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Mind Stretcher
1. How many Cells does an Egg have?
4. Who was the first person to describe cells?
Robert Hooke
5. What are the parts to the cell theory?
1. All organisms are made of one or more
2. The cell is the basic unit of all living
3. All cells come from existing cells.
All Cells Must Have…….
• Cell membranes
• Cytoplasm
Prokaryotic Cells
• Prokaryotes
– Do not have membrane bound
– Do not have a Nucleus
– Classified into two major groups
• Bacteria
• Archaea
Most Common Prokaryotes
Smallest of all cells
Can live almost everywhere
DNA is long and circular
– Shaped like a twisted rubber band
• Not all Bacteria are bad!!
– We have bacteria on our teeth, skin, and in
our digestive systems! (They help us!!!)
Shapes of Bacteria
• Bacteria Have Three Shapes
– Sphere
– Rod
– Spiral
• Different from bacteria because they have
eukaryotic type ribosomes
• Different cell wall and cell membrane from all
other cells
• Live in extreme environments
– Extremophiles
• Heat-Loving
• Salt-Loving
– Methane-making
• Can live near volcanic vents
Eukaryotic Cells
• Have membrane bound organelles and a
• Largest of all cells
– 10 times larger than bacteria cells
• ALL other living things (that are not bacteria
or archaea) are made of eukaryotic cells!
• Can be unicellular (made of 1 cell) or
multicellular (made of many cells
Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic Cell
Super Slueth
Find someone
who can name
the 3 things all
cells have.
Find someone who
can tell you the 2
major groups of
prokaryotic cells.
Find someone who
knows the most
common type of
Find someone
who knows the
smallest type of
Find someone who Find someone who
knows the 3 shapes knows how Archea
of bacteria.
differ from other
Find someone
who knows what
eukaryotic cells
have that
prokaryotes do
Find someone who
knows the largest
type of cells.
Find someone who
when called on
can summarize
this lesson. (Only
need their name