American Bison
... IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. IUCN works on biodiversity, climate change, energy, human livelihoods and greening the world economy by supporting scientific research, managing ...
... IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges. IUCN works on biodiversity, climate change, energy, human livelihoods and greening the world economy by supporting scientific research, managing ...
mpa monitoring plan
... decision makers and the public in terms that they can understand and act upon. Accordingly the monitoring plan has been designed to meet these requirements. The North Central Coast MPA planning process included development of regional goals and objectives, as well as objectives for each individual M ...
... decision makers and the public in terms that they can understand and act upon. Accordingly the monitoring plan has been designed to meet these requirements. The North Central Coast MPA planning process included development of regional goals and objectives, as well as objectives for each individual M ...
(PPT, 1.21MB)
... study of Life|biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems and their interactions within an ecosystem framework. This science examines how ecosystems work and relates this to their components such as chemicals, bedrock, soil, plants, and animals. Ecosystem ecology examines physical and biological str ...
... study of Life|biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems and their interactions within an ecosystem framework. This science examines how ecosystems work and relates this to their components such as chemicals, bedrock, soil, plants, and animals. Ecosystem ecology examines physical and biological str ...
A Strategy for Preserving Native Biodiversity in the Santa Cruz
... sandhills sites. Managers should use adaptive management to explore the relative effectiveness of various methods of controlling abundant European annual grasses and forbs that reduce suitability of Zayante band-winged grasshopper habitat and compete with the endangered herbaceous plants in sand par ...
... sandhills sites. Managers should use adaptive management to explore the relative effectiveness of various methods of controlling abundant European annual grasses and forbs that reduce suitability of Zayante band-winged grasshopper habitat and compete with the endangered herbaceous plants in sand par ...
Woodland Caribou Conservation Strategy.cdr
... document is to guide development of the ensuing recovery activities. The Ministry of Environment's (the ministry) goal is to sustain and enhance woodland caribou populations, and maintain the ecosystems they require, throughout their current range. The ministry will strive to ensure that there will ...
... document is to guide development of the ensuing recovery activities. The Ministry of Environment's (the ministry) goal is to sustain and enhance woodland caribou populations, and maintain the ecosystems they require, throughout their current range. The ministry will strive to ensure that there will ...
oribi antelope - Conservation Breeding Specialist Group
... afforestation, cropping and pastures. In addition, many remaining grassland fragments are in poor condition as a result of poor veld management and incorrect burning regimes. In addition to these threats, hunting with dogs has caused Oribi numbers and distribution within the remaining grassland frag ...
... afforestation, cropping and pastures. In addition, many remaining grassland fragments are in poor condition as a result of poor veld management and incorrect burning regimes. In addition to these threats, hunting with dogs has caused Oribi numbers and distribution within the remaining grassland frag ...
... Resources Commission (Jordan Lake Project), L.B. Crowder (Co-PI) with J. Rice, R. Noble and S. Mozley. October 1986-September 1990, $214,500. "Behavioral Energetics and Habitat Choice in Fishes," NSF BSR-8615161, L.B. Crowder (PI), January 1987-December 1989, $67,759. "Direct and Indirect Effects of ...
... Resources Commission (Jordan Lake Project), L.B. Crowder (Co-PI) with J. Rice, R. Noble and S. Mozley. October 1986-September 1990, $214,500. "Behavioral Energetics and Habitat Choice in Fishes," NSF BSR-8615161, L.B. Crowder (PI), January 1987-December 1989, $67,759. "Direct and Indirect Effects of ...
Using landowner knowledge and field captures to determine habitat use... Plestiodon septentrionalis
... With human population numbers reaching 7 billion in 2011, the impacts of human activities are widespread. Humans have changed global land-cover through removal and fragmentation of habitat, the expansion of intensive agriculture, and depletion of soil nutrients (Ojima et al. 1994). The changes cause ...
... With human population numbers reaching 7 billion in 2011, the impacts of human activities are widespread. Humans have changed global land-cover through removal and fragmentation of habitat, the expansion of intensive agriculture, and depletion of soil nutrients (Ojima et al. 1994). The changes cause ...
Pages (PDF 2.5 MB) - IUCN Otter Specialist Group
... Let me start the new issue and the New Year by wishing you all the best for 2011. Looking back on 2010 I have to say that sadly enough this year started with a tragedy, as did already 2011. The otter community has lost two young scientists and conservationists under very tragic circumstances within ...
