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World history
Chapter 5
Ancient Greece
Section 1
The Early Civilizations of
• 20 minute video about Greece
The Geography of Greece
• Was a key factor in the development
• mountainous region of southeastern
– Isolated the Greek people
• Numerous islands
The Land, the Climate, and the Sea
• No great rivers---Little rainfall
• Dry, rocky soil
– grew barley, grapes, and olives
– raised pigs, sheep, goats, and chickens
Food was scarce
The Sea
• Most people lived within 40 miles of the
• Built great harbors
• became sailors, fishers, & traders
– sent olive oil, wine, wool, and marble for
grain and metals
Early Greek Communities
people separated by water and
mountains & developed different
that developed in Europe & spread to
the Americas
The Minoan Civilization
Developed on the island Crete
In the Aegean Sea
No written record
MONARCHY: government with a single
ruler, such as a king, queen, or pharaoh
The Palace of Knossos
built of stone around central courtyard;
used for royal family, worship,
storerooms (for tax payments),
workshops, large bathrooms, & plumbing
Art was important in Minoan culture
Peaceful Sea Traders
interested in trade, not war & conquest
influenced Greek-speaking Mycenaean's
culture mysteriously vanished around
– Volcanic eruption ?
The Mycenaean's Grow Powerful
First Greeks to leave written records
Dominated the mainland
Ruled by Kings
Conquered Knossos
Leader of the Aegean Sea
Mycenaean Palaces and Sea
– thick walls, great hall, frescoes
– pottery & metalwork with Asia Minor, Syria,
Palestine, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Sicily
The Trojan War
– Mycenaeans & other Greeks vs. Troy (on
Asia Minor)
– Trojan prince Paris kidnapped sister-in-law
of Mycenaean king, Helen
– 1250bc
The Decline of Mycenae and the
Age of Homer
At Home and Abroad
– 1100bc Mycenaeans disappear; writing &
trade stop
– Many Greeks left for Asia Minor, Sicily, &
Southern Italy, spread culture
– They took with them their culture and ideas
The Iliad and the Odyssey
– long, epic, narrative poems by Greek poet
– lliad
Last few days of the Trojan Wars
– Odyssey
The story of the long journey home of Odysseus
The Greek hero of the war
Greek Religion
gods had human feelings & form
marble temples to honor gods & goddesses
People needed to please the Gods
Zeus – king of the gods;
Athena – goddess of wisdom
– Live on Mt Olympus
Section 2
Greek City-States Rise to
City state develop
• 800B.C. first Greek large political units
• Called Polis—city-state
• Completed against each other for control
of land and trade
The Foundations of the City-States
ACROPOLIS: highest part of a Greek citystate with fortress & temple
Agora: marketplace with farmers &
shopkeepers, people discussed politics &
conducted business
All city-states shared common language &
adapted Phoenician alphabet in 750bc; shared
common religion & culture; Olympic
• Only free males
• Proud and loyal to their city-state
• Willing to give up their lives for their polis
Governments of the City-States
most city-states began as monarchies
protected by citizen-soldiers
soldiers wore helmets, armor, & round shields
ARISTOCRACY: government in which the
upper class, or a privileged few, rule
OLIGARCHY: government in which only a few
powerful people rule, “rule of the few”
800bc tools became cheaper & more available
as they were made of iron; Athens & Sparta
gained power
Sparta Becomes a Military State
a Spartan life = “a life with few luxuries”
A Society of Soldiers- boys sent to train at age
7 until 30
600’s B.C. first Greek constitution
governed by 2 military kings,
28-member council of elders (over age 60)
(chose issues)
lawmaking assembly voted on laws made up
of all free adult males over 30 with 5 overseers
Conquered people were helots, or slaves, who
farmed the land
Women of Sparta
had more rights than other Greeks
women; inherited land
girls received physical training & some
Learned to run, wrestle, throw a javelin,
Athenians and Their Right to Govern
Government Reforms and Limited
800bc-700bc Athens grew quickly
TYRANTS: leader who gains power by
forces; later, a leader who rules
500 chosen men made up the council
LEGISLATURE: lawmaking body in
DEMOCRACY: government that gives its
