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Ecology Questions
Explain the following terms that are used in ecology:
biosphere, habitat and niche.
Explain the following terms that are used in ecology: Biosphere; Habitat; Consumer; Producer;
An organism that eats another organism is called a …
The place where an organism lives is called its …
What is a pyramid of numbers?
The primary source of energy in an ecosystem is the …
The parts of the earth and atmosphere in which life is found is called the …
In ecology what is meant by a trophic level?
Explain the following terms that are used in ecology: niche, edaphic factor, symbiosis.
10. What is meant by nitrogen fixation?
11. What is meant by nitrification?
12. What is the function of the nitrogen cycle?
13. What term do ecologists use to describe an animal which kills and eats other animals?
14. Give four factors that influence the size of the human population.
15. If the population of prey declines suggest two possible consequences for the predators.
16. What is meant by each of the following in ecology: predator; habitat; niche; biosphere;
17. What is the principal source of energy for the Earth’s ecosystems?
18. Name a producer.
19. What is meant by an abiotic factor?
20. State one way in which a named organism is adapted to the ecosystem.
21. What is a quadrat frame?
22. Give two abiotic factors that you investigated, describe how you measured each one.
23. What term is used for the organism from which a parasite obtains its food?
24. What is a habitat?
25. List three abiotic factors that you investigated.
26. In the case of a named organism give an adaptation feature that you noted.
27. What is an ecosystem?
28. What does an ecologist mean by competition?
29. The use of one species to control the population of another species is called biological control.
Suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of biological control.
30. What is meant by nitrogen fixation?
31. Name a group of organisms involved in nitrogen fixation.
32. What is meant by a pyramid of numbers?
33. A relationship between two organisms in which both benefit is called
34. What does an ecologist mean by competition?
35. What is an ecosystem?
36. What is the biosphere?
37. In ecological studies it is found that the distribution of organisms is influenced by abiotic and
biotic factors. Distinguish between the underlined terms.
38. From an ecosystem that you have investigated give an example of an abiotic factor that
influences the distribution of a named plant in the ecosystem.
39. In the case of a named ecosystem give an example of a biotic factor that influences the
distribution of a named animal.
40. What is the source of energy for the earth’s ecosystems?
41. Construct a grazing food chain containing at least four trophic levels.
42. The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates by bacteria is called …
43. Give two sources of the carbon dioxide that is found in the atmosphere.
44. Farmers add nitrates as fertilizers to the soil. They are advised not to spread fertilizers if heavy
rain is forecast. Why do you think they are given this warning?
45. Explain what is meant by pollution.
46. Give an example of pollution and describe how this form of pollution can be controlled.
47. Give an example of a human activity that results in the pollution of air or water
48. Explain what is meant by conservation.
49. Give a brief account of a conservation practice with which you are familiar.
50. Explain conservation in relation to wild plants and animals.
51. Suggest two reasons for conserving wild species.
52. State one conservation practice from agriculture or fisheries or forestry
53. What is meant by pollution?
54. Describe a human activity that may result in pollution. Suggest a way in which this pollution
could be prevented.
55. Suggest a possible effect on a human population that may result from an increased availability
of contraception.
56. What is meant by pollution?
57. What do you understand by the term conservation?
58. Suggest three reasons for conserving wild animals and plants.
59. Explain what is meant by pollution.
60. Give an account of the effects of a named pollutant of domestic, agricultural or industrial origin.
Describe one way in which it might be controlled.
61. Outline the problems associated with the disposal of waste. Suggest two ways of minimising
62. Waste management is becoming an increasingly difficult matter. Suggest two reasons for this.
63. Describe one method of waste management by reference to agriculture, fisheries or forestry.
64. Suggest some ways of minimizing waste.
65. Waste management is a matter of growing concern in Ireland as the population expands.
Outline three problems associated with waste disposal.
66. Suggest two methods of waste minimisation.
67. Give an example of waste produced in agriculture or fisheries or forestry and describe how it is
68. Give one example of the use of micro-organisms in waste management.
69. Suggest two ways to prevent or control pollution.
70. What is meant by pollution?
71. Write a short paragraph (about 5 lines) on waste management.
72. What is meant by pollination?
73. What term is used by ecologists to describe the organisms that form the base of a pyramid of
74. What is meant in ecology by a quantitative survey?
75. What is a quadrat frame?
76. What term is used to describe the animal that is killed and eaten?
77. What is meant in ecology by a quantitative survey?
78. Name two habitats from the ecosystem you have studied.
79. An animal that eats both plants and animals is called an …
80. Give an example of an herbivore and of a carnivore found in an ecosystem you have studied
(not domesticated or farm animals).
81. What is meant by the term ‘fauna’?
82. In ecological studies what is a key?
83. What is meant by a qualitative survey?
84. Describe three methods used by plants to protect themselves from adverse external
85. Give an example of pollution which may result from domestic (household) or industrial or
agricultural activity.
