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The Romans Post
All the News Romans Need to Know
2013 A.D
The Life of Hannibal
Jake Lieberstein
Today I am able to interview an
First Punic War where my father fought
amazing character of history. Some
as a naval commander. Sadly he was
know him as the man who crossed the
assassinated by a Roman and when he
Alps. Others know him as the man who
died I swore an oath on hating Rome,”
nearly destroyed Rome. That’s right; I’m
says Hannibal. Now that we talked about
talking about Hannibal. Hannibal had a
your beginning lets talk about what you
story full of action and adventure.
did to Rome.
Through his journey he had one thing on
his mind and that is destroying Rome.
Hannibal, it is a pleasure to meet
Now you are close to adulthood
and you want a chance to fight Rome.
What did you do? “Well I had a cousin
with you. Where are you from? “I am
named Hasrubal who held a high rank in
from the city of Carthage. It is a small
the army. From him, I was able to get
Phoecian city south of Rome in the coast
my first job as a commander. It wasn’t a
of North Africa. I was born in that city
big job. I only needed to escort soldiers
and it means a lot to me,” says Hannibal.
across the Mediterranean Sea to Spain.
Here is a major question that everyone
When my soldiers and I arrived at Spain,
wants to know the answer to. Why do
Hasrubal was dead and the soldiers he
you hate Rome? What did they do to
controlled had no leader. I had no choice
you? “Good question. It started at the
but to step up and take control. My army
and I traveled to a major city called
hundred soldiers and me and charged at
Saguntum, a city that Rome claimed as
us, then got ambushed by the rest of my
theirs. We fought the Romans and
army on the opposite side. They never
crushed their resistance. This was the
saw it coming and were destroyed. This
beginning of my army career. Ten years
victory not only weakened Rome but it
went by fighting Rome and weakening
also humiliated them. 35,000 soldiers
them one city at a time. It is time for my
and I destroyed them even though they
famous journey of crossing the Alps. I
had a huge army of hundreds of
took 60,000 men and 37 elephants across
thousands of men. As I destroyed cities I
the Alps. I only came out with 35,000
captured women and children and sold
men and one elephant. This was the start
them into slavery to humiliate Rome.
of a huge attack on the Roman Empire,”
My luck began to turn because in one
answered Hannibal. This is all very
battle I lost my right eye, but I pushed
interesting information. I wish I were
through it and continued. After my big
there to see your army of elephants.
conquest Rome lost 50,000 men. Rome
You cross the Alps and are now
started to get very angry. In 210 B.C
at Italy. What do you do? “Right when
Scipio the Younger, Scipio’s son,
we arrived at Italy we met Romans and
launched a huge attack on my army.
began our conquest. We cut straight
They cut our supply lines and chased us
through Italy, destroying anything in our
for 12 years. I felt ashamed and didn’t
path. One victory I will never forget is
want to be captured by the Romans so I
the fight against two Roman generals
committed suicide in 222 B.C. Even
Scipio and Sempronius. They saw a few
though I didn’t completely destroy
Rome I am admired by my attempt to
destroy Rome,” said Hannibal.
Thank you for coming out of
heaven to talk to us. I find you and your
Source: Ancient Civilizations:
Biographies by Judson Knight
conquests very interesting and exciting. I
can’t believe you crossed the Alps with
elephants! This is Hannibal. To learn
more about Hannibal take out Ancient
Civilizations: Biographies by Judson
Knight in the POBJFK High School
Hannibal leading his army through the Alps
Sculpture of Hannibal