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We are Charlie, indeed!
22 Islamic terror camps in U.S. - Congress seems unconcerned
Last week's brazen attack by a "home-grown" terrorist cell in
France that targeted the staff of satirical magazine Charlie
Hebdo has sparked renewed interest in potential cells operating
inside the United States.
And there are many.
The FBI is aware of at least 22 paramilitary Islamic communes
in the U.S., operated by the shadowy Pakistan-based group
Jamaat al-Fuqra and its main U.S. front group, Muslims of the
With U.S. headquarters in Islamberg, New York, the group
headed by Pakistani cleric Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani operates
communes in mostly remote areas of California, Georgia, South
Carolina, New York, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Michigan,
Tennessee and other states.
Check out the Christian Action Network’s acclaimed documentary, “Homegrown Jihad,” which blew
the whistle on Muslims of America communes and what its recruits are taught.
The FBI describes the MOA compound in Texas, called Mahmoudberg, as an enclave and
"communal living site." Located in Brazoria County along County Road 3 near Sweeny, Texas, it
was discovered more than 10 years ago by the FBI through a tip from an informant in New York.
The Texas commune, in a heavily wooded area, is estimated by a local resident to encompass
about 25 acres. It dates back to the late 1980s, the resident said, which is confirmed by the FBI
documents previously reported on by WND.
Pamela Geller, author of the Atlas Shrugs blog and the book "Stop the Islamization of America," has
been following the militant training compounds since 2007.
Most of the recruits living at these communes are African-Americans who converted to Islam while
doing hard time in state or federal prisons, Geller says. They have operated "under the not-sowatchful eye" of the FBI since the early 1980s, she says, but few Americans are aware of their
existence all these years later.
Gilani's group operates a slick website in which a female narrator in one promo video waxes
beautifully about how the group has rescued many young Americans from a life a crime, drugs and
poverty. The group claims to focus on a ministry to "indigenous American Muslims." One would
never guess from the video that the group trains young men and women in the use of small arms
and military tactics.
Check out the Christian Action Network’s acclaimed documentary, “Homegrown Jihad,” which blew
the whistle on Muslims of America communes and what its recruits are taught.
A January 2003 investigative summary by the FBI states: "The captioned investigation of the
Muslims of America is based upon specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are
engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation thereof..."
In a recruitment video captured from Gilani’s "Soldiers of Allah," Gilani states: "We are fighting to
destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America."
Yet, the MOA is not on the U.S. State Department's list of terrorist organizations.
"Probably they haven't been raided because Jamaat al-Fuqra is not listed as a terrorist group by the
U.S. government and because there is a great reluctance among government and law enforcement
agencies across the board, no matter who is president, to appear to be anti-Muslim," Geller told
WND. "These compounds say they're peaceful Muslim communities, and the government wants to
give the impression that such things can exist in the U.S. without any trouble."
Indeed, MOA has operated freely under the watch of every president since Ronald Reagan. The
group's leader, Gilani, moved to America from Pakistan in 1979 and has been developing his
network of communes ever since. He was once investigated by the Pakistani government for
possible involvement in the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Some reports say
he has as many as 35 affiliated compounds throughout the U.S., although only about 22 of the sites
have been verified.
There have been run-ins with the law involving murder and financial scheming back in the 1990s.
In 1991, after a MOA bomb plot in Toronto was foiled, a federal search warrant for three suspects
was issued and a nearly 45-acre compound about 70 miles south of Dallas was raided. The location
of the compound corresponds to a reference in an FBI document obtained by the Clarion Project
that says about seven MOA members purchased property near Corsicana, Texas.
Federal officials found four mobile homes; three military, general-purpose tents; and six vehicles.
Also discovered were loose ammunition, books on counter-terrorism techniques and weaponry and
various items with "Jamaat Fuqra Land" written on them.
Another compound in Buena Vista, Colorado, was raided and shut down by state authorities in
1992. But there have been no raids on any of the encampments since the 1990s.
Check out the Christian Action Network’s acclaimed documentary, “Homegrown Jihad,” which blew
the whistle on Muslims of America communes and what its recruits are taught.
