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WAP 214
See Time Table
1400 - 1600hrs
1200 – 1300hrs TBA
+263 54 260404/260409/260667/260735 Ext. 344
[email protected]
August – November Semester 2007
AGRO 102 (Principles of Genetics)
Falconer, D. S. (1994) Introduction to quantitative genetics ELBS Longman London, UK
Lynch, M. and Walsh, B. (1998) Genetics and analysis of quantitative traits, Sinawer associates Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA
Willis, M. B. (1996) Dalton’s Introduction to practical animal breeding, Hartnolls Ltd Cornwall G. B.
Van Vleck (1993) Selection index and an introduction to mixed models methods, CRC press, Boca Raton Florida USA D. Falconer and
T. Mackay. 1996. Introduction to Quantitative Genetics, 4th Edition. Longman The classic introduction to the field.
G. Simm. 1998. Genetic Improvement of Cattle and Sheep. Farming Press. A nifty compact introduction
B. Kinghorn, J. van der Werf, and M. Ryan. 2001. Animal Breeding. Use of New Technologies. Twynam Press. A nice review treatment
of recent advances.
Wyman Nyquist's Notes on Statistical Genetics. On line at:
J. I. Weller. 1994. Economic Aspects of Animal Breeding Chapman and Hall.
1. Review of basic genetics: Definition of gene, loci, chromosome, haploid, diploid. Number of chromosomes in animal species. Sex
determination in mammals, birds & other species. (1 hour).
2. Mendellian inheritance: Law of segregation. Use of Punnet square to predict genotypic and phenotypic ratios. Law of independence
associated and linkage. Importance of Mendelian Sampling recombination. The generation of genetic and zygotic types. (2 hour).
3. Gene action and their importance in animal breeding: Dominance. Epitasis. Additive gene action. Lethal genes and their effect.
Pleiotropy. Variable expressivity. Penetrance. Modifying genes. Phenocopies. (3 hours).
4. Description of qualitative and quantitative traits: Definition and properties of qualitative traits and quantitative traits. (1 hour).
5. Population genetics: Definition of gene/allelic frequency and genotype frequency. The relationship between gene and genotype
frequency. Calculation of gene and genotype frequency. The Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium law/principle. Statement of the law. The
assumptions taken for the law to apply. Calculations of gene frequencies under Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. Testing for HardyWeinberg equilibrium in X2 test or likehood ration. (3 hours).
6. Sex linked loci and sex influenced loci: Definition of sex linked, sex influenced and sex limited. Use in animal breeding. (1 hour).
7. Forces that change gene and genotype frequencies in a population ; The forces are: Non random mating. Random genetic drift
(chance). Mutations. Migration. Selection. Non Random mating. Definition of non random mating. Different types of non random
mating. Negative assortative mating and positive assortative mating. Close breeding. Effects of non random mating. Random genetic
drift. Definition of random genetic drift. Effects of population size on random genetic drift. Mutations. Definition of mutation. Types of
mutations. Importance of mutation. Selection. Definition of selection. Two types of selection. i) artificial selection ii) natural selection.
Relationship between the two types of selection. Effects of selection. Detection of carriers of recessive alleles. (4 hours).
8. Genetic value and artificial selection: Genotypic value. Response to selection. Breeding value. Dominance deviation. Epistatic
deviation. (1 hour).
9. Relationships: Definition of relationships. Types of relationships. Calculation of relationships. Importance of relationship in animal
breeding. (1 hour).
10. Evolution ; Theories of origin of life (Special creation theory, Spontaneous generation theory, Steady state theory, Cosmozoan
theory/theory of panspermia, Biochemical evolution theory). Types of evolution (Lamarckian evolution, Darwin-Wallace and the origin
of species by Natural selection, Neo Darwinism’s). Evidence of theory of evolution (Geographical distribution, Comparative anatomy,
Adaptive radiation, Comparative embryology, Comparative biochemistry). (3 hours)
11. Parameters and statistics: Measure of central tendency (mean and different types of means, mode, notations for computing the mean).
Measure of variation or dispersion (variance, standard deviation, notations for computing variance, other measures of dispersion). The
normal distribution, characteristics, importance in animal breeding. Covariance and its calculations. Correlation and its calculation.
Regression (regression coefficient b, predicted value ŷi). Introduction to tests of significance, meaning of test of significance,
procedures for performing a test of significance. Confidence limits and confidence intervals. (3 hours).
12. Quantitative Genetics: Definition of quantitative genetics. The quantitative trait model. Additive genetic value. Dominance genetic
value. Epistatic genetic value. Importance of these genetic components of value. Estimation of component genetic variance. (2 hours).
13. Genetic parameters: Heritability h2 (definition in broad and narrow sense, estimation procedures of heritability, importance of
heritability in animal breeding). Repeatability R (definition of repeatability, permanent environmental effects (PE), importance of
repeatability in animal breeding. (2 hours).
14. Environmental effects: Components of environment effects. Permanent environmental effects. Temporary environmental effects.
Genotype x environmental interactions. Types of genotype by environment interactions. G x E interactions in different species of farm
animals. Measurement of genotype x environmental interactions. Implications of G x E interactions. Environmental causes of
resemblance. (3 hours).
15. Phenotypic, Genetic and Environmental Correlations: Definition of the three correlations. Calculation of the three correlations.
Causes of Genetic correlation (rg). Uses of Genetic correlations in animal breeding. (2 hour).