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McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
305 Old North
37th and 0 Streets NW, Washington, D.C. 20057
[email protected]
McCrane/Shaker Professor of International Business & Marketing (1989-present)
Professor, University of Washington.
Associate Professor, University of Washington.
Assistant Professor, University of Washington.
Graduate seminars in Marketing Models and Marketing Research.
Undergraduate courses in Advertising, International Marketing.
Assistant Professor, University of Illinois.
Graduate seminars in Quantitative Methods in Marketing.
Undergraduate courses in Advanced Marketing Management,
International Marketing
Assistant Professor, California State College, Hayward.
Graduate seminars in Marketing Research and Quantitative Decision Making,
Undergraduate courses in Marketing Management and Advertising.
Instructor, University of California, Berkeley.
Undergraduate course in Marketing Management.
Instructor, San Jose State College, San Jose, California.
Graduate seminar in Decision Theory, Undergraduate course in Statistics.
Instructor, University of Maryland, European Division.
Undergraduate course in Marketing Management.
Research Associate, The Regent Street Polytechnic, London.
Development of a new senior-executive course
International Marketing Strategy, Global Branding, Japanese Management,
Quantitative Analysis of Marketing Decision Problems
in Business Administration from the University of California, Berkeley, March, 1972.
Major Fields: Marketing, Econometrics
Minor Fields: Organizational Behavior, Economic Theory
Thesis: “Returns to Scale in Advertising Media: An Econometric Study of Advertising for a
Hierarchy of Effects.”
Committee: Francesco M. Nicosia (Chairman), Barr Rosenberg, George Kuznets.
MBA University of California, Berkeley, December, 1967.
Major Field: Administration and Policy
Minor Fields: Marketing
Thesis: “Antitrust Legislation and Competition: A Comparative Study of the U.S. and Sweden.”
Supervisor: E.T. Grether.
Civilekonom, an undergraduate degree awarded by the Stockholm School of Economics,
June, 1964.
Major Fields: Business Administration, Economics
Minor Fields: Law, Economic Geography
Visiting Appointments
Visiting Professor, Institute for Distribution Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, 1996-97.
Taught graduate course in International Marketing.
Visiting Professor, International University of Japan, Urasa, Japan, May-June 1994. Taught two MBA
level courses in marketing strategy and consumer marketing.
Visiting Professor, International University of Japan, Urasa, Japan, April-June 1991. Taught two MBA
level courses in marketing strategy and consumer marketing.
Visiting Professor of Marketing, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, February-July 1989.
Taught two graduate courses in the English-language MBA program.
Ford Distinguished Professor of Marketing, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, September 1988January 1989. Taught a graduate seminar in “Consumer marketing.”
Isetan Distinguished Professor, Keio Business School, Yokohama, Japan, June-July 1987. Taught a casebased graduate seminar on “Retail Strategy and Global Consumer Markets.”
Visiting Professor, Institute of Business Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan, recurrent
(August 1982; May-June, 1983; December 1984 - January 1985; June 1985; December 1985-January
1986; December 1986-January 1987; June-July 1987; December 1987-January 1988; May-June 1990).
Joint research with Professor Ikujiro Nonaka on Japanese organizations and their corporate and marketing
Distinguished Research Professor, Centre for Research in International Business, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Canada, May 1983. Developed a study of “Firm-Specific Advantages in Marketing for
Multinational Firms.”
Visiting Professor, Department of Marketing, New York University, September 1982-June 1984. Taught
courses in marketing management and marketing research at the undergraduate, MBA, and PhD levels.
Visiting Professor, Department of Management, National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Japan, June-July
1981. Taught an intensive course on “Applied Decision Theory” focused around the Cuban missile crisis
and organizational decision making.
Visiting Scholar, Institute of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, JuneAugust 1980. Research projects on Japanese exporting strategies and multinational headquarterssubsidiary linkages.
Visiting Research Analyst, Department of Operations Research, Standard Oil of Indiana, Chicago, JuneSeptember 1974. Evaluated the company's participation in the PIMS project. Did site visits to the
Marketing Science Institute and Harvard Business School, and computer reruns of the PIMS data base.
Visiting Researcher, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA, August 1973. Worked
with Professor Barr Rosenberg on a variable parameter regression algorithm.
Regular teaching
Undergraduate: Principles of marketing, International Marketing, Marketing Strategy
Graduate: Global Marketing, Marketing Management, Global Integrative (Shanghai, Ho-Chi-Minh City,
Global Marketing: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing and Global Management, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Inc.:
Burr Ridge, Illinois, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009. Third edition translated into Chinese.
In Your Face: How American Marketing Excess Fuels Anti-Americanism. Financial Times/Prentice Hall:
Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004.
Relentless: The Japanese Way of Marketing, HarperBusiness: New York, 1996 (with Ikujiro Nonaka).
Translated into 6 different languages, including Chinese, Spanish, and French. Excerpted in The
Marketing Gurus: Lessons from the Best Marketing Books of All Time, Chris Murray, ed., New York: The
Penguin Group, 2006, pp.81-99.
Articles in Journals and Periodicals
"Scale-Dependent Automatic Shifts in Brand Evaluation Standards" Journal of Consumer Psychology,
forthcoming (with Claudiu Dimofte).
“Spanning the Globe,” Marketing Management, Vol.17, No.5, Sep/Oct 2008, pp. 40-43 (with Claudiu
Dimifte and Ilkka Ronkainen).
“Cognitive and Affective Reactions of American Consumers to Global Brands,” Journal of International
Marketing, Vol.16, No.4, December 2008, pp. 115-37 (with Claudiu Dimofte and Ilkka Ronkainen).
"The Esteem of Global Brands," The Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 12, No.5, June 2005, pp.339354 (w. Ilkka Ronkainen).
"The New 'Brand America'," Place Branding, Vol. 1, No.2, March 2005, pp.155-163
"Halting the US marketing juggernaut," European Business Forum, Issue 19, Autumn 2004, pp.30-32.