Do you understand jihad in America?
The threat is just beneath the surface - hidden in plain sight.
It becomes more obvious at certain moments – like today when
young Muslim Chechnyans are involved with police shootouts
when they are connected with the tragic Boston Marathon
But it’s there every day – right in front of us.
If you want to understand this threat, perhaps the best
documentary primer is "Jihad in America" by Steve Emerson, a
former CNN newsman. He calls it "The Grand Deception."
This 70-minute documentary unmasks the covert infrastructure
of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, shows how its
leaders rose to prominence and exposes how they continue to
exploit American values – under the cover of religion – to further
their ulterior political agenda.
Get your copy today at half off!
Based on an extensive collection of primary source materials, including internal records of the
Muslim Brotherhood, startling first-person accounts and chilling and exclusive undercover audio and
video of these groups behind closed doors. This investigative film lays bare the history and secret
structure of this subversive menace behind the public mask.
"God is our Goal. The Prophet is our leader. The Quran is our constitution. Jihad is our way. Death
in the service of God is the loftiest of our wishes. God is great; God is great."
This is the motto of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded in Egypt as a vehicle to establish a
worldwide Islamic empire governed by Shariah law.
The Brotherhood has transformed Islam into a political agenda, and this mix of religion and politics
has become known as Islamism. Since its founding in 1928, the Brotherhood has established a
presence in more than 70 countries, and countless organizations worldwide have adopted its
strategy and goals.
There is more here than meets the eye.
Learn about what is really going on in Jihad in America: The Grand Deception.
"This video provides an excellent education for Americans, who generally
can't believe someone would do these things deliberately." – Keith Davis
"I wish every person could watch this, I have given it to my pastor as we
are currently in the process of protesting the building of yet another
supermosque in our neighborhood and we know that the result of that is the
degradation of the value of the housing, the intimidation and the
implementation of Shariah laws. Highly recommended." – Gerredina
"This is an excellent view of radical Islam in the U.S. and is well
documented. Steve Emerson and his team have done what others refuse to
do, talk about radical Islam and how it is effecting the U.S. This is a
documentary that should be in every law enforcement agency in America."
– Steven Stanley
"You cannot watch this without realizing there is a Jihad plan in America.
Steve Emerson has investigated this subject in a remarkable way! He uses
'their own words' on video to show the plan they have against the United
States. What they say is so insightful. I have seen many videos like this,
and this one is the best; the DVD is brilliantly done." – ElliottJFM
See what everyone is talking about.
Steve Emerson is the executive director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, one of the world's
largest storehouses of archival data and intelligence on Islamic and Middle Eastern terrorist groups.
Emerson and his staff have been quoted or profiled in hundreds of newspaper and television stories
since 9/11 and frequently provide briefings to U.S. government and law enforcement agencies,
members of Congress and congressional committees. Emerson has testified before and briefed
Congress dozens of times on terrorist financing and operational networks of al-Qaida, Hamas,
Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the rest of the worldwide Islamic militant spectrum.
Click here to learn more about "Jihad in America."
New documentary explores biblical signs end is near
'Islamic Antichrist' author goes to Israel, Egypt, Turkey for answers
Joel Richardson's new documentary film, "End Times Eyewitness," opens with a series of pointed
"What are the signs" to look for among those expecting the second coming of Jesus Christ?
"How do the events being played out on the world stage today relate to biblical prophecy?"
"How are level-headed, responsible Christians to relate to the biblical prophets and the unfolding of
chaos throughout the world?"
Watch a preview of it here:
Richardson, author of the "The Islamic Antichrist" and "The Mideast Beast," traveled throughout the
Middle East interviewing pastors, missionaries and theologians, as well as Islamic and Jewish
leaders, searching for answers.
After spelling out in Jesus' own words, in Matthew 24, why it is
important for believers to study the prophets and be watchful of
the signs of the times, Richardson makes his case that the signs
of His coming are all around. From the historic return of the
Jewish people to the land of Israel to the rise of radical
Islamic, he said, world events are leading up to the grand
showdown between good and evil.
