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New Genes for
New Environments Facilities
Merredin and Katanning
Enabling evaluation of the world’s best candidate GM traits from both
public and private research organisations under Western Australian
conditions in a highly contained and safe testing environment.
The aim of the New Genes for New Environment facilities is to accelerate the
development of higher yielding, more resilient and nutrient efficient varieties. Access
to these varieties may assist WA grain growers to improve production efficiency and
remain internationally competitive and profitable well into the future.
The Western Australian State Government provided funding for the two state-of-theart purpose built facilities and DAFWA provides ongoing technical and compliance
support to users. The facilities enable the evaluation of GM plant traits under field
conditions in two contrasting locations, selected as they represent the lower and
higher rainfall environments of Western Australia. These locations also provide
contrasting stresses such as low rainfall and high temperatures at Merredin with frost
and winter waterlogging at Katanning.
The New Genes for New Environments facilities exceed the stringent national
standards of the Gene Technology Regulator and enables research partners in
conjunction with trained DAFWA staff to evaluate the performance of experimental
GM crops in a safe and controlled environment.
Each facility comprises:
A five hectare trial site enclosed by a two metre high fence to exclude large
animals, bird-proof netting and an electronic security system.
A secure onsite shed housing machinery dedicated to seed production.
A clean down pad - air and water pressure cleaners ensure all equipment is
thoroughly cleaned to prevent GM material leaving the secured site.
A physical containment level 2 (PC2) laboratory - fully equipped for analysis of
GM plant material in a safe and contained environment, including an autoclave
room for destruction of surplus viable plant materials.
DAFWA also has a full suite of Standard Operating Procedures and a fulltime
compliance manager to ensure work is conducted in accordance with the
requirements of the Regulator.
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