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For an optimal immune
• Improves defenses against cancer
• Enhances immune cell production
• Helps control infections
• Protects the liver
30 Vegi-Caps
Serving Size:
1 Capsule
500 mg
(Hybridization of Basidomycetes
Mycelia extracts)
Key Features: Immuno stimulant.
Boost your defences
Suggested Use:
For general maintenance take 1 or 2
capsules daily, preferably without
food. For more serious immune
dysfunction take two capsules three
times a day or as directed by a
qualified health practitioner.
The immune system is the body's system of defense. It is essential for
guarding against external threats such as infection, as well as internal
problems such as cancer. The better your immune system works, the
healthier you will be. AHCC is active hexose correlated compound, an
oligosaccharide that has been shown to strengthen and optimize the
immune system.
Main Indications:
Supports normal cell growth and
Immune function
Protects the body from invaders
AHCC stimulates an increased production of immune system cells,
improving the body's ability to deal with infection. AHCC's
immunomodulatory effects are beneficial in disorders involving
inflammation, such as arthritis. AHCC has been shown to protect the
liver and improve its function. As an adaptogen, AHCC helps the body
deal with stress. It has also been shown to reduce blood glucose levels in
Do not use if pregnant or nursing.
Pregnancy / Nursing:
Do not take if you are pregnant
and/or nursing.
Mushroom root extract.
Complementary Products:
Protects the body from itself
AHCC helps boost immunosurveillance, the body's ability to detect and
destroy abnormal cells before they develop into cancerous growths.
AHCC also benefits those who already have cancer, since it preserves
immunity at a time when the body is at its weakest. Clinical trials have
demonstrated AHCC's remarkable abilities to promote a strong immune
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When it comes to health, we all understand the importance of our immune system. Active hexose correlated compound (AHCC) is an oligosaccharide
extracted from mushrooms grown in rice bran. It was developed in Japan in 1989 and it has since been used to improve the immunity of over 100
000 patients. AHCC has shown promise for severe immunodeficiencies, for hypertension, to reduce inflammation, to improve the body’s response to
stress, in infections, for diabetics and for hepatitis.
AHCC and the Immune System
AHCC is remarkable because it has the ability to stimulate the immune system. Oral supplementation with AHCC increases the production by immune
cells of at least two protein messengers. These proteins promote the production of macrophages, T cells and natural killer (NK) cells and improve their
ability to destroy abnormal cells. Immune cells are important for health in general but are specifically involved with the control of infection and cancer.
AHCC and Abnormal Cells
Global cancer rates keep rising but most cancers are preventable. Cancer is a disease of the immune system. It is up to our immune system to
recognize and destroy abnormal cells. Immunosurveillance (the ability of the immune system to detect and destroy atypical cells before they become
harmful) is the pillar of cancer prevention. Indeed, individuals born with immunodeficiencies are 200 times more likely to develop cancer. Hence the
great promise of immunotherapies - therapies aimed at enhancing the immune system instead of trying to kill abnormal cells. AHCC was shown
effective in several research projects. In one study, AHCC and better nutrition led to a 22% tumor reduction, and 39% tumor stabilization. The
combination of AHCC and genistein concentrated polysaccharide (another natural anti-tumor substance) induced apoptosis (the self destruction of
unwanted cells). Similarly, supplementation of AHCC with an antioxidant extracted from buckwheat, led to the reduction of skin cancer tumors in test rats.
In another study, 6 months of treatment with AHCC (6g/day) led to a partial response in 49.7% of cancer patients and a complete response in 8.8%.
AHCC in Combination with Chemotherapy
Studies using AHCC clearly demonstrated that AHCC safely increases the efficacy of conventional treatments while reducing the frequency of side
effects. Patients taking AHCC with chemo or radiation saw their tumors shrink and their tumor markers decrease more than patients receiving
conventional treatments alone. Furthermore, a weakened immune system is one of the most serious side effects of chemotherapy. AHCC helps to
preserve immunity at a time when it is crucial to prevent the spread and growth of abnormal cells. It also reduces the toxicity and the side effects
associated with chemotherapy. It alleviates hair loss and bone marrow suppression and prevents the elevation of liver enzymes. Patients taking AHCC
reported less nausea and vomiting and AHCC improved their body weight and appetite. Unfortunately, at present, there are very few proven strategies
to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence among survivors. Because of its effect on NK cells, AHCC supplementation may prove useful for those trying to
improve their immune function in order to reduce their risk of recurrence.
AHCC and Immunodeficiency
We have all heard of AIDS. The infection caused by the HIV virus leads to a deficient immune response because the virus slowly incapacitates the
immune system. Researchers showed that HIV levels could remain suppressed without drugs if the immune system is functioning adequately. Through
its influence on the immune system, AHCC may help preserve immunity in those whose defense system is slowly being infiltrated by viruses. Preliminary
trials have given encouraging results.
AHCC and Infection
Infections are caused by the invasion and the multiplication of microorganisms in the body. We carry 500 to 1000 different species of bacteria
throughout our body. Adequate immunity is therefore crucial in preventing infection. Several experiments confirmed AHCC’s competence for the
control of infections.
AHCC and the Liver
The liver is responsible for over 500 vital functions and can be injured in a multitude of ways. The liver breaks down harmful substances and excretes
them in the blood or bile. An excess of toxins can damage the liver. Trials have demonstrated that AHCC protects the liver and improves hepatic
function. AHCC was also shown effective for patients with chronic viral hepatitis.
AHCC and Inflammation
Inflammatory conditions are becoming more and more problematic. Arthritis has become the leading cause of disability among adults age 65 and
older. It was reported that patients taking AHCC to prevent the recurrence of abnormal growths had significant improvements in rheumatoid arthritis.
AHCC was also effective at diminishing inflammation in animal studies. It is thought that AHCC reduces inflammation by modulating the immune
system and by improving fat metabolism.
AHCC and Other Health Conditions
Diabetic patients have been shown to respond to AHCC, with reductions of both blood glucose levels and glycated hemoglobin levels. In addition,
AHCC appears to be an adaptogen and may help relieve stress, which could alleviate stress-induced hypertension.
Recommended Dosage
AHCC is very safe even in extremely high dosage. For general maintenance take 1 or 2 capsules daily. For more serious immune dysfunction take 2
capsules three times a day or as directed by a qualified health practitioner.
We are constantly exposed to bacteria, viruses and other pathological organisms. Everyday, we depend on our immune system to remain healthy. Why
is it that when we get sick we direct the treatment on those pathogens and not on improving our ability to fight and prevent disease. The great promise
of immunotherapies lies in their ability to stimulate our defense systems. AHCC’s gift at improving immunity has been demonstrated - finally a
treatment that focuses on health and not on the disease.
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