Download Chapter 10 Study Guide Chyme - A thick mixture of food and gastric

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Chapter 10 Study Guide
Chyme - A thick mixture of food and gastric juices in the stomach.
Epiglottis- A flap of tissue that seals off the trachea when food or liquid is swallowed.
Excretion- The process by which the body collects and removes waste.
Fiber- A nondigestible part of plant foods, important to maintain good health, assists in
digestive system functions, and Americans only eat about half as much ass they should.
Foodborne Illness- This results from consuming a food or drink that contains either a
poison or a disease-causing microorganism.
Kidney- A major organ of excretion that filters waste from the blood and produces urine.
Large Intestine- Undigested material and unabsorbed water are pushed to this 5 foot long
muscular tube, and then are passed to the rectum.
Nephron- A tiny filtering unit in the kidney that removes wastes and produces urine.
Peristalsis- Waves of muscular contractions that push food through the digestive system.
Small Intestine- This 20 foot long tube is where most chemical digestion and absorption of
nutrients takes place.
Villi- Tiny-finger-like projections lining the small intestine that are responsible for
absorbing digested food.
What are 4 diseases fiber can help prevent?
Obesity, Colon cancer, Type 2 diabetes, Heart disease, Diverticulitis
Explain in detail what happens to a person experiencing a peptic ulcer.
The mucus lining of the stomach has been removed and the hydrochloric acid of the
stomach has caused a hole in the stomach.
What purpose does your bladder serve for your excretory system?
The bladder is a saclike muscular organ that stores urine.
Where is bile produced, stored, and released? What nutrient does it breakdown?
Produced in the liver
Stored in the gallbladder
Released into the small intestine
Breaks down fats
What are the 3 layers of a whole grain?
What are the 3 functions of the digestive system? Provide an example for each.
Digestion - Mechanical (chewing) Chemical (Enzymes)
Absorption - Nutrients are absorbed into blood through the villi in small intestine
Elimination - Wastes are eliminated from the body through the rectum
What are the two types of digestion and provide an example for each?
Mechanical (chewing) Chemical (Enzymes)
What role does your skin and lung play in excretion?
Skin - releases urea and wweat glands release water
Lungs - release carbon dioxide and water when you exhale
What enzyme is released in the mouth and what nutrient does it help digest?
Salivary Amylase begins to breakdown carbohydrates.
What are three ways to keep your digestive and excretory systems healthy?
Eating plenty of fiber, drinking water, regular medical check-ups, exercise
What are kidney stones, and how can you reduce the risk of having them?
A pebble like mass that forms in the kidney
Can be prevented by drinking plenty of water and eating a low-sodium diet
What are the four things you should do to prevent foodborne illness?
Clean, Cook, Chill, Separate
What can be done for a person suffering from kidney failure? Be specific.
Kidney Dialysis - Machine is used to filter waste and excess fluid from blood, Tubes carry
blood from the body through the machine, Performed 3 times a week for 3-5 hours
Kidney Transplant - Patients damaged kidney is replaced with a healthy kidney from
another person
Be able to identify the parts of the digestive system.