Download The Digestive System

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 From the foods we eat and drink
 Digestion
 The mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods
 Mechanical: Mashing and tearing of food
 Happens in the mouth with our teeth and in our stomach with
 Chemical: Breaking food down with secretions
 Absorption
 The passage of digested food from the digestive tract to
the cardiovascular system
 Elimination
 The body’s expulsion of undigested food or body wastes
 What is the purpose?
 This prevents food from entering the nasal passage
 Prevents food from entering the respiratory system
 The 10 inch muscular tube that food travels down to get
to the stomach
 Peristalsis
 Is the muscular movement that the digestive system uses to
move food/material down it’s tract
 Is a hollow muscular sac that helps process food.
 It has three important jobs
 1. Mixing foods with gastric juices
 2. Storing partially digested food and liquid
 3. Moving food into the small intestine
 Chyme is food broken down in liquid form
 Fluid from the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder mix to
continue digestion.
 They secrete fluid to help break down fats, proteins,
and carbohydrates
 It is 20-23 feet in length and about 1 inch in diameter
 The main purpose is to:
 Complete the digestion process
 Absorb the nutrients
 The food that isn’t absorbed gets passed on to the large
 It’s about 5-6 feet in length
 Main job is to
 absorb water, vitamins, salts, and to get rid of wastes
 Eat a variety of low-fat, high-fiber foods
 Wash your hands
 Eat slowly and chew your food well
 Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
 We will break up into small groups.
 Your group needs to create a skit to show us your
digestive system disorder and what it’s symptoms are,
how to prevent it, and how to treat it.