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Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
Consumer Behavior Analysis
[Writer’s Name]
[Instructor’s Name]
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
Consumer Behavior Analysis
Consumer behavior analysis signifies one expansion within the behavior-analytic custom of
interpreting compound behavior, in which a detailed conceptual agenda has been planned.
Consumer behavior happens at the connection of a consumer-behavior situation and a single
person’s knowledge history of consumption and is a purpose of practical and informational
Being a marketing manager of a well reputed company, I have been assigned a task to launch a
new marketing project of a line of personal care products in the U.S. market. The campaign
should be an innovative that can gain full consumer attraction. The specificities of target market
is given as follows:1. Target market
= Males
2. Age
= Between 18 and 35 years
3. Income range of the target market = lower to middle level
4. Distribution location
= drug, grocery stores, and stores
5. Example
= Softonic Shaving gel
Type of message appeal to be used in the advertising
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
Advertising appeals purpose to influence the method consumers’ opinion themselves and how
purchasing certain products can demonstrate to be helpful for them. The communication taken
through advertising petitions influences the buying decisions of customers. Keep on interpreting
to know the countless different types of advertising appeals that can be understood in the media
today. There are various types of message appeals for advertising a certain product:
Emotional Appeal (Personal, Social, Feel, Humor)
Sex Appeal
Music Appeal
Scarcity Appeal
Rational Appeal
Masculine Feminine Appeal
Brand Appeal
Snob Appeal
Adventure Appeal
Less than Perfect Appeal
Romance Appeal
Play on words Appeal
Youth Appeal
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
Endorsement Appeal
Statistics Appeal
Bandwagon Appeal
Plain Appeal
There are many ways to decide the type of appeal to be made for a particular product but most
importantly the sixth sense or gut feeling is important. So in this regard for this campaign, the
emotional type of appeal is the right hit.
Emotional Appeal
This communicates to the customers’ communal and/or mental needs for buying a product or
provision. This appeal is so active because many customers’ motives for acquisition decisions
are sensitive. Many advertisers trust an emotional petition to work healthier at selling products
that do not vary markedly from rival brands. In the emotional appeal, there are different other
types. Among these types, fear appeal is the best option used to launch this product. A fear
appeal is the type of emotional appeal message that upsurges viewer interest in the advertisement
and the persuasion of the ad. Castoff with health and attractiveness products, idea advertising,
insurance. Most experts trust that a moderate approach of fear is most actual.
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
A shaving gel can be launched by the advertisement explaining the fact that men suffer from a
lot of face and skin issues. To avoid such conditions, Softonic Shaving gel is the best remedy. It
provides smoothness to the skin, germ – free technology and fairness ingredients. Mostly fear
appeal message proves very effective for the beauty care products.
2. Cultures that will be the part of target market
The research also highpoints which entitles are most general for both men’s and women’s
training products internationally and the alterations between them. This shaving gel is based on
the botanical ingredients mostly. It is the novelty of this product which makes it a distinct
product from other shaving gels. Now the point is to select the target cultures. Considering the
value of culture and regarding the role it produces in the lives of possible customers in U.S.
markets is energetic and could mean the variance between the success or disaster of your
external schemes. Forget or underestimate this important component, and the said marketing
drive or website shots the risk of worsening to attract possible buyers at greatest, or at worst,
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
distancing or offending masses of people and suffering a huge loss of auctions. The three
selected cultures for the launch of Softonic shaving gel are :1. Foreign market culture
2. Local market culture
3. Online market culture (International market culture)
According to a research, In the US, some 59% of nationality holders men say private care
products increase their confidence, and 28% reveal they are anxious about dry covering and
visible symbols of ageing. In calculation, 37% practice facial antiseptic as portion of their regular
training routine, closely a quarter (22%) use exfoliating vegetation, 17% anti-ageing herbal
products and 12% eye cream or shaving gels.
Similarly, In China, 82% of men from city areas think that by means of men’s shaving cream
makes them classier, at the same time as 64% decide that “tall priced men’s shaving cream
products work healthier than less classy ones”. Moreover, 62% of Chinese men in metropolises
buy their shaving cream themselves and 38% trust Japanese or Korean men’s shaving cream
brands more than indigenous brands.
As the example of international market, In Japan and South Korea men’s training offering
contains large various skincare regimen foodstuffs and it is not occasional to find men
consuming a comprehensive skincare variety including cleaner, cleansing milk and BB cream.
Men’s cleaning in Western cultures gravitates to more manly puzzles like black, blue and grey
colors, and service products. This method refers additional to preparing than skincare routine.
Micro cultures and additional demographics targeted
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
When an organization tries to enter in a new culture of the target market, culture becomes the
key of success as it can influence and describe business relations. Knowledge of outings around
the world is crucial. It is significant to investigate the areas where it can be implied. Cultural
needs should be mainly focused for the launch of the product. Micro cultural impacts show that
what are the rituals and events of a culture which needs to be celebrated. For example, Christmas
is extensively celebrated in America. But not everybody rejoices Christmas on the similar day, in
the identical way or at all. Celebratory images such as Santa Claus force to alienate possible
Information for and indebtedness of other cultures is also significant in landing business
contracts. For instance: UAE, Mediterranean, South Asian and South American cultures favor to
have professional relationship with people they distinguish and belief. Establishing dealings or
influences in these cultures is very appreciated for future corporate. Being a marketing manager,
I always learn the common words or sentences of the target market spoken as a token of love,
care and respect towards the consumers.
