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Name: _____________________Date: _____________________Block: _____
DATE OF THE TEST: ______________________________________________
 Check off the box once you have studied and understand the concept
Periodic Table Trends
 Distinguish metals from non metals using properties
 Recognize elements in the alkali, alkaline earth, halogen, and noble gas families.
 Describe how hydrogen is a “family of one”
 Explain the difference between “families” and “periods” on a periodic table.
 Explain the difference between atomic number and mass number
Atomic Structure
 Describe the subatomic particles, where they are found in the atom, their charges,
and relative mass.
 Calculate number of protons, electrons, and neutrons for atoms (neutral) and ions
 Identify the number of valence electrons of an element.
 Understand the difference between isotopes of the same element.
 Draw Bohr models for the first 20 elements
 Draw Lewis models for the first 20 elements
 Draw and interpret Bohr models for simple ionic and covalent compounds.
 Draw and interpret Lewis diagrams for simple ionic and covalent molecules. (e.g.
NaCl, MgO, H2O, CH4, NH3)
 Distinguish between lone pairs and bonding pairs of electrons in molecules.
Chemical Formulas and Equations
 Understand what a chemical formula tells us about a compound
 Give the charge of an ion when an element gains or loses electrons
 Determine how many electrons an element will gain or lose
 Draw electron transfer diagrams of ionic compounds
 Use combining capacities to write formulas of ionic compounds
 Write formulae and names of simple ionic compounds, multivalent ionic compounds,
and compounds with polyatomic ions.
 Write formulae and names of covalent compounds. (need to memorize prefixes!)
 Differentiate between ionic and covalent bonding.
 Know the 8 naturally occurring diatomic gas molecules (N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2, At2, H2)
Acids and Bases
 Differentiate between acids, bases, and salts.
 Explain what indicators are used for and how they help determine if a substance is
acidic or basic.
 Explain the significance of the pH scale.
 Find the names and formulas of common acids in your data booklet (e.g. HCl, H2SO4,)
Chemical Reactions
 Describe the difference between a physical and a chemical change
 Write the word equations for a chemical reaction
 Write the balanced chemical equation using chemical symbols and symbols to
indicate the state of each chemical
 Define and explain the law of conservation of mass
 Identify and predict the products of the following types of chemical reactions:
Synthesis, Decomposition, Single replacement, Double replacement, Combustion,
and Neutralization
 Explain how factors such as temperature, concentration, presence of a catalyst, and
surface area can affect the rate of chemical reactions.
Organic Compounds
 Differentiate between organic and inorganic compounds
 Be able to recognize which is organic/inorganic based on the compound’s name,
chemical formula, or from a diagram/model of the compound.
Resources to study from:
 Your online textbook: BC Science 10 – Chapters 4, 5, and 6
go to “Home version” Home version ebook
User name: HW43
Password: CQ43
 Notes, hand-outs, and labs
Terms to know:
ionic bond
chemical change
physical change
chemical reaction
chemical equation
atomic theory
subatomic particle
combining capacity
polyatomic ion
covalent bond
valence electrons
balance equation
single replacement
atomic number
mass number
atomic mass
periodic table
covalent compound
double replacement
law of conservation of
 organic
 inorganic
 noble gas
 alkali metal
 alkaline earth metal
 halogen