... Let me start the new issue and the New Year by wishing you all the best for 2011. Looking back on 2010 I have to say that sadly enough this year started with a tragedy, as did already 2011. The otter community has lost two young scientists and conservationists under very tragic circumstances within ...
giraffa vol 5(1) front page2 - Giraffe Conservation Foundation
... that there remain a worryingly large And it could not have been more auspicious timing. As amount of questions about giraffe research and delegates flew into Namibia from around the world, conservati ...
... that there remain a worryingly large And it could not have been more auspicious timing. As amount of questions about giraffe research and delegates flew into Namibia from around the world, conservati ...
An Exploration of Conservation Breeding and
... For over a decade I have had the privilege of leading the Calgary Zoo as we strive to achieve our vision of becoming Canada’s leader in wildlife conservation. Over this time, our Conservation Research team has diligently used science to conserve and recover Canadian species at risk, including the sw ...
... For over a decade I have had the privilege of leading the Calgary Zoo as we strive to achieve our vision of becoming Canada’s leader in wildlife conservation. Over this time, our Conservation Research team has diligently used science to conserve and recover Canadian species at risk, including the sw ...
Snow Leopard Survival Strategy
... mountains of the world, in the open coniferous forests of the Tian Shan and the Altai, and up to an altitude of 5500 meters in Tibet. It prefers steep terrain broken by cliffs, ridges and gullies, but also inhabits in the wide flats of Mongolia and the Tibetan Plateau. All this wakes the image of re ...
... mountains of the world, in the open coniferous forests of the Tian Shan and the Altai, and up to an altitude of 5500 meters in Tibet. It prefers steep terrain broken by cliffs, ridges and gullies, but also inhabits in the wide flats of Mongolia and the Tibetan Plateau. All this wakes the image of re ...
Snow Leopard Survival Strategy
... mountains of the world, in the open coniferous forests of the Tian Shan and the Altai, and up to an altitude of 5500 meters in Tibet. It prefers steep terrain broken by cliffs, ridges and gullies, but also inhabits in the wide flats of Mongolia and the Tibetan Plateau. All this wakes the image of re ...
... mountains of the world, in the open coniferous forests of the Tian Shan and the Altai, and up to an altitude of 5500 meters in Tibet. It prefers steep terrain broken by cliffs, ridges and gullies, but also inhabits in the wide flats of Mongolia and the Tibetan Plateau. All this wakes the image of re ...
namibian cheetah conservation strategy
... problem animals. Large numbers of cheetah have been removed from the population by farmers seeking to prevent predation on their livestock and game. Two nongovernmental organizations, Africat and the Cheetah Conservation Fund, are working with farmers to try to help reduce their losses. This situati ...
... problem animals. Large numbers of cheetah have been removed from the population by farmers seeking to prevent predation on their livestock and game. Two nongovernmental organizations, Africat and the Cheetah Conservation Fund, are working with farmers to try to help reduce their losses. This situati ...
... Chapter of SER since 1996. This year, we are awaiting for the first time more than 450 participants, which means that our conference has become a European prime event in the field of ecology and environmental conservation. ...
... Chapter of SER since 1996. This year, we are awaiting for the first time more than 450 participants, which means that our conference has become a European prime event in the field of ecology and environmental conservation. ...
2010 7th SER Conference of the Society for Ecological
... Chapter of SER since 1996. This year, we are awaiting for the first time more than 450 participants, which means that our conference has become a European prime event in the field of ecology and environmental conservation. ...
... Chapter of SER since 1996. This year, we are awaiting for the first time more than 450 participants, which means that our conference has become a European prime event in the field of ecology and environmental conservation. ...
The Scrub Management Handbook - Natural England publications
... managers, set within a framework that moves from the ecology and value of scrub, through identification of objectives, assessment of environmental considerations, to the final selection of technique options. However, the ultimate decision as to which nature conservation features, objective(s) and te ...
... managers, set within a framework that moves from the ecology and value of scrub, through identification of objectives, assessment of environmental considerations, to the final selection of technique options. However, the ultimate decision as to which nature conservation features, objective(s) and te ...