"The Brand Challenge: Are Global Brands the Right Choice for Your Company?" Marketing
Management, March/April 2004, pp.54-55 (with Ilkka Ronkainen).
Susanne Hertz, Johny K. Johansson and Flip De Jager, “Customer-Oriented Cost Cutting: Process
Management at Volvo,” Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 6, No.3, 2001, pp.12
"Brand Reality: The Japanese Perspective," Journal of Marketing Management, 15,1-3, January-April
1999, 93-106 (with Masaaki Hirano).
“Effects of Nationality on Global Strategy,” Management International Review, 1997, Vol. 37, No. 4
(with G. Yip and J. Roos).
“Effects of Nationality on Global Strategy in Major American, European, and Japanese Multinational
Companies,” Marketing Science Institute, December 1996, Report No. 96-126 (with G. Yip and J. Roos).
“International Alliances: Why Now? Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Fall
1995, Vol. 23, No. 4.
“Japanese Marketing in the Post-Bubble Era,” International Executive (with M. Hirano).
“The Sense of Nonsense: Japanese T.V. Advertising,” Journal of Advertising, Spring 1994.
“Negative Country-of-Origin Effects: The Case of a Russian Tractor,” Journal of International Business
Studies, 25:1, 1994 (with M. Czinkota and I. Ronkainen).
“Exploiting Globalization Potential: U.S. and Japanese Strategies,” Strategic Management Journal, Vol.
15, 579-601, 1994 (with G. Yip).
“Competition for Market Share in the Presence of Strategic Invisible Assets: The U.S. Automobile
Market, 1971-1981,” International Journal of Research and Marketing, 9 (1992) pp. 23-37 (with G.
Erickson and R. Jacobson).
“Rivalry as Synergy? The Japanese Automobile Companies' Export Expansion,” Journal of International
Business Studies, Vol. 22, No. 3 (1992) pp. 503-527 (with D. M. Hanssens).
“Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Marketing Research,” German Marketing Review, forthcoming.
(In German, with Richard Koehler, University of Cologne).
“Japanese Service Industries and their Overseas Potential,” The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1
, January 1990, pp. 85-109.
“Determinants and Effects of the Use of 'Made in' Labels.” International Marketing Review, Vol. 6, No. 1
, 1989, pp. 47-58.
“South Korea -- A New Japan?,” Innova, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1989. (With Yongsun Paik).
“Japanese Managers: Reluctant Internationals,” Innova, Vol. 1, No. 1, Autumn 1987, pp. 54-55.
“The Japanese Way with Marketing Research,” Harvard Business Review, May-June, 1987. (with
Ikujiro Nonaka), pp. 4-7.
“Multinational Production: The Effect on Brand Evaluations,” Journal of International Business Studies,
(with I. Nebenzahl), Vol. XVII, No. 3 (Fall 1986), pp. 101-26.
“Japanese Consumers: What Foreign Marketers Should Know,” International Marketing Review, Vol.
3, No. 2 (Summer 1986), pp. 37-43.
“Japanese Marketing Failures,” International Marketing Review, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Autumn 1986), pp. 33-46.
“The Price-Quality Relationship and Trade Barriers,” International Marketing Review, (with G. Erickson)
, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Autumn 1985), pp. 52-63.
“International Product Positioning,” Journal of International Business Studies, (with H. Thorelli), Vol. X
VI, No. 3 (Fall 1985), pp. 57-76.
“The Role of Price in Multi-Attribute Product Evaluations,” (with G. Erickson), Journal of Consumer
Research, Vol. 12 (September 1985), pp. 195-99.
“Assessing the Impact of Country-of-Origin Effects on Product Evaluations: A New Methodological
Perspective” (with S. Douglas & I. Nonaka), Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.XXII (November 1985)
, pp. 388-96.
“Japanese Management: What About the 'Hard' Skills?” (with I. Nonaka), Academy of Management
Review, Vol. 10, No. 2 (April 1985).
“Image Variables in Multi-Attribute Product Evaluations: Country-of-Origin Effects,”
(with G. Erickson and P. Chao), Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 11 (September 1984), pp. 694-699.
“Japanese Export Marketing: Structures, Strategies, Counterstrategies,” (with I. Nonaka) International
Marketing Review, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Winter 1983), pp. 12-25.
“A Note on the Managerial Interpretation of Interdependence,” Journal of International Business
Studies, Vol. XII, No. 3 (Winter 1982), pp. 143-5.
“Developing an Industrial Policy: The Swedish Experience,” Journal of Contemporary Business, Vol.
11, No. 1(1982), pp. 83-95.
“Trade Interdependence in the Pacific Rim and the EEC: A Comparative Analysis,” Journal of Common
Market Studies, Vol. XX, No. 1, September 1981, pp. 41-59 (with R. Spich).
“An Extension of Wollenberg's Redundancy Analysis,” Psychometrika, Vol. 46, No. 1, March 1981,
pp. 93-103.
“Market Segmentation with Multivariate AID,” Journal of Marketing, Winter 1981, pp. 74-84 (with D.
“Income, Search, and the Economics of Information Theory: An Empirical Analysis,” Applied
Economics, Vol. 11, No. 4, December 1979, pp. 435-450 (with A. Goldman).
“Professionals and Advertising: A Case Study of Architects' Attitudes,” in Current Issues and
Research in Advertising, J. Leigh and C. Martin, Jr., eds. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
1979, pp. 93-113 (with M. Merrill & R. Wilson).
“Advertising and the S-curve: A New Approach,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XVI,
August 1979, pp. 346-354.
“Evaluating Advertising and the Hierarchy of Effects Using Path Analysis,” Journal of Advertising
Research, February 1979, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 29-35 (with R. Redinger).
“Determinants of Search for Lower Prices: An Empirical Assessment of the Economics of Information
Theory,” Journal of Consumer Research, December 1978, pp. 176-186 (with A. Goldman).
