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Semester 1
Preparation for the Final Exam
Unit 1/2: Introduction to Chemistry/Analyzing Data
 Lab reports – What should be included in: a correct hypothesis? A correct procedure? A correct
conclusion? How would you write a correct example of each part?
 Measuring in metric – What metric units are used to measure: mass? Volume? Length?
 Convert metric units – How do you use a chart to convert from one metric unit to another? Include
an example of length, mass, and volume in your answer.
 How are the measurements of volume, mass & density different from each other?
 Derived units
 Scientific Notation/Dimensional Analysis
 Uncertainty in Data
 Significant Figures
Unit 2: Chapters 3 & 4, Properties and Change/Structure of the Atom
 Properties of Matter – states, physical/chemical properties
 Changes in Matter – Physical/Chemical Change
 Law of Conservation of Matter
 Mixtures – hetero/homogenous. Separation of mixtures
 Elements and Comounds
 Law of Definite Proportions
 History of Matter
 Defining the Atom – discovery of Proton, Neutron and Electron
 How Atoms Differ – protons, neutrons electrons, atomic number, atomic mass, isotope
 Radioactive Decay – Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Unit 3: Chapters 5 & 6, Electrons in Atoms/Periodic Table and Law
 Electromagnetic Radiation – electromagnetic spectrum
 Characteristics of Waves – wavelength, frequency, amplitude
 Particle Nature of Light – quantum, Planck’s constant, photoelectric effect, photon, atomic emission
 Quantum Theory of the Atom – ground state, quantum number, (Balmer, Lyman and Paschen) series
 Calculating Wavelength/Frequency
 Electron Configuration – S P D F orbitals and orbital diagrams, exceptions, noble gas configuration
 Valence electrons – Lewis Dot Diagrams,
 Development of Modern Periodic Table – Families, Groups, Periods
 Periodic Trends
Unit 4: Chapter 7 & 8 Ionic Compounds and Metals/Covalent Bonding
 Ion Formation – Stealing electrons (electronegativity) Cation/Anion, Binary Ionic Compounds,
polyatomic Ionic compounds
 Polyatomic Cations/Anions
 Properties of Ionic Compounds
 Naming Ionic Compounds – roman numeral for multiple oxidation number cations, name to formula and
formula to name
 Metallic Bonds and Properties of Metals – electron sea model, delocalized electrons, metal
properties, alloys (substitutional/interstitial)
 What is a covalent bond – shared electrons, gaining stability, octet rule, Single, Double, Triple Bonds
 Naming covalent molecules – greek prefixes, name to formula and formula to name, Naming Acids
 Coordinate Covalent Bonds, exceptions to the octet rule
 Electronegativity and Polarity – polar vs. non polar covalent, properties of covalent molecules
Prepare for the final exam by reviewing the concepts studied in class and the skills
DIRECTIONS: For each unit described on the page 1 of this handout 1.
Make a list of terms that would be needed to explain the ideas in each unit.
2. Write definitions, diagrams, or other reminders to the meaning of terms you do not
know well.
3. Explain relationships between terms that were emphasized in class.
4. Answer the questions suggested for study.
5. Write this assignment in your notebook.
6. You may use up to 2 double sided pages to summarize each unit.
7. You may be able to use this assignment on the final exam if you have followed the