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Radical Islamic Terrorist
“There is a difference”
©This Counter-Terrorism Curriculum is the intellectual property of ICJS (SBLE 2009)
WHY I need to know about Islam
and Radical Islam?
do I as a law enforcement
and/or security officer need to know
about Islam?
►Why do I need to know who is a
moderate Muslim and who is a
radical Muslim. There is a big
difference (NOT ALL Muslims are
WHY I need to know about Islam
and Radical Islam?
do I need to know what the
radicals commitment level is?
do I need to know the radical
Why do I need to know about Islam and
radical Islam? - Continued
do I need to know who the
terrorist are, this is Texas not Iraq
or Afghanistan?
►Why do I need to know about their
training and/or modis operandi ?
►Why do I need to know their
Learning Objectives
a basic knowledge about Islam
and Muslims around the world and
focus on how to deal with American
the difference between
moderate Muslims and radical
Learning Objectives
how the radicals think and why
they think the way they think. A
historical background.
Quick Facts about Islam
means "peace through the
submission to God".
means "anyone or anything
that submits itself to the will of God".
Quick Facts about Islam
►Islam is not a cult. Its followers
number over 1.2 billion worldwide:
CAIR (Council on American-Islamic
relations) .
with Judaism and Christianity,
it is considered to be one of the three
Abrahamic traditions.
Quick Facts about Islam
►Islam is a complete way of life that
governs all facets of life: moral,
spiritual, social, political, economical,
intellectual, etc.
Quick Facts about Islam
Muslims are not Arab.
►Islam is a universal religion and way
of life which includes followers from
all races of people.
are Muslims in and from
virtually every country in the world.
Quick Facts about Islam
►Arabs only constitute about 20% of
Muslims worldwide.
has the largest concentration
of Muslims with over 120 million.
Four Categories of Muslims
Secular or Ordinary Muslims
Liberal Muslims.
Four Categories of Muslims
Orthodox or Traditional (not
Radicals) – They call for Islam using
Fundamentalist Orthodox
(Radicals). They believe in the use of
The Middle East:
Arabs and Muslims
term Middle East is a western
term. People from that part of the
world do not refer to themselves as
Middle Easterners. They are either
Arabs or Muslims.
Arabs are Muslims but not all
Muslims are Arabs.
The Middle East: Arabs and Muslims
►Iran, Turkey,
Pakistan, Afghanistan,
Malaysia and Indonesia are Islamic
countries and NOT Arabs.
Arab countries are 22 countries
speaking different dialects.
The Middle East: Arabs and Muslims
►Arabic is used by Non Arabs as the
language of the Quran Islam’s holly
I am a Muslim
Muslims can be: Leaders, singers, poets,
prime ministers, Queens, and news anchors:
We are the Majority
are looking at 99.99% of Muslims
to be Moderate, liberal and non
violent traditionalists.
leaves a small percent of what is
called Radical Muslims.
are the minority hijacking the
rights of the majority.
Facts about Radical Muslims
believe in implementing the laws
of God as stated in the Quran and the
Sunnah (the path of the Prophet of
Islam) and the Shar’a Law as
explained in the Quran.
strive to revive the Islamic
Facts about Radical Muslims
Believe that the current regimes
are corrupt and should be changed
and replaced by a Caliph who will
rule the Islamic world Fairly.
believe in using force to do the
regime change.
Islamic Definitions
is the political leadership
of the Muslim ummah in classical and
medieval Islamic history and juristic
of state's position (Caliph) is
based on the notion of a successor to
the Islamic prophet Muhammad's
political authority.
Islamic Definitions
Caliph must rule according to
God’s laws and rules and by human
laws and rules.
Qur’an is a record of the
exact words revealed by God
through the Angel Gabriel to the
Prophet of Islam.
Islamic Definitions
Holy Qur'an was not authored
by the prophet of Islam. It was
authored by God, revealed to the
prophet of Islam, and written into
physical form by his companions.
Qur’an has 114 chapters called
“suras” and they vary in length.
