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The plasma membrane is a thin sheet of lipid embedded wiilr
A. proteins.
b. carbohydrates.
c. polymers.
d. nucleotides.
e. sodium and potassium ions.
Dfficalty: Easy
Rnen - 005 Chqter... #8
2. Membrane proteins are not very soluble in water, because they possess long shetches of non-polar amino
acids that
a. are too long to interact
B. are hydrophobic.
c. are transmembranal.
d. are hydrophilic.
with the water molecules.
e. serve as transport channels.
Difficully: Moderate
Raven - 005 Chapter... #9
If a cell has the same concentration of dissolved molecules
is called as being
A. isotonic.
b. hypertonic.
c. hypotonic.
d. hydrophobic.
e. hydrophilic.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Rnen - 005 Clwpter... #10
as of its outside environment, the cell's condition
protein carriers driven
4. A type of transport of a solute across a membrane, up its concentration gradient, using
by the expenditure of chemical energy is known as
a. osmosis.
b. diffirsion.
c. facilitated transPort.
D. active transPort.
e. exocytosis.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 005 ChaPter... #11
5. The
fluid nature of the membranes is attributed to
a lateral movement
protein channels.
!. phospholipid molecules.
c. antigen molecules.
d. pumps such as the Proton PumP.
e. the entire lipid bilaYera.
DfficultY: Moderate
005 ChaPter'.. #14
identiff the cell-type. Often
6. On the outer surface of the plasma membrane there are marker molecules that
these molecules are
a. ATP.
b. amino acids.
c. nucleotides.
D. carbohydrate chains.
e. inorganic ions.
Dffianlty: Moderate
Raven - 005 Chapter... #1 5
7. Which of the following protein classes are not found as membrane
a. transport channels
B. hormones
c. receptors
d. enzymes
e. identity markers
Dfficulty: Dfficult
Raven-005ChaPter. #16
8. The part of a membrane protein that extends through the phospholipid bilayer is primarily composed
amino acids that are
a. highly polar.
b. negatively charged.
Q. non-polar.
d. positively charged.
e. water soluble.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 005 Chapter... #1 7
9. The movement of substances to regions of lower concentration is called
a. active transport.
c. osmosis.
d. pumping.
e. exocytosis.
Dfficalty: Easy
Roven - 005 Chapter... #19
10. If two solutions have unequal concentrations
a. isotonic.
of a solute, the solution with the lower concentration is called
b. hypertonic.
C. hypotonic.
d. hypnotic.
e. osmosis.
Difrculty: Moderate
Rnen - 005 Chapter... #20
11. The process often thought of as
a. osmosis.
b. pinocytosis.
Q. phagocytosis.
d. diffusion.
e. active transport.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 005 Chapter... #23
"cell eating" is
12. Osmosis can only occur
a. cell wall.
if water travels through the
B. semi-permeable membrane.
c. vacuole.
d. ER.
e. cytoskeleton.
Difriculty: Easy
Raven - 005 Chapter... #25
13. Cholesterol functions in the plasma membrane to
a. transport ions.
b. serve as an energy molecule.
C. maintain fluidity.
d. mediate steroid action.
e. maintain hypertension.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 005 Chapter... #3I
A phospholipid molecule has a polar and a nonpolar end. Because of this, water molecules form
bonds with the nonpolar end of the phospholipid molecule.
b. polar bonds with the polar end of the phospholipid molecule.
c. hydrogen bonds with the nonpolar end of the phospholipid molecule.
D. hydrogen bonds with the polar end of the phospholipid molecule.
e. covalent bonds with the nonpolar end of the phospholipid molecule.
Dffical4t: Moderate
Raven - 005 Chapter... #32
15. For the process of diffusion to occur, molecules must
A. move from areas of high concentration to areas of lesser concentration until an equilibrium is reached.
b. move from areas of low concentration to areas of higher concentration until an equilibrium is reached.
c. remain stationary until their molecular motion allows for an equilibrium to be reached.
d. move from areas of high concentration to areas of lesser concentration until facilitated transport can assist the
molecular equilibrium.
e. move from areas of high concentration to areas of lesser concentration until an equilibrium is reached by
active transport.
