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Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance and Reformation
Life in 1500
Life for most, especially the peasants, was not overly
pleasant at this time
Status was inherited rather than received
Antibiotics did not exist, and visiting a doctor,
especially if surgery was needed often resulted in
death as antiseptic practices had yet to exist
Clothing was seldom washed (as most owned 1 or 2
outfits at the most), and baths were unheard of (even
royalty only bathed once or twice a year!!)
Human waste was thrown into the streets and rivers
causing diseases to be spread, leading to death
The chances of surviving until marriage was 50/50
and 1 in 7 woman would die in child birth
Renaissance and Reformation
And You Think You Have It Bad
Renaissance and Reformation
Differences Between Now and
• Local control of politics; central institutions
were weak
• Hierarchical Nature of Society
• Tradition and Religion
• Great danger from disease, poor hygiene,
famine, natural disaster, war, violence
Renaissance and Reformation
Religion: Powerful Force
• Belief in the devil, hell, and a punishing
God were powerful forces
• Thinkers of the Renaissance and
Reformation would challenge some of these
• Religion guided people ex- Elizabeth I
Renaissance and Reformation
Medieval versus Renaissance
Medieval View
• Idea of a Divine Plan
• Importance and Hierarchy
• Dualism: Spirit vs. Matter
• Allegory
• Providence
• Teleology
• Overriding concept:
• Importance of philology
• Importance, return and
restoration of classical
texts, arts, literature and
drama from Greek and
Roman Period
Renaissance and Reformation
• As previously discussed, the main cause of the spread of this
movement was the printing press – but there were other factors
• The Empire of the Church of Rome (Latin Christendom) also
played a factor as trade was encouraged between these nations
• Also a factor was the fact that the Ottoman Empire (Islamic)
controlled trade to the East
• As merchants went from one port to another, these new ideas,
especially as relates to Art went with them
• The elite, fascinated with Florentine art work, began to travel to
Italy and Italian Universities to learn and take more back home
• Humanism also played a major role in the spread of this
Renaissance and Reformation
Humanism = Skepticism
• Humanism created a new type of person – the intellectual
• One of the first was a man by the name of Desiderius
Erasmus, who tried to make religion more moral
• He did this by “correcting the Bible”, something that would
help in the birth of a new movement – the Reformation
• Questioning “truth” gained with Michel de Montaigne’s
invention of the Essay
• He argued the world was more than spirit, rather it was
“stuff” and this meant the world had little room for God
• This attempt to try to separate man from religion was a key
factor in the birth of the sciences, even though at first,
science could not shake the grasp of religion
Renaissance and Reformation
Two Skeptical Dudes!
Renaissance and Reformation
Protestant Reformation Defined:
Reformation, was a spiritual/religious revolution
that aimed to correct the “problems” of the Catholic
Church and sparked a century and a half of
religious civil war. It resulted in the establishment
of the Protestant branches of Christianity- e.g.
Lutheranism, Calvinism etc
Renaissance and Reformation
Causes of Protestant Reformation
• Anti-Clericalism
• An appetite for spiritual experience
• Reliance of church interpretation ended
with return to original sources
• Martin Luther's 95 Theses
• Indulgences
Renaissance and Reformation
Causes of the Reformation Cont’d
• Humanists maintained that the Church seemed more
interested in its income than saving souls
• Erasmus argued that the Pope was acting as a
political leader rather than a moral one
• The First break with the Church took place in what
is now Germany (Germany won’t be formed until
• Weak rulers in Germany (who reported to the Pope)
could not control independent religious ideas nor
could they prevent abuses of power by the Pope
Renaissance and Reformation
Germany’s States
Renaissance and Reformation
• In Rome, Pope Leo X was continuing to rebuild St.
