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2. Tiberius
5. Nero – Was the last of
the Augustan (Julius
Caesar) dynasty. (68 AD)
• Known for burning
Rome to the ground
• Some historians believe
that he did it to make
room for his new house!
4. Claudius
3. Caliglua
 Trajan – Known as
possibly the best
Caesar ever
 Extended Rome’s
territory more than any
other leader ever
 Enhanced Rome’s
forums and created
many enduring
 Trajan’s Column is 125
feet tall and depicts
Trajan’s victories in the
Dacian Wars.
 Remarkable in Artistic
skill, it is a relief carving
of nearly every battle in
the war.
 Hadrian –
 Hadrian’s Wall – is a
wall in northern
England built during
Hadrian’s reign to
mark the northern
boundary of Rome
and to keep out
Celtic tribes.
travelled to all of
the provinces of
 Was a humanist
and identified with
Greek philosophy
 Sought to advance
culture in Rome
(literature and
 Marcus Aurelius was the
last Caesar of the Pax
Romana – the end of the
Golden Age (31 BC – 180
 His daughter Faustina was a
better fit to run the empire,
but his son Commodus took
over after his death.
 Constantine the Great – ruled (306 – 337)
 313 Constantine converted the entire Roman Empire to
Fought the Battle of Milvian Bridge, had a dream that if
he won it was because of the grace of Jesus, and had his
soldier place the Chi – Rho on their soldiers shields.
Passed the Edict of Milan - granting religious tolerance to
Moved the capital of Rome from Rome to Constantinople
– modern day Istanbul
325 Constantine summoned the First Council of Nicaea – organized
many Christian traditions that set the stage for Catholicism.
Constantine was baptized in 337 before his death.
His mother St. Helena was responsible for bringing many of the
greatest Christian relics to Rome
A relic is a faith based object with special meaning
Sacred steps
The Roman Empire’s acceptance and eventual transformation from
Pagan (Polytheistic) to Christian became a turning point in the Religion
Without the ability to spread throughout Roman lands, Christianity
was only practiced in and around Judea (Jerusalem)
This conversion by Rome allowed Christianity to Grow and Grow,
eventually becoming the largest religion in the world!
Many of Rome’s Pagan Churches (like the Pantheon) became
Christian with this transition.
A timeline of The Roman
Republic & Empire
Era of
Romana decline
 The empire was too
large for one
emperor to control
 Emperors after the
Pax Romana were
weak (Except for
Constantine and
 Citizens
experienced a loss
of confidence,
patriotism, & loyalty
to the Roman
 Rome had a trade
imbalance (they
bought more than
they produced)
 Poor harvests led to
food shortages
 The gov’t raised
taxes & printed new
coins which led to
 Germanic tribes
outside Rome were
gaining strength
 The Roman military
was growing weak:
generals were
challenging the
authority of the
 To save money,
Romans hired foreign
soldiers but these
“mercenaries” were
not loyal to Rome
 Disease, corruption, & declining economy exposed the
West to attack from outside invasions
By 370 A.D.,
groups outside
Rome, led by the
Huns, began to
Attila the Hun:
One of the most
ruthless generals
in history
Began in 434 AD –
Attila attacked
and destroyed
everything in his
 Rome was sacked
(taken over) in 476
 Rome and all of the
structures were
 Historians still
argue whether the
empire abruptly
ended, or lasted
another 1,000 years
as the Byzantine
“Breaking point” – fall of