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Chapter 16
Section 3
Voyages of
Portugal and
Chapter Review
► People
could make $ by sharing in other businesses
through what kind of companies?
► Mercantilism states that a country’s government
should do they could to increase their country’s
► The government would show its support of
domestic industry by providing subsidies which are
► Why did Colonization appealed to Europeans?
► Ptolemy stated the universe was geocentric _____
► heliocentric is where the universe is centered
around the ___
Portugal’s First Explorers
► Portugal
and Spain were the first nations to
make voyages into unknown waters
► {Portugal’s
explorations were inspired by
Prince Henry} aka “The Navigator”
► Henry
inspirations for exploration were gold,
the spice trade and the spread of Christianity
► Henry, with the help of Europe's finest
geographers and navigators, funded
explorations of the Atlantic westward and
southward down the coast of Africa where they
traded for slaves gold and ivory
Prince Henry
His voyages are in
this color
► Bartolomeu
Dias sailed around the Cape of Good Hope
at the southern tip of Africa. Although he had to turn
back he had found the route to the Indian Ocean
► Vasco da Gama sailed eastward along the Indian
Ocean and landed in India in 1498
► Thanks to these explorers trade routes were now open
between Europe, India and the East Indies
► This was good because in many cases it was cheaper
and easier to carry goods by ship rather than on land
► Plus merchants could not be blocked or charged high
tolls by competing powers that controlled other routes
Bartolomeu Dias
Vasco da Gama
And one of his maps
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus, having studied the writings of Ptolemy
on the Earth being round, insisted there was a quicker path to
get to India by sailing westward
► King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain funded his
► In August of 1492 Columbus set sail from Palos, Spain with the
Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria across the Atlantic
► They landed at a tiny island that Columbus named San Salvador
on October 12, 1492.
► After exploring the surrounding islands, Columbus returned to
Spain in 1493. Believing he had been to the Islands off the east
coast of India, he named the islands the Indies
► Columbus made three more voyages to the “Indies” between
1493 and 1504.
► He died not knowing that he had actually “discovered*” the
► *The Viking explorations were unknown at that time
The Impact of Columbus’s Voyages
{Trade between America and Europe became known as
the Columbian Exchange}
Products, plants, animals and disease passed between the
Eastern and Western hemispheres
Many changes were brought about due to the Columbian
American foods such as potatoes, tomatoes, beans and corn
were brought to Europe.
Horses were brought to the Americas, changing life for the
Native Americans
Not all the changes were good. {The Columbian Exchange had
a deadly effect on people of the Americas}
European sailors brought with them small pox and other
diseases resulting in the death of millions
Columbian Exchange
Dividing the New Lands
► At
this time there were conflicts over who discovered
what between Spain and Portugal
► In 1493, Pope Alexander VI issued an edict that drew
a line from N to S through the middle of the Atlantic
► Spain got rights to all newly discovered lands to the
west of that line, Portugal got the east side
► One year later, the {Treaty of Tordesillas moved the
dividing line of trade between Spain and Portugal
further west}
► Over
time Spain controlled most of Central and South
America and Portugal got Brazil and lands on the
eastern and western coasts of Africa as well as lands
in Asia and the East Indies
Vespucci, Balboa and
In his several expeditions across the Atlantic, {Amerigo
Later a German mapmaker, impressed with Vespucci’s theory,
named the land America.
In 1513 Nunez Balboa of Spain, crossed the Isthmus of Panama
(overland) proving that the New World was not a part of Asia
Ferdinand Magellan set out form Spain in 1519 with 5 ships and
sailed southward down the eastern shore to the tip of South
After passing through the isthmus there (and naming it after
himself) he found in self in a vast ocean, which he named the
Pacific Ocean because it was so calm
He sailed on to the Philippines, where he died.
His crew sailed on and in 1522 returned to Spain making the
first round the world journey.
Vespucci believed that Columbus did not land in Asia}
► Magellan
died in
the Philippines
on his way back
to Spain in a
battle with the
► The
The Slave Trade
Portuguese went to Africa to trade. At first
maintaining friendly relations with Africans
► Friendly relations soon crumbled when the actual
interests of the Portuguese (gold and over time,
slaves) became obvious
► The slave trade grew quickly when Portuguese set up
sugar plantations off the coast of Africa
► Later the Dutch, English and French also became
active in the slave trade
► By the early 1600’s that was the chief focus of
relations with Africa
► Europeans also tried to enslave Native Americans, but
it did not work well because the Europeans kept killing
them with disease
Triangular Trade
{The selling of slaves from Africa for goods, became known as
the triangular trade}
The Middle Passage was the shipment of slaves from Africa to
the Americas where they were sold for goods the plantations
► To complete the triangle merchants sent the plantations
products to Europe
► The Middle Passage was brutal and degrading. Slaves were
chained in the crowded hold of the ship. This was done so the
slaves could not jump overboard
► They had little food or water and no sanitary facilities. Many
died before reaching the mainland
► It has been estimated that 10 million Africans were brought to
America by way of the Middle Passage
African Kingdoms and Slavery
► During
the 1400’s and 1500’s strong states began to
rise in West Africa
► Though not all participated, {some African tribes
participated in slave trade with Europe}
► African
societies practiced slavery far before the arrival
of the Europeans
► BUT.. slaves in Africa could gain freedom and had a
distinct role in society
► Europeans on the other hand viewed slaves as
property and treated them accordingly
► As demand for slaves increased, population and losses
had horrible effects on Africa’s development and
The Portuguese Empire Weakens
► The Portuguese empire declines as fast as it grew
► They did not have the financial means to hold and
support such a vast empire
► Thousand of soldiers and sailors were needed to
maintain and expand an empire. But due to
shipwrecks and battles many never returned from
► With its small population Portugal could not replace
the losses
► In 1580 Spain annexed Portugal. They did not regain
their independence until 1640
► Only Brazil and Angola survived as major Portuguese
Section Review
► Who
inspired Portugal’s exploration?
► What did the Trade between America and
Europe became known as?
► What affect did the Colombian exchange
have on the Americas?
► What explorer believed that Columbus did
not land in Asia
► What did the selling of slaves from Africa for
goods, became known as?