86. Define predation.
87. Give an example of predation by naming a predator and its prey.
88. Explain the term niche.
89. Explain the term edaphic.
90. Give an example of an edaphic factor.
91. What does an ecologist mean by the term conservation?
92. Give an outline of one conservation practice used in agriculture or fisheries or forestry.
93. What is meant by the term omnivore?
94. In relation to ecological surveys, explain the meaning of the terms: 1. Qualitative, 2.
95. Distinguish between biotic and abiotic factors.
96. An edaphic factor is an example of an abiotic factor. Explain the underlined term.
97. Distinguish between quantitative and qualitative surveys in an ecosystem.
98. Why is a quadrat unsuitable for studying most animal populations?
99. Suggest a plant that would not be suitable to survey using a quadrat.
100. State one possible source of error in a survey of an ecosystem.
101. Decomposition is essential for the addition of nutrients to the soil. Explain the underlined
102. Name two groups of micro-organisms in the soil which are responsible for decomposition.
103. Give an example of pollution and describe how this form of pollution can be controlled.
104. State the effect of any one named pollutant.
105. Outline one conservation measure carried out by one of the following industries: agriculture
or forestry or fisheries.
106. Name one problem associated with waste disposal.
107. State one role of microorganisms in waste management
108. Explain the terms pollution and conservation.
109. If all the primary producers were removed from an ecosystem (e.g. by disease) suggest
what would happen to the primary consumers?
110. What is meant by a trophic level?
111. Name an ecosystem you have studied and construct a simple food chain from that
112. Explain what is meant by an ecosystem.
113. Explain what is meant by a habitat.
114. Explain what is meant by a niche.
115. Name one group of organisms responsible for decomposition.
116. Why are elements recycled in nature?
117. Is the following statement true or false? Give a reason for your answer. Food chains
are usually short.
118. Is the following statement true or false? Give a reason for your answer. The
herbivores in an ecosystem normally live long lives.
119. Is the following statement true or false? Give a reason for your answer.
The only remaining natural ecosystems in Ireland, for example mountain land above
the heather line and salt marsh, are ones for which mankind has no use.
120. Where are primary producers found in a pyramid of numbers?
121. Using named examples, construct a simple inverted pyramid of numbers.
122. What is meant by pollution?
123. Name one human activity that causes pollution
124. State two problems associated with waste disposal in Ireland
125. List two ways of minimising waste.
126. Give one example of the use of microorganisms in waste management
127. What is the main source of energy in an ecosystem?
128. Explain the following terms used in ecology: 1.
Biosphere 2.
129. Using a food web from your field study
Name one primary producer.
Name one herbivore and one carnivore from the web.
Name one omnivore from the web.
130. What would happen to the number of caterpillars if all the thrushes died in a habitat?
131. What is meant by a quantitative survey of organisms in a habitat?
132. Name two pieces of apparatus used to collect animals from an ecosystem.
What is meant by the term conservation?
134. Suggest one way to help bat conservation in Ireland
135. A situation in which one organism lives on or in a second species, feeding on it and causing it
harm is called _______________
136. Organisms capable of making their own food are called___________
137. A ________________ is all the members of a species living in an area
138. Micro-organisms and other organisms that return nutrients to the environment by decay are
called ______________
A situation in which two organisms of different species live together and at least one benefits
is called ________________
140. __________________ is a struggle between organisms for a scarce resource.
141. One organism killing and eating another organism is called _______________
142. Distinguish between contest competition and scramble competition by writing a sentence
about each.
143. Name a factor, other than competition, that controls wild populations.
144. What deduction is it possible to make from each of the following observations?
(i) In a particular area the population of a predator did not decline following a big reduction
in the population of its main prey.
(ii) Mortality levels resulting from infection by a particular virus tend to decline over the years.
(iii) Where some members of a species remain in the same general area throughout life and
some members are migratory, mortality levels tend to be higher in the migratory part of the
(iv) There is a greater variety of herbaceous (non woody) plants in areas where grazing
species, such as rabbits, are more plentiful than in areas where grazing species are less
(v) In some species of migratory ducks in the northern hemisphere it is found that the
wintering grounds of the males lie further south than those of the females.
145. In relation to a study of an ecosystem distinguish clearly between qualitative and
quantitative surveys by writing a sentence about each.
146. How were you able to identify the different plants in the ecosystem that you investigated?
147. Describe how you carried out a quantitative survey of the major plant species.
148. Give two possible sources of error that may have arisen in the course of your survey.
149. What does an ecologist mean by the term conservation?
150. Suggest a reason why nature reserves are important for conservation.
151. Explain the term pollution.
152. Pollution may result from domestic, agricultural or industrial sources. Select one of these
areas and state an effect that may be produced by a named pollutant.
