decomposing compounds in soil
– bicarbonate in the ocean
– fossil fuels
– wood
Carbon Cycle: the numbers are storage as 1015 g C or fluxes as 1015 g C per year
phase: wellmixed.
concentration 
350 ppm (preindustrial  250
的 phase:
dissolves in
ocean water
Solid phase固态的:
residence times of
carbon in soil, and in
plants, from weeks to
Human influence on nutrient
cycle and its outcome
• As we move to talking about conservation
biology and global ecology, we will talk
more about how humans have altered
nutrient cycling, especially:
• N deposition(沉淀物) (added to
atmosphere by industrial activity, then falls
• CO2 increase and global warming.
Manipulation and disturbance of ecosystems
One local scale human influence on ecosystems is that human activity
Like logging can influence what much leaching occurs, and thus
How much of the nutrients of an ecosystem are lost (flow out with water).
Famous studies have calculated nutrient cycles for a whole catchment area.
Ecosystem Modeling
Looking at ecosystems like a machine and see how human disturbance
Influences them.
Today and next Tuesday
1. Finish ecosystems
by talking about
nutrient flow.
2. Move to higher
levels: “applied and
large-scale ecology”
3. Introduce
challenges and
global challenges.
4. Talk about
conservation biology as
one response.
5. Talk about landscape
ecology and
management as
another response.
Today leave 45 minutes for writing.
Tuesday leave 1 hour for review for
Saturday May 16 final exam!
Moving up to the top!
Describes how
Different ecosystems
Are put together in space
We are also going to talk about
environmental problems the earth
faces at a global level.
Are we in the
extinction event?
Rates of extinction
are 100 to 1000
times what the
normal rate is
according to the
fossil record.
From Barnosky et al. 2011
Humans have been causing both extinctions
(灭绝) and introductions(迁移) of
Introduced plants (to US)
# of species of birds
on Pacific island
(many were
Introduced plants could be intentional(有意的)
or not.
In what ways are they non-intentional?
They can cause much destruction
The environmental crisis: man’s
impact on the globe
Some changes we will discuss
Habitat loss
Species invasions
Global climate change
Nitrogen deposition
Toxin accumulation
Ozone hole
Acid Rain
A happy ending?
Habitat Loss(生境丧失)
Worst right
now in tropics
(bad in boreal forests
too but less diversity)
Habitat Loss
3 factors are here associated:
Habitat loss: less natural land
Habitat fragmentation(破碎)
: smaller, more isolated
Habitat degradation(退化):
what remains has been
changed to be poorer quality.
We will talk about fragmentation
next lecture when we talk
about landscapes.
Habitat loss: what does this mean
for biodiversity?
Large animals with the greatest
Space requirements most affected.
The hammerhead,
great white and thresher
sharks have each declined
more than 75% in last 15 years.
(Baum et al, Nature, 2003)
Last (2015) male white
rhinoceros being guarded
At the same time, we must
remember that of the world’s
5-10 million species are plants
and insects that are being lost
before they are even discovered.
Many species may already be “ghosts(鬼魂)”
reduced to such low numbers that they will eventually go extinct.
Habitat loss: population driver
Habitat loss will be directly affected by population growth …
Population predicted to peak around 10 billion in 2100
Habitat loss: life-style(生活方式)
Many developing
like India increasing
their consumption
India has traditionally
been vegetarian.
but chicken consumption
doubled 2000 to 2014.
The Tata
A $2000
car aimed
at India’s
middle class
Next issue: Species invasions (入侵)
• As we move around
the globe,we move
organisms, too,
intentionally, and
• Species without their
natural predators and
pathogens can
reproduce in
remarkable ways
Brown rat snake
Zebra mussels
(a) Brown tree
snake, introduced to Guam
in cargo
(b) Introduced kudzu thriving in South Carolina
Some well known invaders…
economic damage can go into
billions of dollars
Next issue: overharvesting(过度捕捞)
-Hunting of animals
-Animal trading for pets
-Extraction of medicinal
Leads to:
-“Empty forest syndrome”
-Human “Allee effect”: the
rarer an animal gets, more
expensive it is ($45,000 for
tiger pelt).
Responses include:
- Management of sustainable
extraction (hunting permits).
-CITES (Convention on
International Trade in
Endangered Species)
Next issue: overharvesting(过度捕捞)
• Overfishing, as we
learned last class, is a
major problem.
Large predatory fish all declined
Cod fisheries have collapsed
Forensic science and
• Using DNA
technology to track
down where animal
products are coming
Next issue: global warming(全球
If left unchecked, at current rate 1200 ppm
By 2100 (source: NASA).
increasing and
CO2 closely
temperature …
Although not
greenhouse gas
(methane, etc.)
Tracking man-made CO2
• Carbon in 3 forms: C12, C13 (1%) and C14
(1 X 10-12 %)
• Plants and fossil fuels high in C13, higher
than other sources of C (e.g., deep
ratio changing
Global warming: effects
Associated problems….