Peter’s Basilica and to pay for this, he sent
representatives to raise the money
• He sent Johann Tetzel to Northern Germany
• Tetzel asked people (usually the poor) to buy
INDULGENCES, or pardons from punishment for sin
• Indulgences had originally been a reward for pious
deeds, such as helping a poor person go on a crusade
• Renaissance Popes, in contrast, sold indulgences simply
to raise money
Renaissance and Reformation
Who’s Who in the Story Thus Far
Renaissance and Reformation
Martin Luther
• Faith alone will bring salvation
• Ceremonies and good deeds
made no difference in saving
• The only thing that counted
was an inner faith in God…this
is called “Justification by grace
through faith
• 1517, he published his 95
Theses, arguing against the sale
of indulgences
Renaissance and Reformation
In your own words, explain what
each statement means:
• Vain is the hope of salvation through letters of
pardon, even if a commissary-nay, the Pope
himself- were to pledge his own soul for them
• Again, why does not the Pope, whose riches are at
this day more ample than those of the wealthiest
of the wealthy; build the one Basilica of St. Peter
with his own money, rather than with that of poor
Renaissance and Reformation
The Church was not Impressed
• Even though Luther had no intention of causing a
major split from the Church, news of his actions
spread, thanks in part due to the printing press
• Church Leaders denounced him
• Luther was on a roll – he then claimed that the
Bible was the sole religious authority and that
religious leaders, such as a Pope, could not tell a
person what to believe (note: some feel Luther
was responding to the fact that most Bishops were
not from the areas where they preached, rather
they were “political” appointments that paid well)
Renaissance and Reformation
The Ball started to Roll…
• In 1521 Leo X declared Luther a heretic and had him
• Luther was then summoned to a special meeting in Worms
and was commanded to rescind all of his ideas under threat
of arrest and possible death
• Luther refused and was smuggled out by the leader of the
territory where he lived
• In hiding, Luther translated the Bible into German so that all
could read it, rather than be told was it said…in Latin,
which many could not read or understand
• The Pope, nor The Holy Roman Emperor Charles V could
stop the spread of these new ideas – The Reformation had
Renaissance and Reformation
The Spread of Protestantism
• Many German state rulers sensed revolution and feared
being overthrown – they also saw the opportunity to keep
money in their own pockets rather then send it to Rome
• Thus, many states established the Lutheran Church as the
main religion
• Charles declared war on these “Protestant Princes” but
while he could defeat them in battle, he could not stop the
break of the Church
• In 1555, he compromised and signed the Peace of
Augsburg, which allowed each German leader to choose
their own religion – most chose Luther’s faith
Renaissance and Reformation
The Church of England
• In England it would be the King that would cause the
break with the RCC
• Henry VII had originally defended the Church against
Luther’s teaching and for his efforts, the Pope had
named Henry “Defender of the Faith”
• But, Henry’s inability to produce a male heir and his
own narcissistic ways caused the split
• Henry wanted to divorce Catherine and marry Anne
Boleyn, a maid in hopes of producing a male heir
• To do this he needed permission from the Church,
something Pope Clement VII refused
Renaissance and Reformation
Henry VIII part II
• Henry also didn’t like seeing his money leave for Rome, nor did
he like the fact that his laws could be overthrown by Rome
• Therefore, he created a new church, and had himself named “The
Defender of the Faith,” as head of the Church of England (ironic)
• Henry would marry 6 times in all and finally fathered a son, the
future Edward VI
• One of the main changes the Church of England did was to
remove all distractions from faith, meaning the alters were
stripped, paintings were painted over and stain glass windows
were destroyed…such a waste
• A secondary result was the fact that many Catholics fearing,
rightfully for their lives began to flee, many to the new world
(we’ll get to this later)
Renaissance and Reformation
Divorced, executed, died, divorced,
executed, widowed…quite the catch!
Renaissance and Reformation
• Luther’s “protest” resulted in 100’s of other sects being born
(most would die out)
• One of the more influential of these was Calvinism
• In 1536 John Calvin wrote The Institutes of the Christian
Religion, which essentially explained what the faithful should
believe in regards to all religious questions
• He also stated that God had already chosen who was selected to go
to heaven – Predestination
• Calvin and those “elected” to go to heaven set up shop in Geneva
• The movement soon spread to France, where Calvinists became
known as Huguenots
• At one point 1/3 of the French nobility would be Huguenots and
this was a threat to the monarchy.