citizens the ruling power, “power from the
Slaves & women had no power in
Education in Athens
boys learned reading, writing, math,
music, athletics, & speaking
only wealthy citizens were educated due
to cost
Athenians generally more educated than
other Greeks
Greek Unity in the Persian Wars
Events in the Persian Wars
400’s B.C. Greeks joined together
against Persia
499BC Greeks in Asia Minor rebelled
against Persian rule
Athens & Sparta joined to beat Persians
& end Persian Wars
The End of the Persian Wars
ALLIANCE: agreement between 2 or
more people, groups, & nations to
cooperate with one another
Delian League: formed 478bc between
140 Greek city-states that had fought in
Persian Wars; lead by Athenians
Peloponnesian League: formed by
Section 3
The Golden Age of Athens
The Age of Pericles
Athens becomes the richest, most powerful
Expanding Democracy
TRIBUTE: payment given by one nation to another more
powerful nation; may be paid in exchange for protection; Athens
demanded tribute from members of the Delian League
Classical Age: 480bc-323bc when Athenian art, politics, &
literature flourished (refers to order, balance, & harmony)
DIRECT DEMOCRACY: government in which citizens take part
directly rather than through representatives; belief of Pericles
JURY: group of people that considers the evidence in a trial &
makes a judgment
Culture in the Golden Age
Architecture and Art
public buildings, like temples were large,
homes were small
most art was on practical pottery
450bc natural, fluid style of art developed with
idealized forms
Poetry, Drama, and History
Earliest literature:
poetry – poets include Homer, Sappho
Greek Drama:
tragedies dealt with suffering & misery
poked fun at leaders & their politics
Women weren’t allowed to be actors;
female parts played by men
Three Great Thinker
Philosopher- “lover of wisdom”
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle;
asked what it means to lead a good life
taught by going to the agora & asking
Was arrested & sentences in death in 399bc
• Plato, Socrates’ student, wrote about Socrates’
life, the ideal state, the ideal society, the nature
of goodness and friendship, and the idea of
truth; founded school The Academy 387bc
• Aristotle, Plato’s student, went to Macedonia to
tutor Alexander the Great, went to Athens & set
up school, Lyceum, taught to learn by
observation, book Politics he praised the middle
The Peloponnesian War:
Plague and Starvation
– began in 412B.C. between Greek citystates, Athens & Sparta
– 404bc Athens was starved & surrendered to
– Sparta won Peloponnesian War
– Athenian democracy lost energy &
corruption grew; unity was lost
Section 4
Alexander builds a great empire
The Rise of Macedonia
Philip II Gains Control
• 404BC city-states continued to fight
• 359BC Philip II became king of
Macedonia & looked to Greece
• Philip defeated Greek city-states of
Athens & Thebes
• his son Alexander defeated the Sacred
Band of 300 Theban soldiers
Alexander Takes the Throne
Philip wanted to unit Macedonia &
Greece then defeat Persia
ASSASSINATION: murder of a leader
for political reason
Philip was assassinated & his son
Alexander became king at 20
Alexander Builds an Empire
334bc Alexander leads army to attack Persia
in Asia Minor
Alexander is considered one of the greatest
military leaders of ancient times
They never lost a battle
331BC established Alexandria on northern
coast of Egypt
Army made it 11,000 miles into India before
Death and Division
323bc Alexander died at 33 from an
infection or fever
Empire was left “to the strongest;” it was
divided into 3 kingdoms
Richest & most powerful, Egypt, went to
A Macedonian General Ptolemy I
Hellenistic Civilization
The Economy and the Growth of cities
Hellenistic Culture: blend of Greek, Egyptian, Persian,
Indian and other influences – from 323BC-146BC
ASSIMILATION: process of absorbing or taking on the
cultural ideas or customs of another group and
combining them into an existing culture
the conquered people took on many Greek customs
– Use of money increased
– including real banks
Alexandra, Egypt became a busy port and center of
education with the world’s largest library
Hellenistic Age
ended when Greece was conquered by
Left an important impact on the world
and the future
The End