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Page 10 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2015
Pharmacist Tania Little serves as the weight loss coach at Green Street Pharmasave and Fallowfield Pharmasave.
Green Street and Fallowfield Pharmasaves tackling weight loss
Green Street Pharmasave and Fallowfield
Pharmasave are meeting
dietary issues head on.
The pharmacy is an
Ideal Protein Center, and
Pharmacist Tania Little
serves as the lead weight
loss coach for patients
during the program. The
Ideal Protein program
is classified as a medically devised weight loss
protocol supervised by a
health professional.
“Patients will come in
and meet for an initial
consultation, and then
we will meet once a week
after that,” said Little.
“There are two components to the program
structured around four
distinct phases. There is
a weight loss phase, and
then a maintenance part
of the program where
we are there to help the
patient make sure they
do not gain the weight
Ideal Protein is a company with European origins. The company developed protein-based
foods to help maintain
muscle mass during the
weight loss process. The
foods lower the amount
of carbohydrates in the
body and triggers ketosis, the stage of weight
loss where the body
burns stored fat.
mainly on controlling insulin in the body,” Little
said. “Insulin, not fat, is
deemed the culprit for
gaining weight.”
Dr. Tran Tien Chanh
developed the foods to
negate the production of
insulin in the body.
“The cause of many
weight issues in a modern society is insulin dysfunction,” he said. “A diet
grossly disproportionate
in its share of saturated
fats and sugars, such as
in breads, cereals, muffins, cakes, pastries,
pasta, pizza, rice, corn very much like the North
American diet - causes
the pancreas to produce
an overabundance of
insulin, which stays in
the system and puts the
blood sugar level in a
negative balance.”
Ideal Protein is NOT
a high protein diet. It is
a low carbohydrate, low
fat diet with a normal
amount of high quality protein. By ensuring
dieters get the daily minimum of protein, it focuses the body on burning fat while preserving
muscle mass. The high
quality of protein used
in Ideal Protein products
has an impact on effective protein absorption.
If protein absorption is
low, you may not be able
to protect your muscle
mass and thus you will
burn muscle along with
fat. If you lose muscle
while dieting, you may
impair your ability to
burn calories post-diet,
as your body uses muscle
mass to burn calories.
Little has said that the
Ideal Protein company
has spent a great deal of
time and research making sure that they offer
a wide variety of foods
that taste great. “Many
patients are pleasantly
surprised at how good
the products taste”.
Unlike other weight
loss programs, Ideal Protein is more than a product. In addition to using
some of the Ideal Protein
products, the program
sustainable eating habits with
a mandatory increase in
consumption of healthy
“We tailor the program to each person according to their needs
and their medical history,” Little said. Integral to the program is
the weekly one-on-one
consultations with their
weight loss coach. The
advantage that Green
Street and Fallowfield
Pharmacies have in ensuring the success of the
patients on the program,
is that not all clinics have
an actual pharmacist as
the coach for the program. It has been shown
that diet programs that
include a counselling
have more successful
Hanna Imad displays the blood pressure machine at Fallowfield Pharmasave.
outcomes compared to
diet programs without a
counselling component.
Little said that the
Ideal Protein program
seems to have benefits
beyond pure weight loss.
“Many patients have
reported improvement
in glucose levels, blood
pressure and cholesterol
“It’s rewarding to see
the results and how it
motivates our patients”.
“If you don’t follow
the program 100 per
cent, you won’t see the
results. I’m there as a
coach and motivator
to help dieters keep on
track” she added.
Little said that a
number of clients from
throughout the region
come to the store for the
Ideal Protein program.
Both Little and several
other staff pharmacists
have used the program
to achieve and sustain
weight loss and are familiar with the foods and
their high nutritional
“It’s not a crash or
fad diet, It’s a lifestyle
“It’s not about the
food you eat,” she said.
“It’s about what you eat,
and when you eat it. This
is not the ‘newest trend’
or a ‘quick fix’. This is a
scientific diet that helps
preserve your muscle
mass while you lose
body fat.”
For a consultation,
Fallowfield Pharmasave at
613.823.3500 or Green
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