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TCSS Biology
Unit 4 – Evolution Information
Milestones Domain/Weight: Evolution 15%
Georgia Performance Standards:
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural selection in the development of the theory of evolution.
A. Trace the history of the theory.
B. Explain the history of life in terms of biodiversity, ancestry, and the rates of evolution.
C. Explain how fossil & biochemical evidence support the theory.
D. Relate natural selection to changes in organisms.
E. Recognize the role of evolution to biological resistance (pesticide & antibiotic resistance).
Students will evaluate the role of natural selection in the development of the theory of evolution.
 Students will investigate the theory of evolution and how it pertains to the biological history of Earth.
 Students will recognize the scientific evidence for natural selection.
 Students will recognize the advantages of adaptability in the survival and fitness of a species.
Content Map: Unit 4 – Evolution Content Map
Prerequisites: Unit 4 – Evolution Middle School Standards
Unit Length: Approximately 20 days
Click on the links below for resources by Concept:
Concept 1: History of the Theory
Concept 2: Evidence of Evolution
Concept 3: Natural Selection
Concept 4: Biodiversity, Ancestry, & Rates of Evolution
Concept 5: Biological Resistance
TCSS Biology Evolution Unit Information
Concept, Essential
Question(s), and
Concept 1: History of the
EQ1: How did other
scientists contribute to
the development of the
theory of evolution, prior
to Darwin?
EQ2: How did Charles
Darwin influence the
development of
evolutionary theory?
SB5A: Trace the history
of the theory of
Natural Selection
Inheritance of Acquired
*Essential vocabulary
listed in the GPS
vocabulary listed in the
state frameworks and/or
other state document
Resources [Back to Top]
History of the Theory Graphic Organizer (15.1) - webbed diagram
summarizing key concepts from the development of evolutionary
Charles Darwin Video Clip (time 4:38) - Introduction to Charles
Icons of Science Evolution Video (time 26:24) - Covers Darwin,
natural selection, & other various evolutionary concepts. Excellent for
watching in segments as you move through the unit. Ranges from
basic knowledge to extension. Choose your segments accordingly.
Darwin vs. Lamarck Activator - Short reading passages on both
Lamarck’s and Darwin’s theories. The worksheet includes
comprehension questions.
Concept 1: Sample
Assessment Items
History of the Theory Notes (15.1) - Screen Copy - PPT for lecture
covering key figures in the historical development of evolutionary
History of the Theory Notes (15.1) - Student Copy - for student
handouts. Includes blanks for fill-in that correspond to the bold-faced
words in the Screen Copy.
History of the Theory Student Practice (15.1) - Comprehension
questions/activities for students to complete following lecture
Icons of Science Evolution Student Accountability Sheet Comprehension questions to accompany Icons of Science Evolution
History of the Theory Comprehension Worksheets - Four different
worksheets with history of evolution vocabulary practice, reading
comprehension questions and true/false question.
TCSS Biology Evolution Unit Information
Concept, Essential
Question(s), and
Concept 2: Evidence of
Biochemical Evidence
EQ1: What are the four
types of evolutionary
Analogous Structures
EQ2: How do fossil &
Homologous Structures
biochemical evidence
Vestigial Structures
support the theory?
Relative Dating
Radiometric Dating
SB5C: Explain how fossil Morphological Trait
& biochemical evidence
support the theory.
*Essential vocabulary
listed in the GPS
vocabulary listed in the
state frameworks and/or
other state document
Resources [Back to Top]
Evidence of Evolution Activator - Pictures of the four types of
evidence of evolution. Students must identify the pictures and give a
brief description of each.
Video Clip - Fossils Preserved in Amber (time 4:28) - discusses
how evidence is preserved in fossilized tree sap
Video Clip - The Iceman (time 5:07) - examines the discovery of the
famous Ice Man fossil discovery and what was learned from it
Video Clip-Evidence of Evolution (time 5:25) - Short video clip
discussing the four types of evolutionary evidence.
Concept 2: Sample
Assessment Items
Evidence of Evolution Notes (15.2) - Screen Copy - PPT for lecture
covering the various forms of evolutionary evidence
Evidence of Evolution Notes (15.2) -Student Copy - for student
handouts. Includes blanks for fill-in that correspond to the bold-faced
words in the Screen Copy.
Evidence of Evolution Comprehension Worksheets - Five different
worksheets with evidence of evolution vocabulary practice, reading
comprehension questions, a critical thinking short answer question
and true/false question.
Evidence of Evolution Packet - Practice worksheets - for each type
of evidence.
Lab - Examining the Fossil Record - Students take fossil evidence
and arrange it on a timeline to visualize change over time.
TCSS Biology Evolution Unit Information
Concept, Essential
Question(s), and
Concept 3: Natural
EQ1: What are the four
requirements for natural
selection to happen?
EQ2: How does natural
selection relate to
changes in organisms?
EQ3: How do different
conditions affect the
results of natural
selection (disruptive,
directional, stabilizing)?