“Objective and Perceived Similarity Among Pacific Rim Countries,” Columbia Journal of World
Business, Winter 1977, pp. 65-76 (with R. Moinpour).
“An Exposition of the Box-Jenkins Transfer Function Analysis with an Application to the AdvertisingSales Relationship,” Journal of Marketing Research, May 1977, pp. 227-239 (with R. Helmer).
“Halo Effects in Multi-Attribute Attitude Models: Some Unresolved Issues,” Journal of Marketing
Research, November 1976, pp. 414-417 (with D. MacLachlan & R. Yalch).
“The Theory and Practice of Swedish Consumer Policy,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, Summer 1976,
“A Generalized Logistic Function with an Application to the Effects of Advertising,” Journal of the
American Statistical Association, December, 1973, pp. 824-827.
Articles in Books
“Jagdish Sheth and International Marketing,” in The Marketing Contributions of Jagdish Sheth, The Shet
h Foundation, Emory University, Atlanta, forthcoming 2009.
“Global Communications,” In SAGE Handbook of International Marketing, edited by Mike Kotabe and
Kristiaan Helsen, forthcoming 2009 (with Gary Bamossy).
"Why Marketing Needs Reform" in Does Marketing Need Reform?, edited by Jagdish Sheth and Raj
Sisodia, M.E. Sharpe Publications, 2006.
“Global Brands: Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?” in Handbook of Research in International Marketin
g Subhash Jain, ed., London: Edward Elgar, 2005 (with Ilkka Ronkainen).
“The Swedish Network Approach and Culture: A View from Abroad,” in Perspectives on market network
s – boundaries and new connections, Per Andersson, Susanne herz and Susanne Sweet, eds., EFI,
Stockholm School of Economics, 2005.
“Global Marketing: Research on Foreign Entry, Local Marketing and Global Management,” in Handbook
in Marketing, Bart Weitz and Robin Wensley, ed’s., Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2002.
"International Marketing," in Tung, Rosalie ed., International Encyclopedia of Business and Management
, Routledge, 2nd edition, 1999.
“Marketing Management, International,” in The Handbook of International Business, 2nd ed. Rosalie
Tung ed. London: International Thomson Business Press, forthcoming.
“Using Partial Least Squares and LISREL to Research International Strategies,” Statistical Models for
Strategic Management, Michel Ghertman, Jacques Obadia and Jean-Luc Arregle, eds. Dordrecht, The
Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 111-132 (with J. Roos and G. Yip).
“How Companies Develop Assets and Capabilities: Japan as a Leading Market,” Research in Internationa
l Business and International Relations, Vol. 6, “Emerging Trends in Japanese Management,” Beediler,
Schon and Allan Bird, eds. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1994, 141-62 (w. T. Roehl).
“International Marketing”, International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, Tung, Rosalie,
ed., Routledge: U.K., 1997.
“Cultural Understanding as Managerial Skill: Japan, North America and Europe,” forthcoming in
Proceedings of the Pacific Region Forum on Business and Management Communication, Simon Fraser
University, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
“Missing a Strategic Opportunity: Managers' Denial of Country-of-Origin Effects,” in Papadopoulos,
Nicolas and Louise A. Heslop, eds., Product-Country Images:Impact and Role in International
Marketing, New York: International Business Press,1993.
“Japanese Marketing Strategies in Europe: 1992 and Beyond,” in Fruin, Mark, ed., Japanese Strategies i
n an Integrated Europe, INSEAD, forthcoming.
“Marketing Policies of Japanese Firms in a Stronger Yen World,” in Agmon, T., ed., Trade Policies and
International Business Decisions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
“Country-of-Origin, Social Norms, and Behavioral Intentions,” in Cavusgil, S., ed., Advances in International Marketing, Vol. II, Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, June 1987 (with I. Nebenzahl), pp. 65-79.
“Marketing Management,” Chapter 15 in Rugman, A., D. Le Craw and L. Booth, International Business:
Firm and Environment, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985.
“Organizational Learning in Japanese Companies” (with I. Nonaka), in Lamb, R. & P. Shrivastava, eds.,
Advances in Strategic Management, Vol. III, Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 1985.
“Normativ Segmenteringsteori: Paradigmer, Problem, Framtidsutsikter”(“Normative Segmentation Theor
y: Paradigms, Problems, Prospects”), in Lars Otterbeck, ed., Marknadsforing och Strukturekonomi, Stude
ntlitteratur, Lund (Sweden), 1979, pp. 91-108.
“Canonical Correlation Marketing Research,” in J. Sheth, ed., Multivariate Methods for Market and
Survey Research, American Marketing Association Monograph, Chicago, 1977, pp. 111-131 (with J.
“Advertising and International Tourism” (with A. Sunday), in S. Ladany, ed., Management Science
Applications to Leisure Activities, New York: North Holland, 1975, pp. 81-96.
A Computer Program for Multistage Decision Problems,” (with S. Cosmas), in R. LeClair, ed., A Guide
to Compustat. Champaign: Stipes Inc., 1973, pp. 61-67.
Monographs and Special Papers
“Marketing, Free Choice and the New International Order.” The McCrane-Shaker Chair in International
Business and Marketing Inaugural Lecture, March 1990, 12 pp.
“Firm-Specific Advantages and International Marketing Strategy,” Dalhousie Discussion Papers in
International Business, No. 24, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, May 1983.
Japanese Export Management: The Organizational, Institutional, and Market Factors Behind a World
Force, Stockholm: Marknadstekniskt Centrum. Publication No. 15, February, 1981, 29 pp.
“Towards a Typology of Pacific Rim Countries: An Interim Report,” Pacific Rim Project, Graduate
School of Business Administration, Seattle: University of Washington, 1977, 22 pp.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
“Equal But Not the Same: Some Reflections on Networks and Cultures” in Proceedings, First Internation
al Conference on Co-operation for Competition, University of Växjö, Sweden, November 8-10, 2000.
