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Chapter 8:
Food and Nutrition
Health & Physical Education
Chapter 8: Food and Nutrition
Carbohydrates, Fats, &
Building Healthy SkillsBreaking a Bad Habit
Vitamins, Minerals, &
Guidelines for Healthful
Your body is like a car
A car needs gas to
function properly
Your body needs food to
function properly
A car needs to be driven
often to function
Your body needs
exercise to function
What type of car are you?
First what type of car would I be? Why?
Write a paragraph describing what kind of car
you would be based upon your personality,
body type, & activity level.
Partner, describe what kind of car you think
your partner would be.
Fuel for your body
When your body uses nutrients in foods, a series of
chemical reactions occurs inside your cells. As a
result, energy is released.
• Metabolism: chemical process by which your body
breaks down food to release as energy.
• A high metabolism allows your body to break down
food fast and efficiently.
• Ways to boost your metabolism are to eat breakfast,
and eat light meals throughout the day.
Eating healthy
Means eating balanced meals
Usually 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
A balanced meal consists of Carbohydrates (bread,
cereal, rice, pasta) Vegetables (bacilli, lettuce, celery,
karats, peas, corn) Fruits (apples, bananas, peaches,
grapes, pairs, oranges) Protein (fish, meat, chicken,
nuts, eggs) Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese)
and small amounts of fats, oils, and sweats
What are calories?
Calories: measured in units by the amount of
energy released when nutrients are broken
down; how we measure energy in food
The more calories a food has, the more energy
it contains. For good health, the number of
calories in the food that you eat should match
the calorie needs of your body.
Caloric Intake and Expenditure
If you eat more calories than you burn you
gain fat.
If you eat less calories than you burn you lose
If you eat the same amount of calories that you
burn your weight stays the same.
Healthy tips
Breakfast is the most important
meal of the day is because it loads
fuel and kick starts metabolism.
Larger amounts of carbohydrates
should be eaten in the morning so
your body has the entire day to
process them.
Food that is eaten right before bed
time is turned into mostly fat
because your body doesn’t have
time to process it before it shuts
Unhealthy foods
Fats, oils, sweats
Are appropriate to eat in
A cookie for desert = ok
20 cookies for desert =
Ranch on a salad = ok
Ranch on all foods =
Any form of fast food
Eating 3 balanced meals a day and exercising
often are healthy habits to abduct that make
your body look and feel great
These healthy habits are ways to prevent
obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke
nutrients made of
carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen
Carbohydrates supply
energy for your
body’s function
Food and Nutrition: Carbohydrates
Examples of Carbohydrates:
 Simple Carbs: (Sugars) fruits, vegetables, milk, cookies,
candies, soft drinks
 Simple sugars end in “ose”
 Fructose ( fruit sugar)
 Lactose (milk sugar)
 Sucrose (table sugar)
 Glucose ( blood sugar)
 Complex Carbs: (Starches) potatoes, bread, cereal,
grains, rice, oats, corn, wheat, tortillas, pasta, wholewheat rolls
Food and Nutrition: Carbohydrates
Fiber: Complex carb that is found in
plants. Necessary for the proper function
of your digestive system.
 Fiber helps prevent constipation, may
reduce the risk of colon cancer, may help
prevent heart disease because it lowers
blood cholesterol levels.
 Two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble
Soluble vs. Insoluble
Soluble- dissolves; trapping bad cholesterol (LDL)
and transporting it to the liver to be metabolized.
Hence, soluble fiber lowers cholesterol levels.
Insoluble- does not dissolve; the digestive system
cannot breakdown the food any further than the
teeth can by chewing and it cleans out the
digestive pipes. Adds bulk to your waste.
Example; corn.
Review Quiz
What are two food examples of carbohydrates?
What are the two forms of carbs?
Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of?
Unused calories from carbs are stored where?
Name two simple sugars that end in “ose”
Food and Nutrition: Fats
Fats: like carbs, fats are
made up of carbon,
hydrogen, and oxygen,
but in different
Fats supply your body
with energy, form your
cells, maintain body
temperature, and
protect your nerves
Food and Nutrition: Fats
Examples of Fats:
 Unsaturated Fats: liquid at room temp.;
they are better for you; found in vegetable
oils, canola oil, olive oil, soybean oil,
peanut oil
 Saturated Fats: solid at room temp.; they
clog you arteries, and are found in animal
tissues & fats, dairy products
Food and Nutrition: Fats
Cholesterol: a waxy, fatlike substance that is
found in animal products
Your body needs a certain amount of cholesterol
to make cell membranes and nerve tissue,
certain hormones, and substances that aid in the
digestion of fat
Two types of cholesterol: HDL and LDL
LDL- Low Density Lipoprotein; LDL is the
bad cholesterol that helps to build and
harden plaque in the artery walls.
HDL- High Density Lipoprotein; HDL is the
good cholesterol that carries LDL to the
liver to be metabolized.
