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Name _______________________________________
Section 10.1 Early Ideas about Evolution
Date __________________
Main Ideas:
 Early scientists proposed ideas about evolution
 Theories of geologic change set the stage for Darwin’s theory
 Evolution
 Species
 Fossil
1. What is evolution?
2. What did Linnaeus define a species as?
3. What did Lamarck propose concerning evolution?
4. According to Lamarck, what would happen if you didn’t use a structure or an organ, say like when you
have had a cast on a limb?
5. According to Lamarck, how did the giraffe get its long neck?
6. How old did they think the earth actually was? _______________ It is really 4.6 billion years old!!!
7. What is a fossil?
8. How did fossils help Cuvier develop his theory that species could go extinct?
9. How would catastrophism and Cuvier’s concept of organisms going extinct work together?
10. Explain Lyell’s concept.
11. Now I want you to think on your own. Taking what these men proposed, could a species change over
time on our earth? Put all the terms together and propose your own theory of evolution.
12. Lamarck believed that traits we acquire in our lifetime could be passed on to our offspring (inheritance
of acquired traits). Think of what we learned in Genetics. Do we pass on traits we acquire in our
lifetime such as getting our nose fixed or our vision corrected by eye surgery? If we dye our hair a
different color or straighten it every day, will we pass this off to our offspring? Explain your answer
using genetics.
Section 10.2 Darwin’s Observations
Main Ideas:
 Darwin observed differences among island species
 Darwin observed fossil and geologic evidence
 Variation
1. Starting in 1831, Darwin took a 5 year voyage on the _____________________. The shipped sailed
around ____________________________ to the Pacific Islands.
2. What is a variation?
3. What did Darwin noticed about species on nearby islands?
4. What types of animals did Darwin take particular notice of? ________________ & ________________
5. What did he notice about them on the different islands?
6. Why would being a saddle back tortoise have an advantage on the island they lived on?
7. If a finch had a strong, heavy beak, what would it prefer to eat?
8. What is an adaptation?
9. What could account for fossils of marine (salt water) organisms being found on top of modern-day
mountains ranges?
Section 10.3 Theory of Natural Selection
Main Ideas:
 Several key insights led to Darwin’s idea for natural selection
 Natural Selection explains how evolution may occur
 Natural selection acts on existing variations
 Artifical selection
 Natural Selection
1. What is artificial selection?
2. Give an example of this practice we use today.
3. Who determines what has the best trait during artificial selection? ______________________________
4. What is natural selection?
5. Who or what selects which trait is the most desirable or best suited? ____________________________
6. What did Malthus say limits population growth?
7. If resources are limited in nature, species will ________________ to obtain the resource to survive.
8. What is a population?
9. What is meant by Darwin’s decent with modification?
10. Identify the 4 main principles of Darwin’s theory of natural selection and briefly explain each.
11. Everyone things that Darwin’s term, fitness means that an organism is bigger or strong. But they are
wrong. What does it really mean?
12. Look at the Data Analysis information and graph on page 308. Read the experiment and interpret the
graph. What are your prediction for the experimental mice and the control mice revolutions/day for
Generation 10, 11 and 12?
13. Natural selection acts on ____________________________ or _________ traits, not on ____________.
Another words, it doesn’t matter if you are a hybrid for being a taster, it only matters that you are a
taster for PTC.
14. Where do new alleles (genes) come from as the source of natural selection? ____________________
15. What did the Grants notice about the ground finches on the Galapagos Islands during the drought of
16. If an animals’ life depended on being able to reach food that was up high, which phenotype would be a
desirable trait and therefore, be seen in the following generations at a greater frequency?