“Global Brands: Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?”in Proceedings, Conference on Research in Internati
onal Marketing, University of Connecticut, October 2001 (with Ilkka Ronkainen).“The Swedish Network
Approach: A View from Abroad,” in Proceedings, Conference in honor of Lars-Gunnar Mattsson, Stockh
olm School of Economics, June 2001.
“Do Markets Become Fragmented Over Time? A Literature Review and Empirical Test”, presented at the
26th EMAC Conference, May 20-23, 1997 at the Warwick Business School, published in Proceedings:
Marketing Progress, Prospects, Perspectives, Vol. 3 (with Magnus Söderlund).
“Teaching Global Marketing: The Executive Angle,” Proceedings, Conference on Internationalizing
Management Education, University of British Columbia, Canada, June 1992. (with M. Czinkota).
“Product Familiarity and Country-of-Origin Cues,” Proceedings, Association for Consumer Research,
Honolulu, Hawaii, October 1988. (With A. Heimbach and D. MacLachlan).
“Strategic Implications of a Cross-Cultural Comparison of Attribute Importance: Automobiles in Japan an
d the United States,” Proceedings, American Marketing Association Educators' Conference, Dearborn,
Michigan, August 1983 (with K. Berger & B. Stern).
“Does Country-of-Origin Matter in Multi-Attribute Product Evaluations?” in Proceedings, Academy of
International Business Pacific Basin Regional Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, December 1982 (with R. Spich).
“Canonical Correlation: Is It Ever Useful?,” Proceedings, American Marketing Association Educators'
Conference, Chicago, August 1982 (with R. Bagozzi & J. Sheth).
“Do Not Aggregate! A Comment on the Implications of Recent Research in Normative Segmentation
Theory,” Proceedings, Third Annual Conference on Market Measurement and Analysis, New York
University, March 26-28, 1981 (with L. McAlister & D. MacLachlan).
“Alternatives to Canonical Correlation Analysis in Consumer Research: A Structural Equation Approach,
” in Proceedings, American Psychological Association, Montreal, September 5-7, 1980, pp. 270-276 (wit
h R. Bagozzi & J. Sheth).
“Segmentation with Multiple Criterion Variables,” in Montgomery, D. and D. Wittink, eds., Market
Measurement and Analysis, Marketing Science Institute, June 1980, pp. 464-479 (with D. MacLachlan).
“Case Studies, Generalizations, and Degrees-of-Freedom in Managerial Research:
Possibilities and Pitfalls,” in Proceedings, Workshop on the Epistemology of Management Research, Dju
ronaset, May 29-30, 1980, pp. 187-196.
“Sex Roles and Performance: An Empirical Study of Gasoline Purchasing,” in Olsen, J., ed., Advances in
Consumer Research, Vol. VII, Association for Consumer Research, 1980, pp. 784-787 (with K. Pettit).
“The Effect of the 1973-74 Oil Crisis on the Patterns of Interdependence in the Pacific Rim: An
Analysis of Selected Trade Data,” in Proceedings, Academy of International Business Pacific Basin
Regional Meeting, Honolulu, December 1979, pp. 172-181 (with R. Spich).
“Unobserved Variables, Stochastic Parameter Regression and Demand Analysis,” Proceedings, American
Marketing Association Educators' Conference, Chicago, August 1978, pp. 93-95.
“A Probability Model of Deal Effects on Brand Choice,” Proceedings, American Institute of Decision
Sciences, October 1977, pp. 207-209.
“The Advertising-Sales Relationship: When is a Simultaneous Specification Necessary?” Proceedings,
American Marketing Association Conference, August 1977, pp. 181-184.
“Test Marketing and Competitive Reaction: When Does it Matter?” Proceedings, American Marketing
Association Conference, August 1977, pp. 224-229 (with J. Wheatley).
“Test Marketing and Competitive Reaction: A Bayesian Solution” Proceedings, American Marketing
Association Conference, Chicago, August 1976, pp. 318-323 (with D. Roberts & J. Wheatley).
“Advertising and Polynomial Distributed Lags,” Proceedings, American Institute of Decision Science,
National Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 1975, pp. 146-149.
“An Introduction to Econometric Techniques for Analyzing Panel Data,” Proceedings, AMA National
Meeting, Rochester, New York, August 1975, pp. 112-116.
“A Path Analysis of the Advertising-Sales Relationship,” (with R. Redinger), Proceedings, American
Institute of Decision Science National Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1974, pp. 213-218.
“Product Positioning with Competitive Reaction: A Clustering Solution,” Proceedings, AMA National
Meeting, Portland, Oregon, August 1974, pp. 202-205.
“Canonical Correlation Analysis of Competitive Market Structure,” (with J. Sheth), Proceedings,
American Institute of Decision Science National Meeting, Boston, November 1973, pp. 324-327.
Book Reviews and Miscellaneous Publications
Foreword to Managing Export Entry and Expansion: Concepts and Practice. Edited by Philip J.
Rosson and Stanley D. Reid. New York: Praeger, 1986.
Review of The Marketing Imagination by T. Levitt, Free Press 1986, in International Marketing Review,
Vol. 3, No. 4 (Winter) 1986, pp. 62-64.
Review of Strategic vs. Evolutionary Management: A U.S. - Japan Comparison of Strategy and
Organization by T. Kagono, I. Nonaka, K. Sakakibara and A. Okumura, North-Holland 1985, in
International Marketing Review, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Autumn) 1986, pp. 85-87.
Review of International Marketing: An Annotated Bibliography by S. Cavusgil and J.
Nevin, American Marketing Association, 1983, in International Marketing Review, Vol.3, No. 2
(Summer) 1986, pp. 69-71.
Review of The Cultural Environment of International Business, by V. Terpstra, Southwestern, 1978, in
the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Fall 1978, pp. 218-219.
Review of Basic Statistics with Business Applications, by Clelland, deCani & Brown, 2nd edition, Wiley
1973 in Technometrics, August 1975, pp. 375-6.