The first sign was the rebirth of modern-day Israel in 1948 and
the subsequent regathering of the Jewish people to their ancient
homeland against enormous odds. Th rebirth was predicted by
Old Testament prophets such as Isaiah, Zachariah and
Jeremiah, and it was also predicted by Christian leaders for
hundreds of years before it happened.
Yet, "there is a division in the house," legendary theologian
Walter Kaiser Jr. says in a passionate, on-camera interview. A
sizable portion of today's Christian population still doesn't see
anything particularly special about the return of the Jews to Israel. That's because they are blinded
by a "replacement theology" that sees the church as replacing Israel in the eyes of God and
usurping all of the promises of God that were given to the Jewish people, Kaiser said.
Kaiser points out that in Genesis 15, God "cut the covenant" with his people Israel. The fact that
they have strayed from their part of the covenant doesn't make it null and void, he said.
"It was God himself who walked between the pieces (of the slaughtered animals)," part of a longheld symbolic practice that in ancient Middle Eastern times was meant to show the other party to an
agreement that you were serious about keeping your end of the deal.
"God, in effect, said, 'May I die like these animals if I don’t keep what I promised here," Kaiser
Click here to learn more about Joel Richardson's
new documentary film, "End Times Eyewitness,"
Second sign
Richardson then investigated what he believes is a second
sign: the growing support for rebuilding the Jewish temple on
the holy mountain in Jerusalem, now occupied by the Islamic
Dome of the Rock mosque.
More than 10,000 Jews go to the Temple Mount each year to
pray, up from a few hundred just a couple of decades ago. A
2009 poll showed that over 60 percent of the overall Jewish
community in Israel, both religious and non-religious, want to
see the temple rebuilt.
But it's not only Jews who backs the ambitious and
controversial project. Even some Islamic leaders are now
talking about a new international house of prayer that would
incorporate the existing mosque on the site as its centerpiece.
Richardson interviews a Muslim leader from Turkey, Adnar Oktar, as well as Israeli rabbis who
agree that an international house of prayer for the three monotheistic religions should be built on the
Temple Mount.
It would be a testimony to "religious tolerance," says Rabbi Yehuda Glick of the Temple Heritage
"One house for all of those who are out to say 'God is one, his name is one,'" Glick says. "This is the
dream. The Dome of the Rock has a strong potential to be that because it's in the right location, it
represents a religion faithful to one God. It only needs one more thing: agree to religious tolerance
and peace among faithful people."
The camera then flashes to the mosque, and the voice of messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn interjects
a word of caution. Cahn, who is Jewish but believes Jesus Christ is the biblical messiah, explains
that the Quran teaches "God has no son."
"That's just like the work of the enemy," Cahn says.
He sees the mixing of Christianity and Judaism with Islam in the last days as a demonic trap that will
eventually be exposed.
"The enemy is a pre-emptor," Cahn says. "He seeks to stop the work of God before it happens. He
tried to kill Moses as a baby. He tried to kill Messiah as a baby. … So it's just like him to take the
place where everything not only happened but where it has to happen, where the throne of God will
be, and set something up right there on top of it and say, 'Hey, you can't do it because it's my
mount.' But God says, 'No that's not going to last.'"
Click here to learn more about Joel Richardson's
new documentary film, "End Times Eyewitness,"
Islamic messiah
The third biblical sign covered in the film is the rise of
false prophets. Richardson believes that chief among
these false prophets will be the Islamic messiah,
called the Mahdi or the 12th Imam, who Richardson
says will be accompanied by the Muslim Jesus. Many
Christians aren't aware that Islam believes in Jesus as
a prophet who will return in the last days to work with
the Mahdi.
The Mahdi is seen by many Muslims as reigning on
the earth for seven years, the same amount of time
the Bible predicts the antichrist will reign. And,
according to Richardson, the Muslim Jesus bears a
striking resemblance to the biblical false prophet
described in the book of Revelation. The Bible paints
the false prophet as a clever deceiver, and
Richardson believes he will convince much of the
world's religious people that he, Jesus, is Muslim and
that Islam is the one true religion.