Food and Nutrition: Fats
A diet high in fat and
cholesterol can increase the
amount cholesterol in the
When the level of cholesterol
circulating in the blood gets too
high, deposits called plaque
form on the walls of the blood
Heavy plaque buildup may
block blood flow to the heart,
depriving the heart of oxygen
and leading to a heart attack
Food and Nutrition: Fats
Trans fats: made when manufacturers add
hydrogen to the fat molecules in vegetable
 Have few of the benefits of unsaturated
fats and many of the risks of saturated fats
 Trans fats are one of the worst kinds of
fats. They have been outlawed in many
major cities internationally
Food and Nutrition: Proteins
Protein: nutrients that
contain nitrogen as well
as carbon, hydrogen, and
Like carbohydrates and
fats, proteins can serve
as a form of energy. The
most important function of
proteins is their role in
growth and repair of your
body’s tissue.
Food and Nutrition: Proteins
Examples of Proteins:
 Complete Proteins:
contain all 9 essential
amino acids; chicken,
beef, pork, fish, eggs
 Incomplete Proteins:
Contain a few of the
essential amino acids
plant sources such as
beans, nuts, or rice
Food and Nutrition: Protein
 Man
vs. Wild- Bear Grylls
Food and Nutrition: Proteins
Amino Acids:
substance in
protein- when
broken down by the
digestive system
amino acids are
absorbed into the
bloodstream and
reassembled by
cells to form the
kinds of protein you
Review Quiz
Two things fat does for your body?
Most important function of protein?
Food and Nutrition: Section 1
Section 1 Review: Page 199- answer 1-6
Key ideas and Vocabulary
 Copy charts on pages 203; 204; and 207
 List the vitamin or mineral; two food
sources (preferably foods you eat) and the
most important function of the vitamin or
Food and Nutrition: Building
Healthy Skills- Breaking a Bad
Define the habit you want to change
 Set your goal
 Design an action plan
 Build a supportive environment
Food and Nutrition: Vitamins
Vitamins: nutrients that are made by living
things, are required only in small amounts, and
that assist many chemical reactions in the body
 Vitamins do not directly provide you with
energy or the raw materials of which your cells
are made
Food and Nutrition: Vitamins
Examples of Vitamins:
 Fat-soluble vitamins:
dissolve in fatty materialsvitamins A,D,E,K occur in
vegetable oils, liver, eggs,
certain vegetables
 Water-soluble vitamins:
dissolve in water- vitamins
B,C found in fruits and
Food and Nutrition: Vitamins
Fat-Soluble Vitamins Chart, Page 203
Water-Soluble Vitamins Chart, Page 204
Food and Nutrition: Proteins
Antioxidants: help protect healthy cells from the
damage caused by the normal aging process as
well as from certain types of cancer
Vitamins C,E are two of the most powerful
C- citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes,
E- vegetable oil, whole grains, seeds, nuts,
peanut butter
Food and Nutrition: Minerals
Minerals: nutrients that occur naturally in
rocks and soil, absorbed by plants and
their roots
 Seven minerals essential for good health:
calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium,
phosphorus, chlorine, and sulfur
Food and Nutrition: Minerals
Calcium play an important role in preventing
blood clots, function of the nervous system, and
the formation and maintenance of bones and
Osteoporosis: a condition in which the bones
gradually weaken
Your calcium intake now can help build stronger
bones now to avoid osteoporosis later in life,
especially in women
Food and Nutrition: Minerals
Anemia: a condition in which the red blood
cells do not contain enough hemoglobin
 People suffering from anemia are often
weak and tired, and may become sick
 Anemia is a result of iron deficiency
Food and Nutrition: Minerals
Minerals Chart, Page 207
Review Quiz
Plants absorb minerals through?
What are the two water-soluble vitamins?
Food and Nutrition: Water
About 65% of your body is water
You do not get energy from this nutrient directly
Nearly all the body’s chemical reactions, including
those that produce energy and build new tissue,
take place in water solution
Food and Nutrition: Water
Consuming water prevents dehydration
Dehydration: a serious reduction in the bodies
water content
Symptoms of dehydration: weakness, rapid
breathing, weak heartbeat, muscle cramps
Sports drinks are not an alternative- Only drink
Gatorade when participating in athletic events or
vigorous activity
Food and Nutrition: Water
Electrolytes: dissolved substances in
water that regulate many processes in
your cells
 Your nervous and muscular systems
depend on electrolytes, such as sodium
and potassium
Food and Nutrition: Section 2
Section 2 Review: Page 209- Key Ideas
and Vocabulary
Food and Nutrition: Guidelines for
Healthful Eating
Make smart food choices
Balance food and physical activity
Seek further education in health and physical
activity, the more you know the better off you are
Food and Nutrition: Guidelines for
Healthful Eating
Make a Meal Plan: What did you eat for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday?
What did you eat for breakfast today?