“International Product Positioning,” (with H. Thorelli).In Thorelli, Hans B. and S. Tamer Cavusgil,
International Marketing Strategy, 3rd edition, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990.
“Japanese Management: What About the 'Hard' Skills?” (with I. Nonaka). In Hellriegel, D., J. Slocum, Jr
. & R. Woodman, Organizational Behavior, 4th edition. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company, 1986.
“Japanese Export Marketing: Structures, Strategies, Counterstrategies,” (with I. Nonaka). In Jain, S. &
L. Tucker, International Marketing: Managerial Perspectives, 2nd edition. Boston, MA: Kent
Publishing Company, 1986. Also in Thorelli, Hans B. and S. Tamer Cavusgil, International Marketing
Strategy, 3rd edition, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990.
“Market Research the Japanese Way,” (with I. Nonaka).In Richardson, John E., Annual Editions:
Marketing 89/90, 11th edition.Guilford, CT: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc., 1989. Also in Thorelli
, Hans B. and S. Tamer Cavusgil, International Marketing Strategy, 3rd edition, Oxford: Pergamon Press
, 1990.
“The Theory and Practice of Swedish Consumer Policy.” In Aaker, D.& G. Day, Consumerism: Search
for the Consumer Interest, 3rd edition. New York: Free Press, 1978, pp. 470-483.
Academic Conference Presentations
(Without published Proceedings; for published conference presentations, see “Publications”).
“Are Global Brands just Big Brands?” Academy of International Business, Milano, Italy, June 30-July 3,
2008 (with Claudiu Dimofte and Ilkka Ronkainen).
Organized session on “Business in the new Russia” and served as discussant, Macromarketing Conferenc
e, Washington, D.C., June 4, 2007.
“Deciphering the Global Brand Effect,” Presentation at the Marketing Camp, Georgetown University,
April 28, 2007 (paper with Claudiu Dimofte and Ilkka Ronkainen).
“Deciphering the Global Brand Effect,” AIB Conference, June 25, 2006 (paper with Claudiu Dimofte and
Ilkka Ronkainen).
Discussant at Global Marketing panel, CIMaR Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27, 2006. “The Meanin
g of a Global Brand,” EMAC Conference, Athens, Greece, May 25, 2006 (paper with Claudiu Dimofte
and Ilkka Ronkainen).
“Why Marketing is In Your Face,” Association of Consumer Research Doctoral Consortium, Portland,
OR, Oct.6-7, 2004.
"Why Marketing Needs Reform" Conference on Does Marketing Need Reform?, Babson College, August
9, 2004.
Panel presentation, “Free Markets and Multinationals’ Responsibilities,” Academy of International
Business Conference, Stockholm, July 10-13, 2004.
Discussant, Global Marketing Conference, MSI, Amsterdam, June 8-10, 2003.
“The Esteem of Global Brands,” Presentation at the Marketing Camp, Georgetown University,
May 2, 2002 (paper with Ilkka Ronkainen).
“Familiarity and Esteem of Global Brands: A Preliminary Analysis,” Paper presented at the AIB
Annual Conference, Puerto Rico, June 28- July 1, 2002 (with Ilkka Ronkainen).
“Global Brands: Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?” Conference on Research in International
Marketing, University of Connecticut, October 18-20, 2001 (with Ilkka Ronkainen).
“Current Research in International Marketing,” Conference on Competition and Cooptition, University of
Vaxjo, Sweden, Nov.8-10, 2000.
“The Swedish Network Approach and Culture: A View from Abroad,” Conference on Competition and
Cooptition, University of Vaxjo, Sweden, Feb.12, 1999.
“The Teaching of International Marketing,” AMA International Faculty Consortium, MSU, East Lansing,
MI, July 14, 1998.
“The Progress of Research in International Marketing,” AMA International Faculty Consortium, MSU,
East Lansing, MI, July 12, 1998.
“Japanese Marketing,” EMAC Conference, Stockholm, May 1998.
"Why Country-of-Origin Effects are Stronger Than Ever", presented at the EACR Conference, Stockholm
, Sweden, June 27, 1997.
“Japanese Marketing Strategies,” Stockholm School of Economics, Jan.16, 1997.
"Process Management in Networks: The New Volvo Story," presented at the EIBA Conference in
Stockholm, Sweden, December 1996 (with Suzanne Hertz).
“Global Marketing: An Introduction,” AMA Conference, San Diego, Aug.4, 1996.
“International Marketing Research,” presentation to the ACR Doctoral Consortium, Boulder, CO, July
“Using Partial Least Squares and LISREL to Research International Strategies,” Conference on
Statistics in Strategic Models, Nice, France, June 28, 1996 (with George Yip).
“Missing a Strategic Opportunity: Managers' Denial of Country-of-Origin Effects,” AIB Conference,
Hawaii, October 1993.
“Country-of-Origin Effects: Real or Not?”, American Marketing Association Meeting, San Diego,
California, August 1992.
“Exploiting Globalization Potential: Japanese and U.S. Companies,” Strategic Management
Society Meeting, Toronto, October 1991.
“Negative Country-of-Origin Effects: The Case of the Russian Tractor”, Association for Consumer
Research Annual Meeting, New York, October 1991.
“New Developments in International Marketing”, American Marketing Association Winter
Meeting, Orlando, Florida, February 1991.
“Why Managers Deny the Country-of-Origin Effect,” Academy of International Business Annual Meetin
g, Toronto, October 1990.
“Negative Country-of-Origin Effects: Who Dares Buy a Soviet Tractor?,” Association for
Consumer Research Annual Meeting, New York, October 1990.
“Global Competitive Strategies of Japanese Companies,” American Marketing Association
Summer Educators' Meeting, Washington, DC, August 1990.
“Japanese Marketing Strategies in Europe,” Conference on Marketing and Distribution in the 1990's,
European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Belgium, June 1989.
