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CHANGES WITHIN THE EARTH SECTION 2 IN THIS SECTION • Earth’s Physical Characteristics • Earth’s Physical Processes • Understanding the Past EARTH’S PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS • Earth is made of 3 layers: • Core- made of inner and outer layer • Mantle- appox. 1800 miles thick • Crust- between 5-22 miles thick • Land, Wind, Air • 4 spheres- litho, hydro, bio, atmos • Continents- 7 (North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, Antartica) EARTH’S PHYSICAL PROCESSES • Volcanoes • Form when magma breaks through the earth’s crust. Once to the surface it is called lava. • Violent eruption can have lasting impacts on the physical makeup of the mountain and land surrounding it. • Crust Movements • Earth’s surface rock are fragile and can cause breakage in crust. UNDERSTANDING THE PAST • Scientist Alfred Wegener created the theory of “Pangaea” started 180 million years ago. 1 land mass breaks off into the 7 current continents. • Scientists developed the theory of plate tectonics. These are plates of the earth’s crust that are constantly moving at a slow pace and creating pressure on each other. • Plate movements against each other once they collide will create friction. This is what causes earthquakes and volcanoes to build magma in their chambers. • Earthquakes along these fault lines (plates) can cause serious damage. Quakes on the ocean floor can cause tsunamies.