Islamic Definitions
►Mohammed: Is the prophet of
Hadith: are the oral traditions
relating to the words and deeds of
Islam’s prophet Muhammad.
Islamic Definitions
Hadith has come to supplement
the Holy Quran as a source of the
Islamic religious law.
Hadith is the second pillar after
the Quran upon which every Muslim
rests his faith.
Islamic Definitions
literally means “trodden
of the prophet means “the
way and the manners of the
Islamic Definitions
►Sunna’ in
Sunni Islam means those
religious achievements that were instituted
by the Islamic prophet Muhammad
during the 23 years of his prophet hood
which Muslims initially obtained through
consensus of companions of prophet
further through generation-to-generation
Islamic Definitions
Sharia Islamic Law: The term means
"way" or "path to the water source"; it is
the legal framework within which the
public and private aspects of life are
regulated for those living in a legal system
based on Islamic principles of
jurisprudence that began with the life of
the Prophet Muhammad. Viewed as a direct
command from the Quran
Islamic Definitions
►Fatwa: legal opinion or decree
handed down by an Islamic religious
leader or the Ulema.
►Ulema: The body of religious
Islamic Definitions
any Muslim is allowed or
capable of making a fatwa.
are not scholars of the
Islamic nation and therefore have
no right to issue any Fatwas.
Islamic Definitions
community of believers or
the whole Muslim world.
an Islamic term, is a religious
duty of Muslims to defend Islamic
the word jihad is a noun
meaning "the struggle”
►In Arabic,
Islamic Definitions
declaration of Jihad has to be
issued by the capable Muslim scholars
and with the approval of the Muslim
►A person
who is carrying jihad is a
called a Mujahid and the plural is
Who sympathizes with the
in the Islamic world
No one Except:
► Poor people.
►Politically Oppressed Arabs and
Muslims. (by their own regimes)
► Those who are angry and or disagree
with the United States foreign policy
in the region.
Terrorism not Jihad
unjustified violence and
the killing of innocent people are
absolutely forbidden in Islam.
►Islam is a way of life that is meant to
bring peace to a society, whether its
people are Muslims or not.
►The extreme actions of those who
claim to be Muslim may be, among
other things, a result of their
ignorance or uncontrolled anger.
Terrorism not Jihad
people are individuals with their
own views and political agendas.
►Fanatical Muslims are no more
representative of the true Islamic
teachings than Timothy McVeigh or
David Koresh are of Christianity.
►Extremism and fanaticism is a
problem that is common to all
religious groups.
The Enemy
carries any act of terrorism
must be labeled as an enemy of
Humanity regardless of their religious
►As law enforcement officers we must
understand how this enemy thinks and
how and when to act to stop any terror
acts against civilians.
The Enemy
everyone as an Enemy is
all have one enemy and that is
Terrorists against humanity
Bombing in Amman - Jordan
SUN TZU - “The
Art of War”
If you know your enemy and know
yourself, you need not fear the results
of a 100 battles.
► If you know yourself but not the
enemy, for every victory gained you
will also suffer a defeat.
► If you know neither the enemy nor
yourself, you will succumb in every
Islamic radical movement
started and was aimed at changing the
regimes in the Islamic world.
main figures of this movement
were Egyptians fighting the
Egyptian regime.
was not part of their initial strategy
to fight or carry out terrorist acts
against the west.
leads us to the fact that they have
an agenda and they are not
representative of all Muslims.
Key writers and philosophers
of the Radical Movement
The Founders
The Prisoners
The Aristocrats
The Founders
Muslim scholars mainly
Egyptians scholars who were
unhappy with their regime.
►Had superb organizational skills and
were deeply inspired writers.
►Call for Jihad against these regimes
was clear but sophisticated.
The Founders
“The Great Awakening”
Hasan al-Banna
Sayyid Abdul ala Mawdudi
Sayyid Qutub.
The Prisoners
The Prisoners
not executed
►confined to prison for their attacks
against the government.
►In prison they wrote manuscripts in
the 1980’s defending their Jihad
against Egyptian authority.