SB5D: Relate natural
selection to changes in
Natural Selection
Directional Selection
Disruptive Selection
Reproductive Advantage
Sexual Selection
Stabilizing Selection
*Essential vocabulary
listed in the GPS
vocabulary listed in the
state frameworks and/or
other state document
Resources [Back to Top]
Natural Selection Practice – Practice worksheet that can be used as a
quick activator or summarizer to assess student understanding of the
requirements for natural selection.
Icons of Science Evolution Video – Covers Darwin, natural selection,
& other various evolutionary concepts. Excellent for watching in
segments as you move through the unit. Ranges from basic knowledge
to extension. Choose your segments accordingly.
Types of Natural Selection Foldable – Student constructed
manipulative reviewing the types of natural selection. Can then be
used as a study tool.
The Making of the Fittest (time 10:25) – Natural Selection and
Adaptations – Video on how the theory of natural selection with
pocket mice.
Types of Evolution (time 5:25) – Short video discussing the different
types of natural selection.
Concept 3: Sample
Assessment Items
Natural Selection Notes (15.3) - Screen Copy – PPT for lecture
covering the principles and types of natural selection.
Natural Selection Notes (15.3) - Student Copy – for student
handouts. Includes blanks for fill-in that correspond to the bold-faced
words in the Screen Copy.
Peppered Moth Survey Lab – Student practice that includes a
graphing activity and comprehension questions.
Darwin’s Natural Selection Worksheet – Student worksheet that
utilizes real life scenarios to help students to practice applying the
requirements for natural selection.
Types of Natural Selection Worksheet – Vocabulary and
comprehension practice for the types of natural selection.
Mechanisms of Natural Selection: Stabilizing, Disruptive and
TCSS Biology Evolution Unit Information
Directional Selection – Graph practice with the types of natural
selection and comprehension questions.
Natural Selection WebQuest – Online exercises to solidify the
understanding of natural selection concepts
TCSS Biology Evolution Unit Information
Concept, Essential
Question(s), and
Concept 4: Biodiversity,
Ancestry, & Rates of
Rates of Evolution
EQ1: What evolutionary
patterns are evident in the Supplemental**
natural world?
Adaptive Radiation
SB5B: Explain the
Convergent Evolution
history of life in terms of Divergent Evolution
biodiversity, ancestry,
Geographic Isolation
and the rates of evolution. Gradualism
Punctuated Equilibrium
*Essential vocabulary
listed in the GPS
vocabulary listed in the
state frameworks and/or
other state document
Resources [Back to Top]
Patterns of Evolution Concept Map - Student Copy - Concept Map
that includes mass extinction, adaptive radiation, convergent
evolution, coevolution, punctuated equilibrium, gradualism.
Patterns of Evolution Concept Map - Screen Copy - Answers to the
concept map. This is in PowerPoint format.
Speciation Video (time 3:36) - Video clip over the development of
new species and the patterns of Evolution.
Concept 4: Sample
Assessment Items
Biodiversity, Ancestry, & Rates of Evolution Notes (15.3) - Screen
Copy - PPT for lecture covering speciation and rates of change
Biodiversity, Ancestry, & Rates of Evolution Notes (15.3) Student Copy - for student handouts. Includes blanks for fill-in that
correspond to the bold-faced words in the Screen Copy.
Macroevolution and Origin of Species Comprehension Worksheet
- Five different worksheets with evidence of evolution vocabulary
practice, reading comprehension questions, a critical thinking short
answer question and true/false question.
Speciation/Patterns of Evolution Worksheet #2 - Different
scenarios that allow students to assess their understanding of the
different patterns of evolution.
TCSS Biology Evolution Unit Information
Concept, Essential
Question(s), and
Concept 5: Biological
EQ1: What are examples
of biological resistance?
EQ2: How is biological
resistance driven by
natural selection?
Biological Resistance
*Essential vocabulary
listed in the GPS
SB5E: Recognize the role
of evolution to biological
resistance (pesticide &
antibiotic resistance).
Resources [Back to Top]
What is Resistance to Antibiotics Activity - Think/Pair/Share
activity in which students examine patient case studies and draw
Evolution of Life - A young medical assistant is giving a nice
presentation about the principles of evolution. Video addresses the
principles of antibiotic resistance.
Concept 5: Sample
Assessment Items
Biological Resistance Notes (15.2) - Screen Copy - PPT for lecture
covering antimicrobial & pesticide resistance.
Biological Resistance Notes (15.2) - Student Copy - for student
handouts. Includes blanks for fill-in that correspond to the bold-faced
words in the Screen Copy.
Rise of the Superbugs Activity - Students work in pairs to complete
comprehension questions and graphs that accompany a case study
involving antibiotic resistance.
Pesticide Resistance Activity - Students work in pairs or threes to
predict the success of a farming strategy for managing pest control.
Combines genetics & natural selection.
Evolution Unit Culminating Activity
Differentiated Bloom’s Cube for Evolution (Cube Template) - Student-constructed project illustrating key concepts of the evolution unit. Groups
contain 2 lower-level activities, 2 middle-ground activities, & 2 high level activities - for a total of 6 sides.