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Evolution of Portable
By Nehanda Thom
What is Music?
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary music is…
-the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in
combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition
having unity and continuity
-vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or
harmony .
To me, music is many things…
-an escape
-mood altering sounds/noises
-a very important part of the lives of most people, especially mine
Why do people love music?
Although people have different reasons for liking music or
a certain genre or song, there are some psychological
effects music has on us.
-Music can change or reinforce our moods.
-Music can act as therapy or irritate us depending on the
lyrics or notes
-Many people can relate to the lyrics in love songs or
songs about life, they’re composed with the listener in mind
and the lyricist’s feelings on paper.
“Music is what feelings sound like…”-unknown
Why would someone want to make music portable or
accessible at home?
-Music can and should be portable so that one can
enjoy no matter where they are.
-Music helps some people work faster while doing
chores or other duties.
-Some people enjoy having music on them to pass the
time while traveling, to block out noise in public areas
or simply to enjoy songs and instruments they like
while away from home.
-Music, depending on what you listen to can calm you,
or positively influence your attitude, causing your
mood to improve and/or influence the way your day
The Radio Broadcast
The Oldest, but perhaps still most popular method of Technological Music sharing is
the radio.
Origins of the Radio
-The radio was invented by Nikola Tesla in 1893, but the invention was perfected over
the rest of the century by others, including Thomas Edison.
-The first radio signals were not meant for broadcasting, they were used for ships and
in the army for comrades to keep in contact with each other.
-The first radio broadcast was a news program that took place on August 31, 1920
-The radio is a technological device with speakers and an antenna that receives
airwaves from stations that transmit them and make it possible for a listener to hear
music, talk shows or the news.
-The radio was the first technological device that could bring music into a person’s
-The radio in the days of its invention had very few stations and required musicians
and singers to visit the studio and sing live for the listeners, meaning less air play and
less music on the air.
-The radio still exists today and has greatly improved, coming in High Definition and
XM satellite radio forms, making reception clearer almost like television. Radio
broadcasts are also accessible on the internet. The invention of the Compact Disc
and the computer have also made frequent airplay possible and less talk necessary.
The LP Record
-The LP in LP record stands for Long playing.
-The Record was the first technological device accesible for the
consumer to buy and operate to play songs on their own, as
opposed to being subjected to a scheduled radio program.
-The Record was invented by Peter Goldmark for CBS laboratories
and marketed by Columbia Records.
-It was unveiled at a press conference by Columbia Records in
-The first records held about 20 mins of audio per side and became
the primary music sharing medium by the mid ’50s.
-For a person to listen to a record they had to use a record player
which had a needle and
-One of the first artists to market their music on records was Frank
-Records were available to consumers in stores and as demand for
them increased, Columbia developed smaller, higher quality records
that could hold more music.