“Japanese Marketing Strategies in Europe: 1992 and Beyond,” Conference on the Economic
Relationship Between Japan and the West, New York University, New York, April 1989.
“Japanese Marketing Strategies in Europe,” Conference on Europe and Japan in the 1990's,
East-West Center, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, March 1989.
“Rivalry or Synergy? The Japanese Auto Companies' Export Expansion,” European Academy of
International Business Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, December 1988.
“Why International Marketing Is Different,” presentation to the AMA Doctoral Consortium,
Berkeley, CA, August 1988.
“Japanese Services: A New Export?” Academy of International Business, Western Region, Claremont
College, Claremont, CA, June 1988.
“Information Gathering by Japanese and Swedish Subsidiaries in the U.S.,” Academy of International
Business Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 1987.
“Skill or Luck: The Success of the Japanese Automakers in the U.S. Market in the 1970s,” Academy of
International Business Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 1987.
“Japanese Marketing Policies with a Rising Yen,” Academy of International Business Annual Meeting,
Chicago, November, 1987.
“Japanese Marketing Failures,” Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, New York, October
“The Case Study Approach to Marketing Research,” UBC-UW Annual Conference, Seattle, April 1985.
“Country Bias Effects on Product Positioning,” Academy of International Business Annual Meeting,
Cleveland, Ohio, October 1984.
“Made-in Labels and Multiattributed Product Evaluations,” ORSA/TIMS National Meetings, Orlando,
Florida, November 1982.
“The Marketing Implications of the Theory of the Multinational Firm,” Academy of International Busines
s Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October, 1982.
“Inter-company Factors Behind the Japanese Export Expansion,” American Marketing Association
Educators' Meeting, Organized a session on “Japanese marketing,” Chicago, August 1982.
“Implications of Recent Research in Normative Market Segmentation Theory,” UBC-UW Annual
Conference, Vancouver, November 1980.
“Estimating Deal Effects on Brand Choice from Panel Data,” ORSA/TIMS National Meetings, Las Vegas
, November 1977.
“Estimating Brand Switching Probabilities Using Box-Jenkins Techniques,” ORSA/TIMS National
Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1976.
“Variable Parameter Regression of the Price-Quantity Relationship,” ORSA/TIMS National Meetings,
Puerto Rico, November 1974.
Invited Lectures and Presentations
“Global Branding,” American University, April 23, 2008.
“Global Marketing Strategy,” American University, October 8, 2007.
“Global Marketing in Emerging Markets,” Howard University, April 2, 2007.
“Prof. Kotler’s Contribution ” speech at Philip Kotler’s 70th birthday, Northwestern University, August 7,
“Marketing with Integrity,” Speech to Socially Responsible Business Meeting, Stockholm, April 4 and 5,
“European Anti-Americanism and Country Branding” lecture at University of California, Los Angeles,
Feb.8, 2006.
Filmed interview, “In Your Face Marketing,” New York, Jan.26, 2006.
“Marketing with Integrity,” Conference on Socially Responsible Business, Lucca, Italy, October 1, 2005.
“Marketing and Anti-Americanism in Europe,” lecture at University of California, Los Angeles, Feb.9,
Radio interviews, “In Your Face,” with Tom Hartman, Scott Harris, Richard Linnett, Michael Dresser,
XM Satellite, June-August, 2004.
Discussant, Conference on “20 years after Levitt’s ‘Globalization of Markets’,” Harvard Business School,
May 28030, 2003.
“International Marketing Research,” Conference on “Research in International Business,” University of
Illinois-CIBER, San Thomas, June 25-27, 2002.
“Global Marketing Organization,” Howard University, Nov. 31, 2001.
“Current research in Global Marketing,” University of Lund, June 1, 2001.
“Global Marketing,” Workshop at EU-Nora Conference, Sweden, August 21, 2000.
“Global Branding,” MSI Conference on Global Brands, Milano, Italy, June 20-21, 2000.
“Global Marketing,” Kobe University, Japan, February 20 and 27, March 12, 2000.
“International Marketing Research,” EMAC Doctoral Consortium, Stockholm, May 1998.
“Research in International Marketing,” University of Uppsala, April 25, 1997.
Doctoral seminar in “International marketing research,” IESE, Barcelona, Spain, Feb.24, 1997.
“Japanese Marketing,” seminar at the Stockholm School of Economics, Feb.18, 1997.
“Postmodern Marketing,” seminar at the Stockholm School of Economics, Feb.12, 1007.
Discussion papers on dissertation proposals by Bengt Molleryd, Anna Nyberg, and Dimitrios Ioannidis,
Stockholm School of Economics, 1997.
“Globalization and Information Technology,” AMA Doctoral Consortium, Boulder, Colorado, July 1996.
“Partial Least Squares, Lisrel and Internationalization Strategies,” EDHEC Conference, Nice, France, Jun
e 1996.
“The New Japan: Prospects and Problems,” University of Milwaukee, November 1995.
“Marketing Skill vs. Luck: The Success of Japanese Autos in the 1970s”, CIBER Conference, University
of Illinois, Urbana, IL, March 1994.
“Cultural Understanding as Managerial Skill: Japan, North America and Europe”, Pacific Region Forum
on Business and Management Communication, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, B.C., Canada,
February 1994.
“Competing In and Against the New Japan”, INTABLE Workshop, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February
“Strategic Role of Me-Too Products”, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, October 1993.
“New Marketing Developments in the U.S.,” Dentsu Advertising Agency, Tokyo, Japan, January 1993.
“U.S.-Japan Relations After Clinton: The Role of Cultural Differences,” Kansai Productivity Center
Conference, Osaka, Japan, December 1992.
“Japan Bashing in the U.S.”, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1992.
Appointed Discussant, Doctoral Dissertation by Ari Kokko: “Foreign Direct Investment, Host Country
Characteristics, and Spillovers,” Stockholm School of Economics, May 1992.
“Strategic Groups and International Competition: The Japanese Success in the U.S. Auto Industry in the
1970's,” presentation to the Department of Business Administration, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden,
March 1989.