Sea level rising ~ 1.7 mm year
Extent of sea ice
in Artic … -10%
Per decade
From NOAA (
Ocean acidification: may be big problem
for things that have calcium carbonate structure
like corals
Global warming: predictions
Range of
estimates from
1.8 to 6.0ºC
increase by
2100, depending
on control of
levels, among
other factors.
From NOAA (
So many man-made source of C that solution to global warming will be complex!
Effects of global warming not
Increase in temperature expected to hurt agriculture in
developing, tropical regions.
Next issue: Nitrogen deposition
N fixation by humans now greater than natural fixation
Nitrogen deposition
Nitrogen deposition
1. N is a fertilizer so it increases plant biomass.
2. But unfortunately, it also decreases species
diversity, because only a few species are well
adapted to high N level.
A famous experiment
In England that has shown
species diversity to decrease
over 150 years.
Other toxins
Humans are producing thousands
of chemicals, many of which have
effects we do not fully understand.
These toxins are concentrated as
the higher the organism is in the
food web. We’ve already talked about
POPs (peristent organic pesticides)
Some species are endocrine disruptors
lower the natural fertility of wildlife.
Eggs cells develop
in frog testes
after exposure to the
common pesticide
From Hayes et al. 2003
Some hopeful signs …
The ozone hole: a problem
The ozone layer
is very important
for blocking UV
The largest ozone
hole was recorded
over Antartica in 2006
In the 1980’s,
began to notice
bigger and bigger
holes in the ozone
It was shown that
some of the loss
of ozone was due to
CFCs, chemicals
used in refrigeration.
Some hopeful signs …
The ozone hole: a problem
In 1987, the
Montreal Protocol
was signed, which
gradually phased
out CFCs.
Recently, the hole
in the ozone layer
has slowly begun to
Some hopeful signs: acid rain
Part of the “Deposition”
Problem, along with N Depoisition.
Acid rain in the US has slowly improved
With new policies on power plant emissions.
Today and next Tuesday
1. Finish ecosystems
by talking about
nutrient flow.
2. Move to higher
levels: “applied and
large-scale ecology”
3. Introduce
challenges and
global challenges.
4. Talk about
conservation biology as
one response.
5. Talk about landscape
ecology and
management as
another response.
Today leave 45 minutes for writing.
Tuesday leave 1 hour for review for
Saturday May 16 final exam!
Strategies of conservation
• Endangered species conservation
– Species by species approach
• Multi-species habitat planning
– Attempts to conserve large tracts with viable
populations of most species
– “No surprises”
Myers et al. 2000 related to the second strategy
(habitat planning).
Primary reading
• Myers et al. 2000 “Biodiversity hotspots of
conservation priorities”
- How do the authors define a hotspot?
- Are there any in China and where?
- How do the authors want their hotspot list
to be used?
Conservation Biology
• The scientific study of phenomena that
affect the maintenance, loss and
restoration of biodiversity (genes,
individuals, species, communities).
• Conservation to be successful needs to
combine biology with social sciences like
politics, economics and physchology.
Why conserve?
Economic reasons
Genes: Genetic variation is key to a species’ longterm viability and flexibility to change.
- Derived products
- Biophilia and ecotourism
- Product extraction from an environment that
conserves species.
There are also
spiritual and cultural
- Ecosystem services.
reasons to conserve
Benefits of Diversity:
Gila monster produces
enzyme that binds to
insulin, used in new
diabetes drug
Fungal endocyte
that lives within
Pacific Yew: source
of Taxol.
Polymerase from
bacteria in hot springs
used for PCR and
revolutionized biotech
Biophilia = our natural interest in
biology. Can it pay the bills?
Tourism principle foreign exchange earner
for 83% of developing countries; tourism up
20% from 2002-2007
(Global Ecotourism Conference, 2007)
- But in most countries, tourism
controlled by major (often international)
-Have ecotourism promoters over-promised?
Balancing extraction with
which can be performed
on buffer of conserved
Rattan gathering in Myanmar
Palm sugar tapping in Sri Lanka
Honey collecting in Bangladesh
Balancing extraction with
Plantation crops that
conserve *some* of the
biological diversity of
an area.
Shade coffee
Cardomum plantation
Ecosystem Services
• Ecosystem services include
Purification of air and water
Detoxification and decomposition of wastes
Cycling of nutrients
Moderation of weather extremes
And many others
• We get these services for free. Should we
charge for their removal?
• How do we place a value on such services?
Ecosystem Services
But is this realistic? Who pays?
Ecosystem Services
The NY watershed
example: Bought
land worth $1 billion;
saved ~ $6 billion in
new treatment plant.
Ecosystem Services
Debt for Nature
swaps and the
establishment of
Costa Rica’s park
But politically and economically: are these even trades,
and are governments “selling out” their people?
Key concepts
• Nutrients cycle
between pools in
ecosystems. Know
the cycles of C, N and
• Biodiversity is being
lost at levels
approaching a mass
• Habitat loss is the
largest problem, but
other problems
include invasive
species, overharvesting and
climate change.
• Conservation
biology’s mission is to
minimize biodiversity