►From torture and mistreatment they
became hardened radicals.
The Prisoners
Abod Zoummar
Karam Zohdy
Assim Abdul Maghed
The Aristocrats
• Two of the most prominent in
radical Islam today.
• Unlike their predecessors they
were men of privilege and means.
• They defeated the Soviets in
The Aristocrats
Osama bin Laden
Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri
Osama bin Laden
• born March 10, 1957
• member of the
prominent Saudi bin
Laden family
• founder of the
organization AlQaeda.
Ayman al-Zawahiri
• born 06/19/1951
• Prominent leader of alQaeda
• Second and last “emir"
of Egyptian Islamic
Jihad, succeeded
'Abbud al-Zummar.
• A qualified surgeon, MD
and has two PhD's as
Jihad of the radicals
The purpose of jihad according to the
radicals is to change systems and
institutions by force and to bring Muslims
and non-Muslims under Islamic law.
Text of Fatwa
Urging Jihad Against
We (who are the we here??) with God's
help -- call on every Muslim who
believes in God and wishes to be
rewarded to comply with God's order to
kill the Americans and plunder their
money wherever and whenever they find
Text of Fatwa Urging Jihad
Against Americans
We (who are the we here??) also call on
Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and
soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S.
troops and the devil's supporters allying
with them, and to displace those who are
behind them so that they may learn a
Bin Laden & al-Zawahiri are not Muslim
Caliph’s for there is only one Caliph.
Bin Laden
a recent interview with an
American news organization, terrorist
financier Osama Bin Laden reiterated
his threats against the U.S.
►In an apparent reference to Americans,
he said that he did not distinguish
between military and civilians -- both
groups are targets.
26 Bin Laden implied that
some type of terrorist action could be
mounted within the next several
U.S. continues to receive
information from other sources which
indicates planning for an attack against
Americans in the Persian Gulf (also
referred to as the Arabian Gulf).
threats are taken seriously and
the U.S. is increasing security at many
U.S. Government facilities in the
Middle East and South Asia.
Get up and raise your
weapons against America and Britain.
If you hesitate today, you will be
ashamed in front of God.".
can become a
Close to Home – They were in
These two
Were living
In the
Spanish Trace
San Antonio
In early
Satam M.A. al-Suqami
American Airlines Flight 11
North Tower 9-11
Salem al-Hazmi
American Airlines Flight 77
Pentagon 9-11
"America has decided to eliminate all
Islamic movements, (and) kill their
religious leadership.
Let us get them out of Arab land.
Jihad is the only way they have
targeted Iraq after Afghanistan.
Avenge the innocent children who
have been assassinated in Iraq.
Defeat them with suicide attacks so
that you may be successful before
God. – Radical Muslims
Suicide 911 Terrorist Video
The Five Pillars of Radical Islamic
1. No law but Islamic Law.
2. Infidels are all around.
3. Islam must rule.
4. Jihad is the only
way to win.
5. Faith is the reason.
Trying to encourage American
Muslims NOT to be part of the
American Way of life or blend in
the American culture
Their AGENDA is to make Islam
the “Law of the Land” around the
Achieve their agenda by
terrorizing innocent people.
Recruit more of the poor and the
underprivileged to carry out their
Will use deception –
► Will use our own current laws
against us and for their cause
► Use our own territory against us
► Use extremism to promote
violence and fanaticism.
JUNE 2007
►Al-Qaeda operative
►Zarqawi took responsibility, on
several audio- and videotapes, for
numerous acts of violence in Iraq
including suicide bombings and
hostage executions (beheadings).
Ruthless extremist.
Abu Taisir
►Al-Qaeda operative in Iraq
►Aliases Abdul Hadi Daghlas
►Abu Musab al-Zarqawi cell
►Killed March 21, 2003 – US Cruise
Abu Ashraf
Saudi (Arabian)
►Al-Qaeda Operative
►Next generation Islamic Radical
►Well educated – wealthy family
►F.B.I. Terrorist Watch List
►Whereabouts unknown
Abu Atiya
Jordanian – Palestinian
►Al Qaeda Operative in Iraq.