“Skill versus Luck: The Role of the Oil Crises in the Japanese Auto Companies' Success in the United
States,” faculty seminar, Department of Applied Economics, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium, February 1989.
“Japanese Strategies in the European Market,” presentation to the Marketing Hauptseminar, University of
Cologne, Cologne, Germany, January 1989.
“Japanese Marketing Strategies in Europe,” presentation at the School of Communications, Neue
Wirtschaftsuniversitet, Vienna, Austria, January 1989.
“Skill versus Luck: The Role of the Oil Crises in the Japanese Auto Companies' Success in the United
States,” faculty seminar, Department of Marketing, Graduate School of Business Administration,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, April 1988.
“Strategic Groups and International Competition: The Japanese Success in the U.S. Auto Industry in the
1970's,” presentation to the Department of Marketing, Graduate School of Business Administration,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, February 1988.
“Japan: The Land of Free Service,” speech at the Service Management Center, University of Karlstad,
Sweden, September 1987.
“Semiconductor Smuggling into the U.S.,” interview on PBS TV national broadcast, “Business Report,”
August 1987.
“Marketing Research the Japanese Way,” interview on CBS radio national broadcast, “Today's Business,”
May 1987.
“Japanese Marketing Policies with an Appreciated Yen,” speech at the First Annual International Busines
s Conference, IBEAR, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, April 1987.
“Inside Japanese Marketing,” talk to the Alumni of the UW Graduate School of Business Administration,
Seattle, February 1987. On the same topic, speech to the management group of Recreational Equipment,
Inc. (REI), a Seattle-based leisure goods retail chain, May 1987.
“International Business Education and the Japanese Success,” speech to visiting graduate students from
the Stockholm School of Economics, Seattle, January 1987.
“Japanese Marketing Failures, “ talk to the Advisory Board of the University of Washington Graduate
School of Business Administration, April 1986. Interviewed by KUOW radio station (Seattle) in May on
the same topic. Invited to an in-house luncheon discussion around the same topic by Paccar, Seattle-base
d truck manufacturer, September 1986.
“The Japanese Way with Marketing Research,” speech to the Puget Sound Research Forum, Seattle,
March 1986.
“Marketing Skills,” seminar at Daiei's Management School, Osaka, June 1985.
“Japanese Marketing Strategies in the U.S.,” interview on Swedish radio, New York, November 1984.
“Consumer Behavior in the Japanese Market,” speech at the Conference on Economic Issues in the Japan
-- U.S. Relationship, Graduate School of Business, New York University, New York, November 1984.
“International Marketing Strategy and Country Bias,” graduate seminar, School of Commerce, Kobe
University, Kobe, Japan, May 1984.
“U.S. and Japanese Marketing: Comparisons and Contrasts,” lecture at Rishoh University, Tokyo, May
“International Product Positioning,” faculty seminar, School of Commerce, Rishoh University, Tokyo,
May 1984. Repeated at the Institute of Business Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, June 1984.
“Marketing Management,” lecture for Japanese expatriate managers, New York University, November
“Recent Developments in American Marketing and Retailing,” seminar for visiting Japanese department
store executives, New York, October 1983.
“U.S. -- Japan Trade Friction: Management Implications,” faculty seminar, Department of Economics,
Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, August 1983.
“Firm Specific Advantages and International Marketing Strategy,” two graduate seminars at the Institute
of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, July 1983.
“Country-of-Origin Effects for Automobiles in the U.S. and Japan: An Econometric Evaluation,” faculty
seminar, Department of Marketing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, March 1983.
“Country-of-Origin Effects on Product Evaluations,” faculty seminar, Department of Marketing, Columbi
a University, New York, February 1983.
“Country-of-Origin and Product Evaluations: A New Methodological Perspective,” faculty seminar,
Department of International Business, New York University, November 1982.
“Country-of-Origin Effects on Product Evaluations: An Econometric Approach,” faculty seminar, School
of Commerce, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, February 1982.
“Recent Developments in Corporate Strategy,” graduate seminar, School of Commerce, Kobe University,
Kobe, Japan, July 1981.
“Global Interdependence: Measurement and Managerial Implications,” graduate seminar at the Institute o
f International Business, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockhom, Sweden, June 1980.
“Consumerism in the United States,” speech and ensuing press conference at the Indian Institute of
Management at Ahmedabad, India, April 1980.
“Current trends in American Advertising,” workshop at the Thompson-Hindustan Advertising Agency,
New Delhi, India, March 1980.
“International Marketing Strategy,” lecture, Department of Marketing, Indian Institute of Management,
Calcutta, March 1980.
“Econometric Evaluations of Advertising Effects,” lecture, Department of Management, Asian Institute of
Technology, Bangkok, March 1980.
“International Marketing Management,” lecture, Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong,
March 1980.
“Marketing for Government Institutions,” lecture, Department of Management, National Defense
Academy, Yokosuka, Japan, February 1980.
“Evaluating Lagged Effects of Advertising Using Box-Jenkins Techniques,” faculty seminar, Department
of Marketing, Stanford University, 1976.
Burlington Northern Scholar, University of Washington, 1986
Ford Motor Company International Fellowship from Sweden, 1964-65
Member, Beta Gamma Sigma
Executive Seminars
“International Marketing,” Executive MBA course, St Petersburg, Russia, March 31-April 4, 2006.
“Global Marketing,” UT Dallas Global Executive Program, Dallas, TX, April 1998- present.
“The Advantage of Global Brands,” speech at Nikkei Conference on Global Branding, New York,
October 26, 2005.
Organized and led “Global Branding: Theory and Practice” workshop, Georgetown University, May 4-6,
“Global Marketing,” Executive MBA, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, Feb.25-27, 2001.
“Global Marketing,” Executive MBA, Swedish School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, Oct. 19-20, 2000.
“Brand Building,” Honda Motor Company, Tokyo Japan, July 3, 1998.
