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Hinduism Notes from the powerpoint lecture
the term “Hinduism” was used by the ____________ during the colonization of India in the
-Hinduism refers to any person practising a religion other than
-the religions described as Hindu are
-the development of the religions knows as Hinduism can be divided in ______ main periods.
1. Indic
2. Vedic
3. Upanishadic
4. Bhakti
5. Influence of the British
Indic Period
-the main characteristics of this period include
-a Male God (which develops into Shiva)
- Mother Earth Cult
-the difference between the Hindu and the Nazi swastika is
Vedic Period ______________(dates)
-the word “Vedas” means
-the Vedas were writings that contained instructions for the priests to use for celebrations and
rituals which would focus on manipulating the deities (gods) in order to ensure practical, worldly
outcomes (e.g. kids, health, wealth, safety)
-it was believed that the gods could be coerced (influenced) through sacrifices - milk, grains,
sometimes, animals
- the caste system begins in this period
4 castes
Plus the Untouchables or Outcasts
Axial Era Characteristics
Technological change (iron, plow)
Social change (cities)
Rise of money
Private property
• Leads to kings, states, armies, taxing
Suffering (physical, psychological)
Religions start to critique systems which cause suffering (money and power)
How does Hinduism change in the Upanishadic Period (dates________)
The Six Key Concepts which developed in the Upanishadic era are:
 1. Brahman:
For Vedics: the cosmic power priests manipulate to coerce deities to bestow
Now: the divine reality behind all things
 2. Atman is one’s deepest self. One’s soul, which moves from one body to the next.
Atman = Brahman
 3. Maya - We think we are separate from one another and from Ultimate Reality
(Brahman) but this is not true. This is ______________________
 4. Karma The belief that the way we live this life will affect the next life.
-Our actions will affect our future. We must follow our dharma ___________________
so that we can build up good karma and therefore have a favourable rebirth.
 5. Samsara - Cycle of Birth and Death
-The essence of the person moves from _____________________________
 6. Moksha Release from Samsara
If a person follows their dharma and accumulates good karma, they will stop
Hinduism in the Bahkti period is focussed on
What are the three Paths of Action (Yoga)
“Puja” refers to
During Puja, people make offerings with
The three types of yoga are
Om represents the Hindu Trinity. Copy the symbol from your text on page 249
Hindu Trinity
Brahma (the creator),
Partner (s)
Saraswati (goddess of the wisdom, learning,
the arts and music)
Vishnu (the preserver and nurturer of life)
Lakshmi – goddess of prosperity
Shiva (the force of destruction which leads
to renewal)
Durga – warrior goddess, slays dragons
Parvati – kind and gentle, mother of Ganesh
Kali – symbolizes destruction, time, change
Ganesh – remover of obstacles, deity of wisdom, prudence, learning,