►Alias Adnan Muhammad Sadik
►Attended al-Zarqawi’s training camp
in Afghanistan post war (1990-2000).
►Masterminded poison and explosive
attacks in Europe in addition to
surface-to-air missiles.
►Whereabouts Unknown
Abu Hafs
name: Mohammed Atef
►Nationality Egyptian
►Al Qaeda Operative in Russia
►Alias Abu Hafez, Abu Hafs, Abu
Hafs al-Masri
►Former Egyptian Police Officer.
►1998 Embassy bombings
► Killed November 16,2001
Merouane Benahmed
French Poison cell operative
►Nationality Algerian - Al-Qaeda in Iraq
►Oversees the deployment of militants to
training camps
►Key role in reassigning trained personnel
to terror networks
►Sets up sleeper cells.
►Captured by French 12/16/2002
Menad Benchellali
►Role Operative Chemical Specialist
►Poison cell - Ricin
►Al-Qaeda in Iraq
►Aliases “The Chemist”
►Terrorist plot in France to support
Chechen independence.
►Captured by French 12/24/2002
al - Qaeda Leadership
Osama bin Ladin
Saudi Emir
Saif al-Adel
Egypt Opns
Abu Ayyub al-Masri
Egypt & Iraq Opns
Ayman al-Zawahiri
Egyptian Deputy Emir
Abu Jihad al-Masri
Egypt Opns/Media
Abdullah Ahmed Abdulla Atiyah Abd al Rahman
Egypt Opns
Libyan Facilitor
Sulaiman Abu Ghaith
Abu Hafs the Mauritanian
Mauritanian Theologian
Abd al-Aziz al Masri
Egypt Opns
Groups of terrorists who are already in
place and ready to act or attack.
Are trained and ready to carry out
attacks at a designated time and place.
Are loosely organized, and blend into
communities easier through legitimate
Kafeel Ahmed,
Indian national currently held
in Britain in connection with
the failed car bombings in
London and Glasgow.
Evidence found at his
Bangalore house. Three CDs
and a computer hard drive
found at Kafeel Ahmed's house
contained inflammatory
speeches by Al-Qaeda leader
Osama bin Laden, as well as
anti-US and anti-Britain
Recruited via the internet.
Attacks on the West have been
conducted by terrorist hit squads.
Are infiltrated into the target country
shortly before an attack.
Are highly organized, well trained and
they are mentally prepared to die for
their cause.
A classic example of a hit squad would
be the Al-Qaeda pilots of 9/11.
American Airlines #11 Boeing 767
7:45 a.m. Departed Boston for Los Angeles
8:45 a.m. Crashed into North Tower of World Trade Center
Satam Suqami
Waleed al-Shehri
Wail al-Shehri
Mohamed Atta
Abdulaziz al-Omari
United Airlines #175 - Boeing 767
7:58 a.m. Departed Boston for Los Angeles
9:05 a.m. Crashed into South Tower of World Trade Center
Marwan al-Shehhi
Fayez Rashid
Ahmed al-Ghamdi Hamza al-Ghamdi Mohand al-Shehri
American Airlines #77 - Boeing 757
8:10 a.m. Departed Dulles for Los Angeles
9:39 a.m. Crashed into Pentagon
Khalid al-Mihdhar
Majed Moqed
Nawaf al-Hazmi Salem al-Hazmi Hani Hanjour
United Airlines #93 - Boeing 757
8:42 a.m. Departed Newark for San Francisco
10:03 a.m. Crashed in Stony Creek Township
Saeed al-Ghamdi
Ahmad Haznawi Ahmed al-Nami
Ziad Samir Jarrah
American Taliban
John Phillip Walker Lindh
born 02/09/1981
American captured during the 2001
invasion of Afghanistan while serving
in the Taliban army.