“Global Branding,” Dentsu, Tokyo, Japan, July 1, 1998.
“International Marketing,” University of Uppsala Executive MBA, May 29, 1998.
“The Japanese Way with Marketing,” Executive Seminar, Stockolm, May 27, 1998.
“How to Build a Global Brand,” Electrolux, Stockholm, March 31-April 2, 1998.
“The Advantage of Strong Brands,” Honda Motor Company, Washington, D.C., March 12, 1998.
“Marketing the Japanese Way,” IMU-Testologen, Stockholm, June 26, 1997.
“Japanese Management,” Interpares, Stockholm, March 17, 1997.
“Japanese Marketing,” IESE Executive seminar, Barcelona, Spain, Feb.25, 1997.
“Global Marketing,” 5-day seminar at Riga School of Economics, Jan.20-24, 1997.
“Marketing in Japan, U.S. and Europe”, one day seminar for Beiersdorf A.G. in Frankfurt, Germany,
October 1993 and October 1992.
“Japanese Marketing”, seminar for Volvo-Penta, A.B. in Gothenburg, Sweden, March 1993.
“Japanese Marketing”, one day seminar at Informationskollegiet, Stockholm, Sweden, November 1992.
“Customer Satisfaction in Japan”, seminar at Posten, Stockholm, Sweden, September 1992.
“Japanese Marketing Philosophy”, seminars presented at the Stockholm School of Economics, AGA
Company, and the Business Circle (B.C.), Stockholm, Sweden, May 1992.
“How to Do Business in Japan,” a three-day long seminar with the Young Presidents' Organization,
Nagoya, Japan, May 1990. Served as moderator and panel member.
“International Marketing,” program for Latin-American country managers, University of Miami, Miami,
FL, April 1990.
“Global Marketing,” program for European managers, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France, August 1989.
“Business Management in Japan,” five seminars for middle level management at Ford Werke AG in
Cologne, Germany, November 1988-January 1989.
“Marketing Strategy and Marketing Research,” in-house seminars for John Fluke,
Inc., an electronics manufacturing company, Lynnwood, WA, January-March 1987.
“New Developments in Multinational Marketing Strategy,” at the Japan Productivity Center, Tokyo,
December 1985.
“Marketing Entrepreneurship for Small Businesses,” for owner-managers of small firms, Nara, Japan,
December 1985.
“Recent Developments in Corporate Strategy,” for business executives at Japan Productivity Center,
Tokyo, August 1983. Repeated at Kansai Productivity Center, Osaka, August 1983.
“Marketing Research,” for professional researchers, Seattle, 1982, 1986.
“Marketing Strategy,” for corporate executives, Seattle, 1982, 1985, 1986.
“Marketing Strategy,” in-house seminar for GTE Corporation, Orcas, San Juan Islands, WA, 1981.
“Japanese Marketing Management,” session in three different executive programs run by the Institute for
Business Management at the Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, June and July 1980.
“Evaluating the Effectiveness of Advertising,” for advertising agency executives, Calcutta, March 1980.
Repeated in Bombay, April 1980.
“International Marketing Strategy,” for corporate executives, Asian Productivity Center, Hong Kong,
March 1980.
“New Developments in Marketing Strategy,” in-house seminar for Hakuhodo Advertising Agency, Tokyo
, Japan, 1980.
“Marketing Management for Small Firms,” for small business marketers, Seattle, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982,
1985, 1986, 1987, 1988.
“Product Positioning and Market Segmentation,” for marketing executives, Seattle, 1978, 1979, 1981.
In-house seminar for GTE Corporation, Seattle, December 1979.
“Marketing Management,” New School for Democratic Management, Seattle, 1978.
Consulting and Other Activities
Consultant in Marketing Strategy, Marketing Research, and International Marketing to a number of
organizations, including:
Volvo Penta (Sweden) - automobile and truck manufacturer
Beiersdorf, A.G. (Germany)
Honda (Japan) - automobile manufacturer
Amoco – U.S., Standard Oil (Indiana)
GE – U.S., General Electric
GTE – U.S., General Telephone and Electronics
New Vector – U.S., tele-communications
ESCO – U.S., heavy equipment manufacturer
Frank Russell Company – U.S., financial services
Mazda - Automobiles - Japan
Hakuhodo - advertising agency – Japan
Young & Rubicam – advertising agency – U.S.
Fuji film - Japan
Core Concept - corporate identity (CI) - Japan
Ford Werke AG – Germany
SIFO Opinion Research – Sweden.
Expert judge, Business School Curriculum Awards, Stockholm, February 12, 2008.
Panel member for the evaluation of Swedish Business School curricula, Stockholm, April 13-May 26,
Appointed doctoral dissertation “opponent”: Ari Kokko (Stockholm School of Economics), Patrick Sweet
(Lunds University). Doctoral committee member: Ahmed Tolba, Paul Kolesa (George Washington Univ
External evaluator for Promotions to Professor to a number of Universities (1990 – present), including:
Salah Hassan, Liesl Riddle (George Washington U.), Schlomo Lampert, Izrael Nebenzahl, Michael Etgar
(Ben Gurion U., Israel), Shaoming Zou (U. of Missouri), Thomas Hult (Michigan State U.), Bernard
Simonin (U. of Washington, Tuck School), Magnus Soderlund, Bjorn Axelsson, Mosad Zineldin, Deo
Sharma (Stockholm School of Economics, Uppsala U.).
American Marketing Association
The Academy of International Business
Member, International House of Japan
The Institute of Management Sciences (1980-98)
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Marketing Research. (1981-1988)
Member of Editorial Board, International Marketing Review. (1984-1988)
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of International Marketing. (1992-present)
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of International Business Studies. (1990-2000)
Associate Editor, International Marketing Review. (1990-1992)
Book Review Editor, International Marketing Review. (1986-1988)
Occasional reviewer for Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Marketing, and the
Journal of International Marketing.
January 2009