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Age of Exploration
Unit Test B
a. Queen Isabella
b. Cortez
c. Pizarro
d. Vespucci e. Cartier
f. Magellan
g. Cabot
h. da Gama
i. Columbus
j. Prince Henry
_____1. Although I failed to start a colony at Montreal, my voyages gave France their claim to
the New World.
_____2. My conquest of the Aztecs and the Valley of Mexico made Spain the wealthiest nation
in the world.
_____3. I am famous for my discovery of the New World.
_____4. I helped Columbus with the financing of his voyages to the New World.
_____5. My School of Navigation, which I funded from my personal wealth, became the source
of many of the inventions that made exploration possible.
_____6. I am famous because America is named for me, and because I gave Portugal its claim
to Brazil.
_____7. I conquered the Inca and captured their fabulous wealth for Spain.
_____8. I am famous because my voyages established England’s claim to the New World.
_____9. My crew proved the world was round, although I personally did not finish the trip.
_____10. I discovered a water route to India.
Multiple Choice
1. ______ Which nation did Prince Henry help to take the lead in overseas exploration?
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. Portugal
d. Netherlands
2. ______About how many people did Africa lose to the Atlantic Slave Trade?
a. 350,000 b. 1 to 2 million
c. 9 to 10 million
d. 1 to 2 billion
3. ______As part of the Columbian Exchange, which of the following was carried West
across the Atlantic?
a. Tobacco b. potatoes c. livestock (horses, cattle, sheep) d. tomatoes
4. ______Who imported the first African slaves to the Americas?
a. The Dutch b. the French c. the English d. the Spanish
5. ______As part of the Columbian Exchange, which of the following was introduced to
a. Measles b. bananas
c. potatoes d. livestock
6. ______What did Vasco da Gama succeed in gaining for Portugal?
a. Control of the Spice Islands
b. a sea route from Portugal to India
c. a sea route between Portugal and China
d. a profitable trade with Japan
7. ______ Where in the Americas did Columbus first land?
a. an island in the Caribbean
b. the Southern tip of S. America
c. the coast of Panama
d. the East coast of N. America
8. ______Europeans undertook the first long voyages of exploration for all of the following
reasons except….
a. a longing for riches
b. a desire for fame
c. a wish to spread Christianity
d. a need to escape overcrowding in Europe
9. ______Which country financed the voyages of Columbus?
a. Portugal
b. England
c. Italy
d. Spain
10. ______How did Smallpox and the measles change the history of the Americas?
a. they made it impossible to use African slaves in New France
b. they depopulated California, making it possible for the English to seize that territory
from the Spanish
c. they killed millions of Indians, wiping out populations altogether in some areas
d. they hindered the Spanish Conquest.
11. ______Of the following Columbian Exchange “goods”, which least affected the cultures to
which it was introduced?
a. corn
b. potatoes
c. tomatoes
d. small pox
12. ______All of the following were important developments in navigation except….
a. the telescope
b. the astrolabe
c. the compass
d. the caravel
13. ______The Middle Passage was the voyage of slaves from
a. Africa to the Americas
b. Africa to Europe
c. the Americas to Europe
d. English N. America to the Caribbean Islands
14. ______In the 1400s, the most important trade good from the East was
a. tea
b. silk
c. porcelain
d. spices
15. ______By the 17th Century (1600s) the chief export from Africa to the New World was
a. slaves
b. spices
c. rubber
d. gold
16. _____Two nations that established colonies in N. America were
a. France and Portugal
b. Spain and England
c. Russia and Denmark
d. Sweden and Prussia
17. ______Mercantilism held that the wealth of a nation is measured by its…
a. natural resources b. skilled workers
c. precious metals
d. fertile soil
18. ______Which two European countries led in exploration and colonization during the 15th
and 16th centuries?
a. England and Germany
b. France and Russia
c. Italy and Holland
d. Spain and Portugal
19. ______ Which nation was the first to establish trading posts in India?
a. England
b. France
c. Holland
d. Portugal
20. ______The Triangular Trade included manufactured goods, sugar, and…
a. slaves
b. furs
c. gold
d. silk
21. ______The Triangular Trade linked
a. Europe, Africa and the Americas b. Africa, Asia and the Caribbean Islands
c. Europe, Africa and Asia
d. Africa, South America and the Caribbean Islands
22. ______The colonies in the Americas imported slaves because
a. their ships needed a cargo for the Middle Passage
b. Europeans believed that Africans were suited to hard labor
c. Their economies were based on agricultural products that required intensive labor
d. Europeans considered slaves as a unit of labor to exploit
23. ______The term Columbian Exchange refers to
a. the monetary exchange rate between the New and the Old Worlds
b. the transfer of peoples, animals, plants, and diseases between the New and the Old
c. the first stock market in the New World
d. products from the nation of Columbia
24. _____Columbus expected to reach
a. India
b. the West Indies
c. the New World
d. New Spain
25. ______Africa might not have lost so many of its people to the Slave Trade if
a. the Americas had never been colonized
b. Sugar cane had never been brought to Africa
c. The English colonies had instead been Spanish
d. There had been a demand for ivory in Europe
Use this map to answer questions 26 through 30 on the next page.
26. ______What is the theme of this map?
a. the world
b. colonization of the world
c. land under cultivation
d. land know to European civilization
27. ______What does the shaded area on the maps indicate?
a. area of the world known to the Europeans
b. European settlement of the world
c. accuracy of map making techniques
d. world’s land under cultivation
28. ______By comparing these maps, what can you conclude about what Europeans were doing
between 1400 and 1700 A.D.?
a. colonizing the world
b. expanding the use of agricultural lands
c. developing better maps
d. learning more about world geography
29. ______What does the white area on the maps indicate?
a. areas suffering drought
b. European settlement of the world
c. land controlled by non-Europeans d. area of the world unknown to Europeans
30. ______By comparing these maps, you can conclude that the Europeans were learning more
about the geography of the world between 1400 and 1700 A.D. because
a. the date is later on one map
b. over half the world is unknown on the 1400 map
c. the title tells you so
d. the shaded area is much larger on the 1700 map
Short Answer
1. What five countries were involved in exploring and colonizing the New World?
a.________________________ b._______________________ c. ___________________
d. ________________________ e. _______________________
2. Match the following events to the correct dates on the timeline.
a. 1300__________ b. 1455____________ c. 1492_______________
d. 1502________________ e. 1517__________________ f. 1522________________
Introduction of slaves to the Americas
Martin Luther starts the Reformation
The Renaissance begins in Europe
Columbus discovers the New World
Gutenberg’s printing press revolutionizes book production
Magellan’s crew completes circumnavigation of the globe