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
Considering culture is critical when analyzing online marketing tactics. The company’s website
is the most easy way to commercialize a product to attract the international consumers market.
Mostly companies have profit from the international market more than the local market because
international people are anxious to know what are the products revealed in another country rather
than the products launched in their own countries. In Western countries, white often designates
cleanliness and goodness yet in Asian values it’s related with death and grief. The colours of
website speaks to the audience, hence, it is essential that any phrase or colour or slogan used by
the website should not hurt the feelings of consumers not religiously and not emotionally. So, the
need is to know about others’ cultures first and then launching the product.
Some cultures have faith in that the worth of an individual takes superiority over that of a group,
and vice versa in additional cultures, this boldness can be showed in the content’s style. Other
influences to take into thought for the product launch are language prime, pictures, signs, spatial
location, navigation and statistics. Any company launching a new product must be open to
varying your marketing methods when doing business worldwide.
Ways to utilize group influence in the marketing of the product
Companies that are mounting are continuously on the lookout for novel opportunities. Some of
these occasions present themselves in original countries. Invention diversification and
development may request a product to be presented on a global approach. To advance a fruitful
marketing strategy, an organization must gross into consideration the cultural inspirations of the
civilization where a fresh product is being familiarized. People make choices about consumption
of a invention based on these traditional influences.
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
Group influence is of course very important in this regard. Whatever a nation, a civilization
thinks about a belief or trend is important to be endorsed in the launch of the product. For
example, in U.S market, people are of different cultures mainly focus on the easy feel
environment. Mostly men between 18 and 35 are work holic, they do job and have no time, so it
is important to mention on the slogan of advertisement that the Softonic gel is a two minute
fairness gel. If you apply it in 2 minutes, it will clear all the marks on the face. Group or peer
influence is important in this regard to be considered because a group of people thinks what is
right is right in a culture.
A plan to address need recognition, search behavior, and getting the product into the
consumers' consideration set
Marketing plan is not the easy plan to be executed. For any new product to be launched in
market, it is very important to have a step wise process :
Need recognition of the consumer market
Search behavior
Selection of target market
Influence of cultures
Influence of peer/group on targeted culture
Consumers’ considerations
Launch of the product
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
Reference groups are groups that customers compare themselves to or subordinate with. Need
recognition of the consumers is very essential to be known. The market survey will tell what type
of customers are present in the society, what cultures are they following and why they need this
product. Culture is mainly effected by reference groups. Reference groups are comparable to
opinion frontrunners in that they can have a thoughtful influence on customer behavior.
Reference groups are measured as a communal influence in customer purchasing. They are often
the groups that clients will look to make buying decisions. So if a locus group endorses a
invention, either over use or accounts about the product, those that appear to the cluster will
often buy that product. On the additional hand, if a locus group condemns of an invention, those
that assist with that group will perhaps not buy the product.
To follow the above steps, it is recommended that every step should be clearly focused. The
critical part of creating a marketing campaign is defining a campaign melody as it circles the
quality for the individual ads and other forms of advertising communications that will be castoff.
The drive theme is the central communication that will be connected in the promotional doings.
The campaign strategies are usually industrialized with the meaning of being recycled for an
extensive period but numerous of them are little lived due to influences such as actually
ineffective or market environments and/or opposition in the marketplace and promotion mix.
As a marketing manager, there is a great responsibility that the campaign goes right, all the
consumers’ interests are mentioned and analyzed completely. Businesses working in highly
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
modest markets may bargain themselves starting frequent marketing movements and dedicating
noteworthy resources to making brand consciousness and auctions. Marketing campaigns can be
calculated with dissimilar ends in concentration, counting structure a brand image, presenting a
new creation, cumulative sales of a invention previously on the marketplace, or smooth reducing
the influence of undesirable news.
Mostly business wouldn't distinguish how to familiarize products that encounter consumers'
favorites without marketing managers. They have numerous duties and tasks, counting managing
and supervision product, valuing and delivery strategies, and contributing in trade
demonstrations and community relatives’ activities. If anyone is both analytical and original and
can make complete business conclusions, you have particular of the essential skills to achieve the
obligations of a marketing manager.
Marketing managers are majorly responsible for the successful marketing campaigns and the
launch of new products. They are also responsible for managing staffs, such as associate
marketing directors, marketing planners or clerical workers. Marketing managers make strategies
and they make the business successful in target markets.
Running Head: Consumer Behavior Analysis
Gordon R Foxall, Jorge Oliveira Castro, Victoria K James, M Mirella Yani-de-Soriano,
Valdimar Sigurdsson, Volume 15, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 2006). Consumer Behavior
Analysis and Social Marketing: The Case of Environmental Conservation
Ndejesus (2007). How to make your advertising appeal to consumers. Ads of World. Retrieved
from :
Ricks, David A. (2000) Blunders in International Business. NY, Blackwell Publishing.
Singh, Nitish and Arun Periera (2005) The Culturally Customized Website: Customizing
Websites for the Global Marketplace. Burlington, MA, Elsevier. Retrieved from: