A Tribute to Hinduism - Yoga - Hindu Temple of Greater Cincinnati
... obtaining liberation (moksha) from the material world. It not only points the way to release, but offers a practical means of arriving there. Yoga is a practical path to self-realization, a means of attaining enlightenment by purifying the entire being, so that the mind-body can experience the absol ...
... obtaining liberation (moksha) from the material world. It not only points the way to release, but offers a practical means of arriving there. Yoga is a practical path to self-realization, a means of attaining enlightenment by purifying the entire being, so that the mind-body can experience the absol ...
Behind the Façade of Secret Mantra
... Buddhism. In fact, numerous instances of such sexual misdeeds have caused damage to Buddhism. Due to these factors, I am composing this work in order to rectify the erroneous teachings and to protect the one and only true Buddhism. In reality, the first and foremost reason that led to the writing of ...
... Buddhism. In fact, numerous instances of such sexual misdeeds have caused damage to Buddhism. Due to these factors, I am composing this work in order to rectify the erroneous teachings and to protect the one and only true Buddhism. In reality, the first and foremost reason that led to the writing of ...
Karma - Hinduism Today
... describes the karma of the jnani, the knower, who, as Rishi Patanjali says, is established in kaivalya, freedom from prakriti through realization of the Self. Similarly, one's karma must be in a condition of ashukla-akrishna, quiescent balance, in order for liberation to be attained. This equivalenc ...
... describes the karma of the jnani, the knower, who, as Rishi Patanjali says, is established in kaivalya, freedom from prakriti through realization of the Self. Similarly, one's karma must be in a condition of ashukla-akrishna, quiescent balance, in order for liberation to be attained. This equivalenc ...
the yoga boom: a call for christian discernment part 1: yoga in its
... believed that out of a desire to understand the nature of prakriti they venture into it. As they come into contact with the material world, their pure consciousness generates mind and thought, which are believed to be part of prakriti and not proper attributes of parusha. The parushas’ sensations an ...
... believed that out of a desire to understand the nature of prakriti they venture into it. As they come into contact with the material world, their pure consciousness generates mind and thought, which are believed to be part of prakriti and not proper attributes of parusha. The parushas’ sensations an ...
13_chapte 6
... Buddha seems at first to have counted on the sincerity and spiritual earnestness of his early disciples for the success of his religious order. It was his wish to manage with the minimum of restrictive regulations. But in the growing monastic community whose numbers were rapidly increasing, laxity i ...
... Buddha seems at first to have counted on the sincerity and spiritual earnestness of his early disciples for the success of his religious order. It was his wish to manage with the minimum of restrictive regulations. But in the growing monastic community whose numbers were rapidly increasing, laxity i ...
Yoga - MAIMT
... contains evidence for a contemplative tradition, even as early as the late Rg Vedic period. The Buddhist texts are probably the earliest texts describing meditation techniques. They describe meditative practices and states which had existed before the Buddha as well as those which were first develo ...
... contains evidence for a contemplative tradition, even as early as the late Rg Vedic period. The Buddhist texts are probably the earliest texts describing meditation techniques. They describe meditative practices and states which had existed before the Buddha as well as those which were first develo ...
Shankara: A Hindu Revivalist or a Crypto-Buddhist?
... diversity in terms of methods of self-cultivation and meditation. How one viewed oneself and ultimate reality would have to correspond with one’s practice of meditation. In America today, on the other hand, despite its growing popularity “meditation” is often seen as a single, relatively straightfor ...
... diversity in terms of methods of self-cultivation and meditation. How one viewed oneself and ultimate reality would have to correspond with one’s practice of meditation. In America today, on the other hand, despite its growing popularity “meditation” is often seen as a single, relatively straightfor ...
Hatha Yoga
... Early Buddhism incorporated meditative absorption states.[46] The most ancient sustained expression of yogic ideas is found in the early sermons of the Buddha.[47] Yogacara Buddhism Yogacara (Sanskrit: "yoga practice"[48]), also spelled yogāchāra, is a school of philosophy and psychology that devel ...
... Early Buddhism incorporated meditative absorption states.[46] The most ancient sustained expression of yogic ideas is found in the early sermons of the Buddha.[47] Yogacara Buddhism Yogacara (Sanskrit: "yoga practice"[48]), also spelled yogāchāra, is a school of philosophy and psychology that devel ...
Ganesha - Hinduism Today
... Ganesha is one of the most popular of the Hindu Gods and much has been written about him in the ancient Vedas and Upanishads, in the Puranas and in numerous stories that are part of written and oral traditions. There is currently an enormous amount of scholarly work that has attempted to examine Gan ...
... Ganesha is one of the most popular of the Hindu Gods and much has been written about him in the ancient Vedas and Upanishads, in the Puranas and in numerous stories that are part of written and oral traditions. There is currently an enormous amount of scholarly work that has attempted to examine Gan ...
Yoga practice and intention In Hinduism, Yoga is considered to be
... ("royal yoga") is Ashtanga Yoga ("eight-limbed yoga"), but this should not be confused with the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga developed by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, which is a specific style of Hatha Yoga practice. Yoga and religion In Hinduism, Yoga is described as the ultimate way to attain God. In the Hindu, ...
... ("royal yoga") is Ashtanga Yoga ("eight-limbed yoga"), but this should not be confused with the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga developed by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, which is a specific style of Hatha Yoga practice. Yoga and religion In Hinduism, Yoga is described as the ultimate way to attain God. In the Hindu, ...
Hinduism in Siddhartha
... Advaita: non duality, identity of the spirit and matter - essentially are all 'one'. The philosophical belief that underlies the teaching in the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads. There is only one Consciousness, one Supreme Spirit, despite multiplicity; this is the 'ultimate truth' in the text known to ...
... Advaita: non duality, identity of the spirit and matter - essentially are all 'one'. The philosophical belief that underlies the teaching in the Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads. There is only one Consciousness, one Supreme Spirit, despite multiplicity; this is the 'ultimate truth' in the text known to ...
discernment: the message of the bhagavad-gita
... for the war that is the central event of the Mahabharata is 1302 BCE, but most historians assign it a later date. The best scholarly evidence indicates that the earliest layers of the epic were composed between 2500 and 3000 years ago. The oldest preserved parts of the text are not thought to be app ...
... for the war that is the central event of the Mahabharata is 1302 BCE, but most historians assign it a later date. The best scholarly evidence indicates that the earliest layers of the epic were composed between 2500 and 3000 years ago. The oldest preserved parts of the text are not thought to be app ...
Visualization and Mandala
... empower the practitioner. One enters the hall chasing away demons with mudrii and mantra and then imagines it overflowing with tathagatas. One ano ints one's body with incense and uses a variety of rites, each consisting of a mudrii, mantra, and contemplation, to purify mind and body. "Samantabhadra ...
... empower the practitioner. One enters the hall chasing away demons with mudrii and mantra and then imagines it overflowing with tathagatas. One ano ints one's body with incense and uses a variety of rites, each consisting of a mudrii, mantra, and contemplation, to purify mind and body. "Samantabhadra ...
A New Approach to Gaudapadakarika
... Gaudapada's work, that is, his Karika in four chapters, may be regarded an important landmark in the development of the Advaita Vedantic thought. His exposition of Advaitism is unique and without parallel in the Vedantic literature. He does not follow the traditional line of argument for upholding h ...
... Gaudapada's work, that is, his Karika in four chapters, may be regarded an important landmark in the development of the Advaita Vedantic thought. His exposition of Advaitism is unique and without parallel in the Vedantic literature. He does not follow the traditional line of argument for upholding h ...
Hinduism - Net Texts
... remain within the category. Based on this, Ferro-Luzzi has developed a 'Prototype Theory approach' to the definition of Hinduism.[60] Problems with the single definition of what is actually meant by the term 'Hinduism' are often attributed to the fact that Hinduism does not have a single or common h ...
... remain within the category. Based on this, Ferro-Luzzi has developed a 'Prototype Theory approach' to the definition of Hinduism.[60] Problems with the single definition of what is actually meant by the term 'Hinduism' are often attributed to the fact that Hinduism does not have a single or common h ...
Danielle Powell Religion in Eastern Cultures Dr. Eric Dale Final
... channels through which the transcendent word passes to make itself available to humans at the start of each creation cycle. Thus the risis are said to speak the Vedas in each cycle of creation, and the very language in which the Vedas are spoken -Sanskrit -- is itself held to be divine” (Coward 4). ...
... channels through which the transcendent word passes to make itself available to humans at the start of each creation cycle. Thus the risis are said to speak the Vedas in each cycle of creation, and the very language in which the Vedas are spoken -Sanskrit -- is itself held to be divine” (Coward 4). ...
Session 4 – Yoga and TM
... Yoga (as we think of it) is an eight step process called Ashtanga Yoga (Astanga means “Eight step in Sanskrit”) By doing the eight steps, a person can “stop the world and get off” This is described in the Sanskrit phrase “Cittevritta-Mrodha” (The stoppage of the mental and physical) The first steps ...