Dfficulry: Moderate
Raven - 005 Chapter... #35
16. If a blood research laboratory is attempting to collect the content of human red blood cells, the researchers
should use which of the following types of solutions to cause blood cell lysis (burstingf
a. hyperosmotic
b. isosmotic
C. hypoosmotic
d. osmotic
Dfficuhy: Moderate
Rnen - 005 Chapter... #37
17. Oxidation and reduction reactions are chemical processes that result
a. atoms.
in a gain or loss in
b. neutrons.
C. electrons.
d. molecules.
e. protons.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 006 Chapter... #10
18. Reactions that occur spontaneously and release free energy are called
a. activation
B. exergonic
c. catabolistic
d. thermodynamic
e. endergonic
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 006 Chapter... #l
A chemical reaction in which the products contain less energy than the
A. reactants
b. enzymes
c. coenzymes
d. substrates
e. cofactors
Difficulty: Easy
Rnen - 006 Chapter... #l2
will tend to proceed
20. Protein catalysts that speed up the various metabolic biological reactions in an organism are called
a. substrates.
b. cofactors.
c. reactants.
d. products.
E. enzymes.
Dfficahy: Easy
Raven - 006 Chapter... #l 3
21. Enzymes have specific
with which they interact.
a. products
c. reactants
d. atoms
e. end-products
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 006 Chapter... #14
22.The speciflcity of an enzyme is due to its active site. The active site is shaped so that only
A. substrate molecule can fit into it.
b. product molecule can fit into it.
c. reactant molecule can fit into it.
d. cofactor molecule can flt into it.
e. histone molecule can fit into it.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 006 Chapter...
23.The chief energy cunency of all cells is
a. cyclic AMP.
b. NADH.
c. FADH.
e. ADP.
Dfficalty: Easy
Raven - 006 Chapter... #18
a molecule called
a certain
24.Tbe chemistry of living systems representing all chemical reactions is called
a. catabolism.
b. anabolism.
C. metabolism.
d. enzymology.
e. thermodynamics.
Rnen - 006 C hapter... #I 9
25. A calorie is the commonly used unit of chemical energy. It is also the unit of
b. magnetism.
c. sound.
D. heat.
e. radioactivity.
Dfficulty: Easy
Fa ven - 006 Chqter... #20
26. When an atom or molecule gains one or more electrons, it is said to be
a. energized.
b. oxidized
c. polarized
d. activated.
E. reduced.
D\ficulty: Easy
Raven - 006 Chapter... #22
27.Life's ultimate source of energy is derived from
A. the sun.
b. plants.
c. water.
d. air.
e. cells.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 006 Chqter... #23
28. Reactions that do not proceed spontaneously because they require energy from an outside source are called
a. exergonic.
b. xerogonic.
c. metabolic.
D. endergonic.
e. endocytic.
Dfficahy: Easy
Rnen- 006 Chqter... #25
29. Molecules that act as catalysts in biological systems are
a. ATP.
b. cofactors.
c. coenzymes.
p. enzymes.
e. genes.
Dfficulty: Easy
Rnen - 006 Chqter... #26
30. Enz5mres catalyze chemical reactions by lowering the
a. entropy. energy.
Q. activation energy.
d. enthalpy.
e. calories.
Raven - 006 Chapter... #27
31. In an enzyme catalyzsdreaction the reactant is called the
a. riboz5mre.
b. catalyst.
C. substrate.
d. end-product.
e. activator.
Dffiatlty: Easy
Roven - 006 Chapur...
32. When the substrate is bound to the enzyme, the shape of the enzyme may change slightly, leading to
A. a better induced fit.
b. a great range of possible catalytic activities.
c. a greater supply of activation energy.
d. more permanent binding through intimate total contact.
e. more possible products of the reaction.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 006 Chapter... #31
33. Enzymes are very specific in their choices of substrates because each different enzyme has an active site
a. depends on unusual amino acids not common in proteins.
b. has a certaifi unique amino acid to fit each substrate.
C. is shaped to fit a certain substrate molecule.
d. is lined with glycolipids and glycoproteins.
e. passes electrons from one part ofthe substrate to another.