"Discerning Christians would do well to be aware of
the rise of messianic expectation throughout the
Islamic world, particularly in light of Jesus’ warnings that the last days would be marked by the
appearance of false prophets who will arise and mislead many," Richardson says.
Click here to learn more about Joel Richardson's
new documentary film, "End Times Eyewitness,"
Daniel and the Arab Spring
The fourth sign Richardson sees as having huge biblical consequences is what he calls "Daniel 11
and the Arab Spring."
The revolutions and upheavals throughout the Islamic world that began in 2011 have led to
realignments of alliances, with Turkey emerging as a great power allied with Syria and at least part
of Iraq in the north, while Egypt is the dominant power in the south. Israel will be caught in the
This could be a replay of the war between the "King of the North" and "King of the South" that
already happened once in the second century with Antiochus Epiphanes, the leader of the northern
kingdom, serving as a type of the future antichrist. Richardson expects the antichrist to rise from this
same northern region of Turkey, Syria or Iraq.
Allen Hood, associate director of the International House of Prayer and a missionary to Israel, said
not enough Christians are tuned in to the biblical signs of the times.
"Most are not living with that eschatological urgency of the hour," Hood said. "But the church will
Near the end of the 65-minute film, an Egyptian Christian named Rami, shrouded in shadows to
protect her identity, gives her perspective that the end times are not just theoretical but practical in
the lives of the persecuted church living in Muslim countries.
"Jesus is coming. What are you doing?" Rami asks. "We have to ask ourselves the question: How
should we be living in light of the approaching hour?"
Richardson said he is now working on a follow-up documentary that will attempt to answer that
"There’s another film that will be part two coming out in the spring," he said. "Part two will be
focusing on the application.
"The purpose of this first documentary was to explore primary signs of the return of Jesus Christ.
Are we living in the last days? And after we answered the question, yes, the second film is going to
answer the question of what should the church be doing. What should the response be?"
Get your copy of "End Times
Eyewitness" here
The Middle East according to
God's plan
The 12th Imam, weapons of mass destruction,
plagues and earthquakes
Throughout time, there have been many evil madmen who cite their
cause as the reason to perform horrific atrocities upon their fellow
men. In the recent past, Hitler comes to mind. Ethnic cleansings
serve the greater good by elimination of an "inferior" race. Muslims
believe "Satan" is groups of people, countries, not an individual,
hence the "Satan" labels given to Israel and the United States. Joel
Richardson identifies the key spiritual factors affecting Muslims today
and how the Christian believer is to respond. Through examining the
prophecies of Daniel 8 and 11, Joel shows how the unfolding events
in the Middle East today are taking place according to God's divine
Click here to learn more.
In "The Return Is Near" you will discover:
• Why Islam rejects God as Father.
• Why Islam rejects Jesus as the divine Son of God.
• Why Islam rejects the Jewish people as inheritors of God's promises.
• How to reach Muslims and win them for Jesus.
• What the leaders of Iran really believe about the end of the world and the destruction of
the Jewish people.
"The Return Is Near" examines the Mark of the Beast and
Islam as well as the Mark of God as described by the
prophet Ezekiel. Also discussed is a movement quickly
infecting the Church called "Chrislam," and what we can do
to stop its creeping influence.
As massive earthquakes continue to shake the nations, few
believers are aware that the Bible predicts a massive
cataclysmic coming earthquake that will level every nation of Joel Richardson
the earth. When will this happen and what is the major event
that will bring this about? By reviewing data from the United States Geological Survey, Joel shows
how massive earthquakes are rapidly increasing in frequency, pointing to the soon coming of Jesus
the Messiah.
"The Return Is Near" discusses the frightening Shiite Muslim belief in
a mysterious messiah figure known as the 12th Imam. According to
Islamic belief, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Moreover,
among the Islamic Shiites, an Imam is believed to be a prayer leader
or cleric who is anointed by the Islamic god Allah and is destined to
be the World Leader or the 12th Imam.