Conservation Strategy Updated 3-16-17
... increase patch size, reducing the number of necessary operations and their accompanying planning and oversight; (2) reducing or eliminating the cost of recruiting and enrolling private landowners; (3) creating efficiencies of scale; (4) increasing the opportunity to use controlled burning as a manag ...
... increase patch size, reducing the number of necessary operations and their accompanying planning and oversight; (2) reducing or eliminating the cost of recruiting and enrolling private landowners; (3) creating efficiencies of scale; (4) increasing the opportunity to use controlled burning as a manag ...
Strategy for BCR 14PEI and MBU 12PEI
... conservation strategies will serve as a basis for implementing bird conservation across Canada, and will also guide Canadian support for conservation work in other countries important to Canada’s migrant birds. Input to the strategies from Environment Canada’s conservation partners is as essential a ...
... conservation strategies will serve as a basis for implementing bird conservation across Canada, and will also guide Canadian support for conservation work in other countries important to Canada’s migrant birds. Input to the strategies from Environment Canada’s conservation partners is as essential a ...
Recovering a keystone species in a biodiversity hotspot - Helvia
... principal aim of this thesis is to assess wether the restocking of rabbits in extensive enclosures combined with habitat management around them for further colonisation can be considered as effective tools to promote new wild rabbit populations on a large-scale, both temporally and spatially. As a p ...
... principal aim of this thesis is to assess wether the restocking of rabbits in extensive enclosures combined with habitat management around them for further colonisation can be considered as effective tools to promote new wild rabbit populations on a large-scale, both temporally and spatially. As a p ...
Arizona`s State Wildlife Action Plan
... wealth of information collected for that plan in front of the people who could use it most. In light of that, we have endeavored to develop data products and analysis tools that would help ourselves and our partners inform planning and decision making with the most current and comprehensive wildlife ...
... wealth of information collected for that plan in front of the people who could use it most. In light of that, we have endeavored to develop data products and analysis tools that would help ourselves and our partners inform planning and decision making with the most current and comprehensive wildlife ...
Steve Dunn Review of the Game Council C/ Department of Primary
... about ‘feral pests’, well that name describes ill-informed nuisance organisations such as the Invasive Species Council.” The Invasive Species Council's Tim Low came back with what must have been a frustratingly calm answer in a return media release: "In NSW state forests over the past two years, rec ...
... about ‘feral pests’, well that name describes ill-informed nuisance organisations such as the Invasive Species Council.” The Invasive Species Council's Tim Low came back with what must have been a frustratingly calm answer in a return media release: "In NSW state forests over the past two years, rec ...
Global Coral Reef Conservation Project
... The theory to date has been that an increase in sea temperature causes coral bleaching by expelling the symbiotic zooxanthellae from the coral into the surrounding waters. The thinking is that loss of these algae, which provide corals with their attractive colors, turns the coral white and leads to ...
... The theory to date has been that an increase in sea temperature causes coral bleaching by expelling the symbiotic zooxanthellae from the coral into the surrounding waters. The thinking is that loss of these algae, which provide corals with their attractive colors, turns the coral white and leads to ...
ERP Conservation Strategy - Data Portal
... ecosystems should be dynamic but are assumed to function in a more or less predictable fashion in response to large scale changes like global climate change. Second, ecosystems should incorporate human activity as integral parts—as managers, participants, and beneficiaries— instead of simply observe ...
... ecosystems should be dynamic but are assumed to function in a more or less predictable fashion in response to large scale changes like global climate change. Second, ecosystems should incorporate human activity as integral parts—as managers, participants, and beneficiaries— instead of simply observe ...
AP & Regents Biology
... Lab 11: Animal Behavior Hypothesis development Poor: I think pillbugs will move toward the wet side of a choice chamber. Better: If pillbugs prefer a moist environment, then when they are randomly placed on both sides of a wet/dry choice chamber and allowed to move about freely for 10 minutes, ...
... Lab 11: Animal Behavior Hypothesis development Poor: I think pillbugs will move toward the wet side of a choice chamber. Better: If pillbugs prefer a moist environment, then when they are randomly placed on both sides of a wet/dry choice chamber and allowed to move about freely for 10 minutes, ...
Conservation biology

Conservation biology is the scientific study of nature and of Earth's biodiversity with the aim of protecting species, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction and the erosion of biotic interactions. It is an interdisciplinary subject drawing on natural and social sciences, and the practice of natural resource management.The conservation ethic is based on the findings of conservation biology.