... Yoga (as we think of it) is an eight step process called Ashtanga Yoga (Astanga means “Eight step in Sanskrit”) By doing the eight steps, a person can “stop the world and get off” This is described in the Sanskrit phrase “Cittevritta-Mrodha” (The stoppage of the mental and physical) The first steps ...
... All schools of Vedanta subscribe to the theory of Satkāryavāda,[web 6] which means that the effect is preexistent in the cause. But there are two different views on the status of the “effect”, that is, the world. Most schools of Vedanta,[26][web 6] as well as Samkhya,[web 6] support Parinamavada, the i ...
... All schools of Vedanta subscribe to the theory of Satkāryavāda,[web 6] which means that the effect is preexistent in the cause. But there are two different views on the status of the “effect”, that is, the world. Most schools of Vedanta,[26][web 6] as well as Samkhya,[web 6] support Parinamavada, the i ...
Indian Philosophy
... questions that the Indian philosophers asked. The similarities reveal that, even when philosophers in India and the West were grappling with the same problems and sometimes even suggesting similar theories, Indian thinkers were advancing novel formulations and argumentations. Problems that the India ...
... questions that the Indian philosophers asked. The similarities reveal that, even when philosophers in India and the West were grappling with the same problems and sometimes even suggesting similar theories, Indian thinkers were advancing novel formulations and argumentations. Problems that the India ...
Indian Philosophy - EIILM University
... questions that the Indian philosophers asked. The similarities reveal that, even when philosophers in India and the West were grappling with the same problems and sometimes even suggesting similar theories, Indian thinkers were advancing novel formulations and argumentations. Problems that the India ...
... questions that the Indian philosophers asked. The similarities reveal that, even when philosophers in India and the West were grappling with the same problems and sometimes even suggesting similar theories, Indian thinkers were advancing novel formulations and argumentations. Problems that the India ...
- NIILM University
... questions that the Indian philosophers asked. The similarities reveal that, even when philosophers in India and the West were grappling with the same problems and sometimes even suggesting similar theories, Indian thinkers were advancing novel formulations and argumentations. Problems that the India ...
... questions that the Indian philosophers asked. The similarities reveal that, even when philosophers in India and the West were grappling with the same problems and sometimes even suggesting similar theories, Indian thinkers were advancing novel formulations and argumentations. Problems that the India ...
Worship of Nada Brahman
... instrumentalists, conceived of God as the embodiment as well as the fruit of music (Isaiyay, Isaippayanay). Voice of God In the very first sloka of his monumental work, Sarangadeva pays homage to Lord Sankara as ‘Nada Tanu,’ i.e. ‘one whose body is sound’. This led to music itself being described as ...
... instrumentalists, conceived of God as the embodiment as well as the fruit of music (Isaiyay, Isaippayanay). Voice of God In the very first sloka of his monumental work, Sarangadeva pays homage to Lord Sankara as ‘Nada Tanu,’ i.e. ‘one whose body is sound’. This led to music itself being described as ...
Yoga Debate
... Hindu divinity linked to various postures: Natarajaasana (Lord Shiva) or Hanumanasana (Lord Hanuman) among many others. They chant their assigned "mantra of the month," taken as they are from lines directly from the Vedas, Hinduism's holiest scripture. Welcome to the practice of yoga in today's west ...
... Hindu divinity linked to various postures: Natarajaasana (Lord Shiva) or Hanumanasana (Lord Hanuman) among many others. They chant their assigned "mantra of the month," taken as they are from lines directly from the Vedas, Hinduism's holiest scripture. Welcome to the practice of yoga in today's west ...
Om (or Auṃ [ə̃ũ], Sanskrit: ॐ) is a sacred sound and a spiritual icon in Dharmic religions. It is also a mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.Om is part of the iconography found in ancient and medieval era manuscripts, temples, monasteries and spiritual retreats in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. The symbol has a spiritual meaning in most Indian religions, but the meaning and connotations of Om vary between the diverse schools within and across the various traditions.In Hinduism, Om is one of the most important spiritual symbols (pratima). It refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge). The syllable is often found at the beginning and the end of chapters in the Vedas, the Upanishads, and other Hindu texts. It is a sacred spiritual incantation made before and during the recitation of spiritual texts, during puja and private prayers, in ceremonies of rites of passages (sanskara) such as weddings, and sometimes during meditative and spiritual activities such as Yoga.The syllable is also referred to as omkara (ओंकार, oṃkāra), aumkara (औंकार, auṃkāra), and pranava (प्रणव, praṇava).