• Could the 12th Imam of Islam be the Antichrist described
in the Bible?
• Or will the Antichrist emerge instead from the Sunni
Muslim world?
• How does Islamic endtime belief correspond to biblical
A highly informative 4-DVD series that you will not want to miss!
Click here to learn more about "The Return Is Near: Strategic Insights into the Most Important
Moment in History".
Catch up on all of Joel Richardson's writings and video teachings in the WND Superstore
• The long-awaited sequel to the WND Books
bestseller, "The Islamic Antichrist," featured
on Glenn Beck's program, a book that has
changed the eschatological views of many
evangelical Christians since its release two
years ago.
The new book is available now, autographed
by the author, for immediate shipping. It's
called "Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case
for an Islamic Antichrist."
This book picks up where the last one left off
– with even more biblical evidence that the
long-anticipated Antichrist will be a figure
from the Middle East, a Muslim.
of the
have long
held that
form of humanism or universalist religion
catapult the Antichrist to world power,
Beast" systematically makes the case that
Antichrist is even now before us and
at thedoor.
Click here to read more about "Mideast
• The
foundation for all of his work begins with
Islamic Antichrist," in which he breaks new
with this devastating account of the
undeniable connection between the biblical
and the Islamic Mahdi. The Bible predicts
that in the
last days a charismatic leader will establish
a global following in the name of peace. The Quran also predicts that a man will rise up to
lead the nations, pledging to usher in an era of peace.
The man in the Quran is called the Mahdi, or Islam's
savior. However, the man in the Bible is the Antichrist.
Could it be possible that they are one and the same
person? In "The Islamic Antichrist," Richardson
exposes Western readers to the traditions of Islam
and predicts that the end times may not be that far
away. His book has stunned readers unaware of the
striking similarities between the Antichrist and the
"Islamic Jesus."
• Richardson is also the co-author, with Walid Shoebat, of "God's War on Terror: Islam,
Prophecy and the Bible."
• "Islam and the Endtimes, Part 1″is a three-DVD package laying the groundwork for
Richardson's theories – all backed up by scripture overlooked by other prophecy teachers.
The first session offers "An Introduction to the Islamic End Time Theory." The second
session is titled "The Return of Christ in the Old Testament." The third session is "The
Islamic Empire in the Book of Daniel." The fourth teaching session is "The Theology of the
Antichrist." The final session is the Q&A covering a variety of topics.
• The followup video series is "Islam and the
Endtimes, Part 2." It offers more than six hours of
teaching on the following topics: "The Post Tribulation
Rapture"; "Who Are ‘The People of The Prince to
Come?'"; "The Battle of Gog and Magog"; and
"Identifying the Coming Beast Coalition."
• You can save money by buying both of the above
video teachings as a package in the WND Superstore
– "The Islam and the Endtimes Bundle."
• Lastly, there's "Understanding the Times," a four DVD package exploring the following:
The singular unified message that is proclaimed from Genesis to Revelation, first by the
prophets and then by Jesus and the apostles; Current events in light of biblical prophecy;
Who or what is Mystery Babylon?
"I've been a student of Bible prophecy for more than 30 years and Joel Richardson has effectively
challenged some of my most basic assumptions," says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive
officer of WND and founder of WND Books, which published "The Islamic Antichrist." "You owe it to
yourself to be challenged, too."
Click here to browse all of Joel Richardson's teachings.
Check out the WND Superstore
Jihadist who abandoned violence for Christianity
Kamal Saleem was trained in terror starting at age 7 at a PLO
assault camp, learning to know and hate his enemies, was
indoctrinated in radical Islam on his mother's knee and studied with
his father how to despise Christians and Jews.
He's told his story in the book, "The Blood of Lambs: A Former
Terrorist's Memoir of Death and Redemption," as well as in a
gripping DVD called "In the Red Chair," where he describes how he
used to use his power – all of it – to change the world for Islam.