Trained in the Al-Farouq terrorist
training camp in Afghanistan, run by
Personally thanked by Osama bin Laden for his
A US member of al-Qaeda, believed to be Adam Gadahn,
delivers his 11-minute message shown on ABC’s Good
Morning America program.
American Al-Qaeda Operative
A VIDEOTAPE televised on ABC News in
America, purportedly from a US-member of alQaeda, has threatened Melbourne and Los Angeles
as their next target. "Yesterday, London and
Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne,
God willing. At this time, don't count on us
demonstrating restraint or compassion," the tape
warns. "We are Muslims. We love peace, but
peace on our terms, peace as laid down by Islam,
not the so-called peace of occupiers and
dictators.“…….Adam Gadahn
Surah 61:10–13
 O you who believe! Shall I guide
you to a trade that will save you
from a painful torment?
 That you believe in Allah and His
Messenger (Muhammad), and that
you strive hard and fight in the
Cause of Allah with your wealth and
your lives, that will be better for
you, if you but know!
Surah 61:10–13
 (If you do so) He will forgive you your
sins, and admit you into Gardens under
which rivers flow, and pleasant
dwellings in ‘Adn (Eden) Paradise; that
is indeed the great success.
 And also (He will give you) another
(blessing) which you love,—help from
Allah (against your enemies) and a
near victory. And give glad tidings (O
Muhammad) to the believers.
How do we win ?
all Muslims are bad, respect
peoples religious beliefs, customs
and cultures.
your enemy and know his
vigilant and do not drop
your guard.
How do we win ?
not become complacent or naïve.
with your students, gain their
trust and you will know what is
going on at your campus.
Paradigm Ideological Shift
Karam Zohdy stated in 2002 that
they have changed their position as
a result of studying Islamic Law.
Found in Sharia Law that killing
innocent civilians is prohibited.
Paradigm Ideological Shift
Fighting is no longer in the interest
of Islam and Muslims because it did
not lead to guiding people to
GOD’s path.
Must stop taking the 6th century
translations and applying it to the
Quran in the 21st century
Paradigm Ideological Shift
The world today not the world of
Byzantine (Eastern Roman)
Hamdi Abdul Rahman one of the top eight
historic leaders of Al-Gama’a al—Islamiyyah
pointed out Khalid ibn Walid a Muslim leader
called for a retreat during a battle with the
Byzantines during Mohammad’s time. Rahman
stated that Mohammad said “these people did
not run away they had wisdom to know they
could not do any more in fighting and knew to
continue would hurt Islam”. Foundation for
Islamic Law that says Jihad is prohibited if
Muslims are in a position of inability.
Pyridine Ideological Shift
groups must reach the
conclusion that violent campaigns
will not achieve their goals and will
lead to the destruction of their
groups must see that Western
civilizations do not hate them. and
their influence.
Pyridine Ideological Shift
groups must see that Western
Empires do not intend to wipe out
Islam. This will discredit Bin Laden
and al-Zawahiri
Let’s answer the Questions
you as a law enforcement
and/or security officer need to
know about Islamic Radicals?
►Do you need to know what their
commitment level is?
►Do you need to know their
Let’s answer the Questions
► Do
you need to know who the terrorist
are? WHY?
► Do
you need to know about their
training and/or modis operandi ? WHY?
IS IITneed
► Do
to know
► McDermott,
Terry (2002-09-01). "The Plot:
How Terrorists hatched a simple plan to use
planes as bombs", Los Angeles Times.
Archived from the original on 9 October
► 9/11 Commission Report, Chapter 5.2, pp.
► Saudis,
US Disclose Intel Operations on
Terror", Retrieved on 30 September 2008.
Archived from the original on 9 October
► Report of the Joint Inquiry into the
Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001" p.
144. U.S. Government Printing Office
(2002). Retrieved on 2008-09-30.
 9/11 and Terrorist Travel, pp. 9–10
 FBI Hijackers' Timeline, p. 40
Presenter Contact Information
Dr. Amjad Mohammad Aburseir
George D. Little, Director
350 N. Guadalupe, Suite 140, PMB 164
San Marcos, Texas 78666.