Dfficulty: Dfficult
Raven - 006 Chapter... #32
At the conclusion of an enzyme catalyzed reaction, the enzyme
from its amino acids.
B. frees itself from the product and is ready to be reused.
c. must be transported from outside of the cell.
d. changes into an active form.
e. closes up its active site and cannot bind to more substrate.
a. must be resynthesized
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 006 Chapter... #33
35. The sites where molecules other than substrates bind in an enzyme to alter its activity are called
a. catalytic
B. allosteric
c. metabolic
d. amino acid
-e. activity
Dfiiculty: Easy
Raven - 006 Chapter... #35
36. ATP gives up energy when it is converted to
b. NADP.
c. NADH.
D. ADP and phosphate.
e. RNA.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 006 Chapter... #37
37.|n an experiment described in a chemistry lab book, the directions state that after mixing the two chemicals
(A and B) and waiting 5 minutes that B will be reduced. This means that
a. chemical B has lost electrons to chemical A.
B. chemical B has gained electrons from chemical A.
c. chemical B has lost its ability to interact with chemical A.
d. chemical B has become an isotope and can no longer interact with chemical A.
e. chemical B has shared electrons from chemical A.
Dfficuhy: Moderate
Raven - 006 Chapter... #41
38. The First Law of Thermodynamics simply states that
a. energy is constantly being created in the universe.
b. disorder in the universe is continually increasing.
c. energy can be created but not destroyed.
D. energy cannot be created or destroyed, just changed from one form to another.
e. energy can be recycled through the universe.
Dfficalty: Easy
Raven - 006 Chapter... #42
39. The Second Law of Thermodynamics simply states that
a. energy can be recycled through the universe.
b. energy cannot be created or destroyed,just changed from one form to another.
C. disorder in the universe is continually increasing.
d. energy is constantly being created in the universe.
e. energy can be created but not destroyed.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 006 Chapter...
40. A molecule that stores energy by linking charged phosphate groups near each other is called
b. NADH.
c. FADH.
d. cyclic AMP.
e. pyruvate.
Difficuhy: Easy
Raven - 007 Chapter... #14
41. An electron carrier that is used in harvesting energy from glucose molecules in a series of gradual steps in
the cytoplasm is
a. pyruvate.
b. cyclic AMP.
c. ATP.
D. NAD+.
Dfficulty: Easy
Rnen - 007 Chapter... #15
42.In eukaryotes, the glycolytic reactions take place in the
a. mitochondria of the cell.
B. cytoplasm of the cell.
c. ribosomes of the cell.
d. endoplasmic reticulum of each cel1.
e. Golgi bodies of the cell.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 007 Chapter... #16
43. In the absence of oxygen, hydrogen atoms generated by glycolysis are donated to organic molecules in a
process called
A. fermentation.
b. decarboxylation.
c. chemiosmosis.
d. electron transport chain reactions.
e. acetyl-CoA formation.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Rrnen - 007 Chapter...
all of the following except
44. AtIeastg}o/o of organisms on the earth are heterotrophs. Examples include
A. plants.
b. tungi.
c. most eubacteria.
d. animals.
e. most Protests.
Raven - 007 ChaPter'.. #19
45. Aprocess common to all living organisms, aerobic and anaerobic,
A. glycolysis.
b. fermentation.
c. the Krebs cycle.
d. electron transport chain reactions.
e. pyruvate oxidation.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Rawn - 007 ChaPter... #26
found in the
46. The enzymes catalyzingthe reactions of glycolysis are
a. mitochondria.
B. cytoplasm.
c. chloroplasts.
d. nucleus.
e. Golgi apparatus.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 007 ChaPter... #29
4l.Theoxygen utilized in cellular respiration finally shows up
a. COl
b. ATP.
c. new Oz.
D. HzO.
e.part ofa sugar.
Dfficulty: Dfficalt
Raven - 007 ChaPter... #35
48. The electron transport chain, a series of membrane-associated electron carriers, loses
most of the energy by
driving several transmembrane
A. proton pumps.
b. electron pumps.
c. Na*/K* pumps.
d. active transport pumps.
e. water pumps.