He dined with Moammar Gadhafi, his website says he served under
Yasser Arafat and has Arab royalty in his family tree and he worked
as a career
mercenary, taking his
terror activities worldwide. Ultimately, he was
recruited by the Saudi royal family to infiltrate the
United States with a campaign of radical Islam.
But Kamal Saleem now has renounced terrorism,
adopted a home in America, found Christ and has
spoken against terror and radical Islam at universities
across the nation.
How could this change happen?
Actually, as he explains of his own life and its
changes, it was a severe accident that broke his back
and the love of a Jewish man, Jesus, that ultimately
put him on the right course.
It is an amazing personal story that every Christian
and every American should read: "The Blood of
Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death and
"My car was very small and it has a T-top, so when
the 18-wheeler broad-sided me, I ejected from car and landed
on my head in a mud hole upside down," he recalls.
"I cried out for Allah, but Allah didn't come to save me. I cried,
'Allah where are you?'" Saleem added.
Rescuers, doctors and hospital staff then introduced him to
something he had never seen. He says he was shown the
unconditional love of God, something that is foreign to Islam.
"In Islam, everything is conditional. For example, in the Quran,
there is not one place where Allah says 'I love my people,' not
once. The word love is not mentioned in the Quran," Saleem
In his surgeon's house, Saleem says he was amazed by the
love everyone showed to him. He also says it was in the
doctor's house that he also noticed something special about
Christian marriage and the treatment of women.
"Women in our (Islamic) culture are nothing. They are equal to
the goat or the rug. Her purpose is to be married to her husband
to give him pleasure. When a husband marries a wife, he
purchases her sexual organs," Saleem said.
Saleem has a warning for the Western world: "Islam is like a
cancer. It grows and expands until it eventually consumes and
suffocates the host."
He says his knowledge of the Muslim Brotherhood's mission
and methods compels him to warn Americans about what is happening under the radar in their own
"The Muslim Brotherhood is here specifically to destroy the house of the United States of America
and bring about the Islamic House and that's done by the Muslim's hand," Saleem explained.
"And it’s not the just the Muslims who came to the United States for this purpose, but also those
they recruited in the United States as Americans and have turned them against this country." Click
here for Kamal Saleem's full story in "The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of Death
and Redemption," and click here for the DVD titled "In the Red Chair."
Saleem adds by now Islam even has reached the sanctuaries of Christian churches and campuses
of Christian colleges.
"Even in Christian schools today, you find Islamic history professors whose papers are done on the
glory of Allah and Islam and Muhammad, right there on Christian universities," Saleem said.
"These guys are the first allies and the best allies to Islam. So, when someone speaks of Islam, they
try to destroy the person's character instantly because they (the professor) have become a war
machine," Saleem said.
Saleem says one of the most insidious ways jihad and Shariah law is infiltrating the U. S. is through
the courts. He cites the recent Florida case in which a judge ordered Shariah law be used to settle a
mosque leadership dispute.
"What they're trying to do is fake cases for Islam and these cases are done purposefully. We take
an imam, there are two of them. They were fighting against each other and the fight was over a
mosque," Saleem explained.
"That is so devious and it is part of the culture of Islamic invasion. These two imams are fighting
over a mosque in Florida. Each imam says it belongs to me," Saleem said,
"One says I built it and I raised the funds. The other one says the Wahhabi government put me over
here and they're the ones who sent the money. Both of them are right," Saleem continued.
"They went to the Supreme Court in Florida. What happened is that they said this was a Muslim
matter and you need to judge us by Islamic Shariah law or you will not understand how these things
work," Saleem added.
"Both of them are demanding to be judged by Shariah so now the Supreme Court is learning how
Shariah works. So, in turn, they have instilled and indwelt Islamic laws with our laws," Saleem said.
Saleem says that the effort to install Shariah law into the United States should be treated like "any
other act of terrorism because they are terrorizing this country."
Saleem says what's happening should be prayed against.
"That's what we need to speak against and pray against because it is the essence of evil." Saleem
Read Kamal Saleem's story in the new book, "The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorist's Memoir of
Death and Redemption," and watch him tell it firsthand in the new DVD called "In the Red Chair."