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Ms. Areces
8th grade U.S. History
Chapter 2 Guided Notes
Section 1: Europeans Set Sail
Viking Sailors Reach North America
Vikings were the first Europeans to make contact with
They came from _____________________________________________
Their longships enabled them to travel across the North Atlantic because of its unique
They ________________________ countries but also _________________________
with a lot of people
Settled Iceland (_________________) and Greenland (_________________)
_______________________________________ was travelling to Greenland when winds
knocked him off course and he ended up in present-day Canada
o He then traveled farther south to the island of _____________________________
and probably New England
He settled in a coastal area he called ____________________________
o But they left after a few years because
o And it was ____________________________ from other Viking settlements
Prince Henry the Navigator
Early 1400s: ______________________ became a ________________________ in
world exploration
Prince Henry ______________________ went on a voyage but helped advance
Portugal’s exploration efforts
o Built and founded a _________________________________________________
to teach better methods of sailing
o He ___________________________________________________ by
mapmakers and shipbuilders
o He ______________________________________________________ to explore
the west coast of Africa
Started exploring the world because…
o They wanted _________________________________________
 Merchants on land had total control over the Asian products trade, so they
wanted to find a sea route instead
o _____________________________ wanted to convert more people to their faith
o Europeans were
Explorer _________________________________ wrote a book about his
travels through Asia which interested people
New technology helped in world exploration
o ______________________________: a device that enabled navigators to learn
their ship’s location by charting the position of the stars
Portuguese made advances in shipbuilding (lighter, smaller, easier to steer)
o _______________________________: used triangular sails that, unlike
traditional square sails, allowed ships to sail against the wind
o Rudders at the back of the ship improved steering
A Sea Route to Asia
By the 1400s: Portugal had _________________________________________,
___________________________________________________, and the
__________________________________________ necessary for exploration
But travel on the ocean seas was ________________________________ and
o Especially when they traveled south to Africa
They set up trading posts along the way
o Bartolomeu Dias founded the ________________________________________
in 1488 (the most southern tip of Africa)
 His men did want to continue on
King Manuel of Portugal sent Vasco da Gama on an expedition to go
______________________ the Cape of Good Hope
He left Lisbon, Portugal in July 1497 and arrived in India a year later
o Portugal had won the
_________________________________________________! 
Muslim traders met Vasco da Gama in the Indian port of Calicut
o They even spoke __________________________________!
 Because they had been trading with Muslim and Italian merchants who
knew the language
Portugal’s explorations would have major results:
o ____________________________________________________________
 Portuguese traded for gold, ivory, and slaves
 Slave trade devastated African communities (increased warfare and
broken families)
 Slaves were sent to Europe and the Atlantic islands
o ____________________________________________________________
 Other countries soon followed
Section 2: Europeans Reach the Americas
Columbus Sails across the Atlantic
Sailor from Genoa who was convinced that he could reach ________________ by sailing
west across the ______________________________________
He asks King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of _____________________ to pay for his
o It took him a few years to convince them
o They wanted ________________________________ and to
_________________________________ he explored to Spain
Aug. 3, 1492: Columbus sets sail on the ___________________,
____________________, and _________________________________________
o 90 sailors and a year’s worth of supplies
o Quick stop at Canary Islands and then they didn’t see land for over a month!
Oct. 12, 1492: ___________________________________________________! 
They landed in the Bahamas, but thought they had reached ______________________
o Called the island San Salvador (“Holy Savior”)
o He also visited the island he called Hispaniola where he met Taino people
 He called the islands the _________________________ thinking he was
in India—and called the people _______________________________
Taino people lived in small farming communities
o They were very “______________________________” to the Europeans
o But the Europeans were only interested in the ___________________—not the
He collected ______________________________________ and
________________________ over three months and then went back to Spain
He made _______________________ more voyages to the America
o 1504, he became very sick and died two years later
 He died believing _____________________________________________
Columbus brought in a new era of _________________________________ between
Europe and the Americas
But it also created _________________________ between European countries
o ______________________________ vs. _______________________________
1493: Pope Alexander VI (from Spain) issued the
___________________________________________________, which was an imaginary
line that divided the Atlantic Ocean
o Spain got all the land west of the line
The Portuguese king believed this was unfair to Portugal
To prevent war, they signed the __________________________________________,
which moved the Line of Demarcation 800 miles further west
Other Explorers Sail to the Americas
1501: _______________________________ Vespucci led a Spanish fleet to modern-day
South America
o He did not believe this was Asia; he called it the “_________________________”
o A German mapmaker called the new land America to honor Vespucci
 Europeans started calling the continents North America and South
Vasco Nuñez de Balboa was living in a Spanish settlement in present-day Panama
o He heard stories of a big ocean on the west coast
o ______________________: after battling thick jungle and deadly swamps, they
reached a top of a mountain that showed them the
1519: Ferdinand Magellan from Portugal set out to sail around
o After sailing around the southern tip, he continued across the Pacific even though
his ships were low on food
o They crossed the Pacific!
o But Magellan was killed in the _________________________________ in a
battle against native people
o They continued to sail west into the Indian Ocean
1522: They reached Spain again with only _________________ of the original crew
o They were the first people to _________________________________________,
or go all around, the world
 Their journey must have been about 40,000 miles
European explorers brought animals and plants to the Americas and they also took plants
and animals over to Europe, Asia, and Africa
o This became known as the ____________________________________________
because it started with Columbus’s exploration
Europeans found such plans as corn, potatoes, tobacco, and cocoa (highly valued in
They introduced ____________________________, ________________________, and
_______________________________ to the Americas
o Natives started to use these animals for food and transportation
o They also began to farm European grains like _____________________ and
But the explorers also introduced ____________________________________________
to the Americas 
o And the Natives had no natural resistance to it so many died
Eventually a trading network of raw materials, manufactured goods, and slaves develops
between _______________________, __________________________, and the
Millions of enslaved ________________________________ were shipped to the
Americas to work