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Warm Up
How did the study of the classics
influence branches of learning such
as history, literature, and
What were the differences in the
Middle Ages and the Renaissance in
the attitude toward worldly
Warm Up
 Draw
an imaginary constellation.
Write a story such as ancient people
might have told about it.
Warm Up
 Just
as the ideas of the Renaissance
changed European society, what
three changes would you make in
American society today to improve
life in our country?
Warm Up
What is the most valuable tool for
you when using a Chrome Book?
Explain how it helps.
How can you best protect your
Chrome Book from damage
throughout the school year? Be
Essential Question
 What
were the new ideas and values
that led to the birth of the
Ch. 17 Sect 1
Italy: Birthplace of the
Page 470
*People who survived Middle Ages
started to express a desire for
change using art and literature.
Italy’s Advantages:
A Renaissance or rebirth in the
arts and learning took place.
Bringing back culture of
ancient Greece and Rome.
Established new values, such
as the importance of the
Three advantages:
City-States – located in North
where money was prevalent, and
people were educated. Bubonic
Plague was catalyst to the
rebirth of the arts.(by killing
60% of merchants’ workers)
Merchants – de Medici’s
money spurred development of
Renaissance. Their banks
funded the arts and learning
Greece and Rome – brought
back the influence from Greek
and Roman literature and art.
Classical and Worldly Values:
 Black print classics led to
Humanism, the intellectual
movement that focused on
human potential and
achievements. Promoted
history, literature, and the
philosophies. (courses called
the humanities)
 World became increasingly
secular, more worldly than
spiritual. Even priests
acquired more luxury items.
 Patrons, people who
financially supported the
arts were usually church
leaders, merchants, or
wealthy families.
Renaissance Man, the
man who excelled in many
fields. He was well
educated, witty, and could
dance, sing, wrestle, write
and fight.
 Renaissance Woman,
expected to inspire art but
not create it. Also
expected to be educated,
but not influential in
politics. They also had to
know how to dance, sing,
and even wrestle.
Renaissance Revolutionizes
 Used perspective in art,
which shows three
dimensions on a flat
 Realistic style of art –
painted people and places
to look realistic.
Michelangelo use this style
and Donatello used
realism in sculpture.
 Leonardo, Renaissance
Man – painter, sculptor,
inventor and scientist.
Painted Mona Lisa and
Last Supper.
 Raphael advances realism
– famous for using
perspective. Famous for
painting School of Athens.
School of Athens
Renaissance Writers
Change Literature:
 Writers began writing in
the vernacular, the
native language of their
 Petrarch and Boccaccio
both wrote in vernacular.
 Machiavelli advised rulers
with his book, The Prince,
recommending that
leaders know how to both
pacify their citizens and
still do what they want.
Loved and feared at the
same time.
 Vittoria
of Colonna – most famous
Renaissance woman writer of
**Fifteenth Century Renaissance ideas
began to spread.
Journal Question
 How
did humanism influence
Renaissance ideas?
 What
were differences and
similarities between the Renaissance
men and Renaissance women?