Dfficalty: Easy
Rnen - 007 Chapter... #36
49. Yeast cells under anaerobic conditions
a. die.
B. produce ethyl alcohol (ethanol).
c. produce oxygen.
d. switch to oxidative respiration,
e. push the glycolytic pathway backward.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 007 Chapter... #42
50. In muscle cells, fermentation produces not alcohol but
b. NADH.
c. pyruvate.
d. kinetic energy.
E. lactic acid.
Dfficulty: Easy
Roven - 007 Chapter... #43
51. During aerobic respiration the final acceptor of the hydrogen atoms is
b. carbon dioxide.
c. water.
d. glucose.
e. pyruvate.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 007 Chapter... #46
52. Carbon atoms of COz are incorporated into organic molecules in a series of dark reactions called
a. carbon reduction.
b. carbon synthesis.
C. carbon fixation.
d. carbon activation.
e. carbon oxidation.
Difrcuhy: Moderate
Raven - 008 Chapter... #l 4
53. Carbon atoms of COz are incorporated into organic molecules in a series of dark reactions called
a. carbon reduction.
b. carbon synthesis.
C carbon fixation.
d. carbon activation.
e. carbon oxidation.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 008 Chapter... #14
54. Most plants incorporate carbon dioxide into sugars by means of a cycle of reactions called the
CAM cycle.
b. carbon cycle.
C. Calvin cycle.
d. Krebs cycle.
e. electron transport cycle.
Difficulty: Easy
Raven - 008 Chapter... #l 5
55. Flattened sacs of internal membranes associated with photosynthesis are called
a. chloroplasts.
b. photosystems.
c. the stroma.
D. thylakoids.
e. cristae.
Dfficalty: Moderate
008 Chapter... #l 6
56. Molecules that absorb light are called
a. enzymes.
b. electron cariers.
C. pigments.
d. photosynthesizers.
e. absorbers.
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 008 Chapter... #23
57. Chlorophyll b absorbs in green wavelengths of light that chlorophyll a cannot absorb. In this respect,
chlorophyll 6 acts as
A. an accessory pigment.
b. an energizer for photosynthetic bacteria.
c. a light absorber in the green light.
d. a more efficient pigment.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 008 Chapter... #25
58. The dark reactions of photosynthesis are those that
a. convert chlorophylls into enzymes.
b. convert enzymes into chlorophylls.
c. convert water into hydrogen and oxygen.
D. convert COz into reduced molecules (sugars).
e. only occur in the dark.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raten - 008 Chapter... #31
59. The cyclic carbon fixation reactions are also known as the
a. Krebs cycle.
B. Calvin cycle.
c. citric acid cycle.
d. tri carboxylic acid cycle.
e. Blackman cycle.
Dfficalty: Easy
Rnen - 008 Chapter... #33
60. In which part of the chloroplasts are the Calvin cycle enzymes located?
A. stroma
b. thylakoids
c. grana
d. envelope
e. cristae
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 008 Chapter... #35
61. Most of the atmospheric oxygen occurs as a result of photosynthesis. From which of the following
molecules is the oxygen derived?
A. water
b. carbon dioxide
c. glucose
d. chlorophyll
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 008 Chapter... #43
62.Fall leaf color on deciduous trees is a result of
a. the production of more accessory pigments because of the cooler temperatures.
b. the reduction in the production of accessory pigments because of the cooler temperatures.
Q. cessation of chlorophyll production, which allows the accessory pigments to be revealed.
d. the increased angle of the sun during the fall, which reflects more of the accessory pigments causing the
human eye to see the red, yellow, and orange colors that were masked by the green chlorophyll.
Dfficulty: Moderate
Raven - 008 Chapter... #50
63. Which of the following is not part of the light-dependent reactions?
a. primary photoevent
b. charge separation
C. Calvin cycle
d. electron transport
e. chemiosmosis
Dfficulty: Easy
Raven - 008 Chapter... #52
BIO 161 EXAM 2 SUMMER6WK Summary
Difficulty: Diftrcult
# o.f Ouestions
Difhculty: Moderate
Raven - 005 ChaPter..'
Raven - 006 ChaPter...
Raven - 007 ChaPter.'.
Raven - 008 ChaPter...