Renaissance and Reformation
Bloody Massacre
• The result was Civil war,
culminating in the massacre of
1000’s in the St. Bartholomew
• Again, sensing that the tide
could not be stopped King
Henry IV issued in 1598 the
Edict of Nantes, which gave
Huguenots the freedom of
• While the Huguenots would
have relative peace many
would flee to the new colonies
Renaissance and Reformation
Counter Reformation
• Actions taken by Catholic Church to
counteract the impact of Protestant
Reformation once they realised that the
Protestant movement represented a real
• Includes: Council of Trent, Roman
Inquisition, Index of Prohibited Books,
creation of religious orders, dealing with
Renaissance and Reformation
Council of Trent (1546- 1563)
• All medieval church law was valid and important
• Upheld the notion that God should be worshipped with splendor
• People must depend on priests as forgiveness came through the
• Priests and Bishops would be more locally selected and
Indulgences would be restricted
• Latin would remain official language
• Re-emphasized the importance of “good works” and “faith”
• No new definition of sacraments
• All of this appealed to those that found ceremonies comforting and
who respected authority figures
• More importantly, this appealed to those who wanted to believe
that a person could gain salvation through actions
Renaissance and Reformation
Council of Trent
Renaissance and Reformation
Roman Index of Prohibited Books
• a process of reviewing
and censoring books
• Catholics, or nations that
were lead by Catholics,
were banned from
reading books that were
considered harmful to
faith or morals
• Those found with banned
books could be declared
Renaissance and Reformation
Roman Inquisition
• a tribunal designed to find
heretics and bring them to
• It was based on the Spanish
Inquisition which sought to
remove all non Catholics
from Spain, namely the
• Now, anyone thought of
being a non-Catholic could
be put on trial and tortured
Renaissance and Reformation
Religious Orders
• To further strengthen support for the Church, leaders
saught out those devoted to teaching, propaganda, and
social services, e.g.- Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
• Founded by Ingatius de Loyola in 1534
• Believed that salvation could be done by good deeds
• This movement stressed taking vows of chastity,
poverty and obedience to the Pope
• This military like body soon became the most effective
tool of spreading Catholicism both within Europe and to
new lands
• They helped slow the spread of Protestantism in
European nations like France and Germany, and spread
it to lands such as China and Japan and North America
Renaissance and Reformation
When the Dust Settles:
Catholicism vs. Protestantism
• Scripture interpreted by wisdom
• Good Works and Faith
• 7 Sacraments
• Stick with Latin
• Clergy must be celibate and
• Purgatory is real
• Honour Saints
• Scripture as you read it
• Faith Alone
• 2 Sacraments- Eucharist,
• Language of the people
• Clergy could marry
• Go to Heaven or Hell
• Criticized Honouring Saints
Renaissance and Reformation
Renaissance and Reformation
So…where are we?
• Some hoped the era of religious reformation would bring
about a new tolerance – this did not happen
• The period of 1530 to the mid 1600’s was a time of
devastating religious wars in France, Germany , the
Netherlands, and Switzerland
• Persecution still occurred; this time against varying groups
• There were other drastic, less obvious but more important
• The Pope lost power to new “National Governments”
• In order to spread their doctrines, various churches created
schools (universities), thus beginning the age of ideas and
thought, something that will become apparent in future units!
Renaissance and Reformation
Niccolo Machiavelli
• One of the most
Significant Political
Thinkers of
• Wrote, The Prince
(1532)- How a Prince
can hold and maintain
• Defense of Despotism
(rule by tyranny)
Renaissance and Reformation
Machiavelli’s Ideas
• Rejected the restrictions of honour and
• Rulers should only be concerned with
power and should only be bound by rules
that make him/her successful
• Rulers must be skilled in the art of war
Renaissance and Reformation
Machiavelli’s Ideas
Men are evil
It is better to be stingy then liberal
It is better to be feared then loved
Keep your word only when it is too your
• Known for the saying “ the end justifies the
Renaissance and Reformation