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This information provided here is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The Importance of Growth Hormone Pertaining Overall Health:
What is Growth Hormone (GH)?
Growth hormone is a peptide hormone (a linear molecule made up of two
or more linked amino acids) that encourages growth, cell reproduction and
rejuvenation in humans as well as in animals. GH is made up of 191 amino
acids, secreted by somatotropic cells that are situated inside the lateral
wings in the anterior pituitary gland. Somatotropin (STH) means growth
hormone 1 that is naturally produced in animals, while the word
somatropin describes growth the body's hormones produced in humans by
recombinant DNA technology, shortened as (HGH) human growth
Growth Hormone Deficiency:
Human growth hormones deficiency is a condition due to the anterior pituitary gland located in the lower part of the
brain, which produces growth hormone along with other body's hormones. Once the anterior pituitary gland doesn't
produce and release enough growth hormone into the body, levels of hormones will be lower than usual.
In children growth hormone is very important for their normal development and in adults growth hormone is required
to keep up with the proper levels of body fat, muscle, and keep the bones and other organs healthy. Low levels of
growth hormone could happen to all ages.
What Triggers Growth Hormone Deficiency?
The pituitary gland is producing and releasing the growth hormone into the body, however deficiency of growth
hormone could be triggered by low or just missing the secretion of growth hormones by the anterior pituitary gland.
This is often triggered by hereditary; an ailment that's present at birth or by getting a disorder that happens after birth.
Hereditary growth hormones deficiency may be connected by having an abnormal anterior pituitary gland, or it may be
related to another syndrome. Other factors that might trigger hormone deficiency may be the case of infections,
injuries, surgery, brain tumours and sometimes the cause of the problem could be unknown.
Symptoms in Children Due to Growth Hormone Deficiency:
Short height, the height is shorter than 98.8% of other children of the same age and sex
Low growth speed for age and pubertal stage
Elevated quantity of body fat at the waist
The kid may look much younger than other children their age
Postponed tooth development
Postponed start of adolescence
Symptoms in Adults Due to Growth Hormone Deficiency:
Low energy and quality of life
Lack of libido
Reduced muscle mass
Gain weight
Memory loss
Increased LDL cholesterol
Boldness in man
Decreased bone mass
Sides Effects of Growth Hormone:
Increase in blood sugar that may lead to diabetes
Muscle and Joint pain
Enlargement of organs
Carpal tunnel
High blood pressure
Eyes problem
Nausea and Vomiting
Breathing problems
Growth hormone can only be obtained by a prescription from a doctor and it is used to treat children that are suffering
from a growth hormone condition as well as adults. However, before taking any GH, tests may be done to determine
the cause of growth hormone deficiency. The GH treatment is very expensive and it could cost a thousand or more per
month. When taking synthetic growth hormone for a long time it may lead to reducing lifetime as it may have adverse
side effects that may cause cancer so before taking any growth hormone you should talk to your doctor.
It is also important to know that it is normal for the pituitary gland to produce less growth hormone into the body as we
age, but if the level of growth hormones are below the beta line (normal levels), then you may consider an GH therapy.
For instance after the age of 50, the production of growth hormone could be reduced up to 80% which in this case your
overall health may be affected. The question remains, are there any other alternatives (besides the artificially induced
GH) to help improve levels of growth hormones into the body due to aging?
Human Growth Hormone Releaser Supplements:
The answer is yes, there are numerous growth hormone supplements and mainly are referred to as human growth
hormone releasers (HGHr). When an HGH releaser is utilized, it will send a signal to the anterior pituitary gland to
produce and release hormones. This action is occurring in a natural way as the body is producing its own growth
hormone, therefore eliminating those awful side effects.
Many HGHr could be found on the market; however one of the best human growth hormone
releaser is Trans D Tropin. This supplement is an anti-aging HGHr made of amino acids and fatty acids, which come in a
form of a lotion, therefore it is very easy to use and when applied onto the skin it goes directly into the bloodstream and
the effects of it could be felt much faster. For people having a sensitive stomach Trans D is the best solution over the
HGHr pills as there is nothing to ingest.
Since Trans D Tropin is an anti-aging HGHr dermal lotion, some also refers to as a magical product or even “The Fountain
of Youth”
There are many other types of HGH releasers on the market; but Trans D Tropin is the only product with the most
studies and research, and the data is showing that this is the only anti aging product that delivers results. This product
was invented by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar a decade ago and in the beginning was basically used by doctors in the USA and
different countries and then was given to their patients. Now Trans-D Tropin besides doctors is used by thousands of
regular people, athletes, and celebrities and since this is sold as a supplement you do not need a prescription from a
doctor and it could be purchased right here.
In comparison with synthetic growth hormone Trans D Tropin will cost a lot less and there are no side effects. The price
of Trans D Tropin is $195 however when discount code 8328 is used into the shopping cart an additional $20 dollars is
taking off the order.
You could watch this video where Dr. Rashid explains in details Growth hormone and Trans D Tropin.
The Benefits of Trans D Tropin Human Growth Hormone Releaser:
There are so many testimonials you could read online and many videos you could watch from people using Trans-D and
some of the benefits they have experienced are listed here below:
An improved and youthful appearance
Decrease in wrinkles and redundant (loose, saggy) skin with improved facial contour
Decreased body fat with improved body contour
Increase in lean body (muscle) mass
Increase in physical strength and performance
Decreased recovery time after exertion
Improved stamina and endurance
Increased desire for protein and water
Faster healing and quicker recovery from acute injuries and after surgical procedures
Reduction in chronic pain from old injuries
Reduced duration with improved quality and more restful sleep due to increased REM sleep
Renewed interest in sex with enhanced sexual performance and ability
Decrease in anxiety, stress and depression
Decrease in occurrence of general illness due to strengthened immune system
Improved overall health with a significant increase in general “sense of well-being”
If you would like to learn more about Trans D Tropin, you could visit our website at:
Additionally please follow the link
enter your name and email and download a FREE copy of the e-book called “It is Possible to Remain Youthful in an
Aging World?” by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar. Note: your name and email will remain private.
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