153. How may the pollution referred to above be controlled?
154. In relation to the incineration of domestic waste, suggest: (i) an advantage of the process, (ii) a
disadvantage of the process.
155. Distinguish between a food chain and a food web. Include a clear reference to each in your
156. What do ecologists mean by a pyramid of numbers?
157. Organisms that are introduced into new environments outside their natural ranges are
referred to as exotic species. In some cases these introductions have been deliberate and in
other cases accidental e.g. when a species kept in captivity in a new country escapes and gives
rise to a wild population. Worldwide, the great majority of deliberate attempted introductions
have been unsuccessful.
(i) Suggest a reason for attempting to establish an exotic species in a new country.
(ii) Suggest two reasons why the great majority of attempted introductions have been
(iii) Use your knowledge of the life cycle of flowering plants to suggest how an exotic plant
may escape from captivity.
(iv) Use the knowledge that you have gained in your studies of ecology to suggest how the
introduction of an exotic species may:
1. impact negatively on an existing community.
2. impact positively on an existing community.
(v) It has been stated that an exotic species has a good chance of becoming established in a
new environment if there is a vacant niche.
1. Explain the term niche in this context.
2. Do you agree with the above statement?
3. Explain your answer.
158. Explain the terms 1. Flora, 2. Fauna.
159. Name one animal from a named ecosystem and describe how you carried out a quantitative
study of that animal.
160. Suggest one way in which marking an animal might endanger it.
161. Ecosystems are subject to changes, both natural and artificial. Mention one of each type of
change as it applies to your named ecosystem.
162. Match one of the terms from the list with each description. List: Pollution; Niche; Recycle;
Burning fuel; Conservation; Smell.
(a) Any harmful addition to the ecosystem.
(b) A problem associated with waste disposal.
(c) A way to minimise waste.
(d) Wise management of an ecosystem.
(e) A possible cause of pollution.
(f) The role of the organism in the habitat.
163. Using organisms from the ecosystem you have studied, draw a pyramid of numbers to show at
least three feeding levels.
164. All organisms in an ecosystem are influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. Explain the
underlined words.
165. Name any two abiotic factors from an ecosystem you have studied and describe how you
measured each one.
166. All organisms are adapted to their own habitat. 1. Name one animal from the ecosystem you
have studied. 2. Describe one way in which it is adapted to its habitat.
167. Distinguish between a quantitative and a qualitative survey by writing a sentence about each.
168. 1. Name one plant from the ecosystem you have studied. 2. Describe how you carried out a
quantitative survey to determine its frequency.
169. As a result of pollution, a species of plant disappears from an ecosystem. Suggest two possible
effects that the disappearance of this plant might have on the other plants and animals living
in the area.
170. Where in a food chain are primary producers found?
171. What term is used to describe organisms that feed on primary producers?
172. Why are most food chains short (i.e. only consist of a few trophic levels)?
173. What deduction may be made if the organisms at the start of the chain are less numerous than
those that feed upon them?
174. Can a parasite be the first member of a food chain? Explain your answer.
175. Energy enters food chains in the form of light. In which form do you think most energy is lost
from food chains?
176. Distinguish between the terms habitat and ecosystem by writing a sentence about each.
177. How did you investigate a named abiotic factor, other than temperature or pH?
178. How were you able to identify the animals that you found in the ecosystem?
179. When conducting a quantitative survey of plants, how did you ensure that your sample was
180. In the case of a named animal and a named plant give an example of an adaptation to its
habitat that you observed.
181. As part of your study of your selected ecosystem you constructed a pyramid of numbers. Name
the species that occupied the top of your pyramid. What is the main prey of the species referred
182. Explain the term ectoparasite.
183. Draw a large labelled diagram to illustrate the main features of the nitrogen cycle
184. Outline two biological similarities between the nitrogen cycle and the carbon cycle.
185. Suggest why continual monitoring of the environment is valuable
186. In the case of each of the following pairs of terms, distinguish between the members of each
pair by writing a sentence about each term.
(a) Contest competition and scramble competition.
(b) Edaphic and aquatic.
(c) Climate and weather
187. Suggest a role for parasites in the overall scheme of nature.
188. Name two predators. Give one adaptive technique in the case of each predator.
189. The term abiotic refers to the living factors in an ecosystem.
190. Grazing food chains begin with animals.
191. In ecology, what is meant by the term conservation?
192. Suggest why conservation is important in an ecosystem.
193. What is a quadrat used for in your ecology studies?
194. Explain the following terms as used in ecology: (i) Producer. (ii) Niche. /(iii) Habitat.
195. What is meant by the term pollution?
196. State any two types of pollution associated with waste disposal.
197. Give one example of a waste associated with agriculture or forestry or fisheries. State how the
named waste is managed.
198. Give three ways to minimise waste.
199. Give one example of the use of micro-organisms in waste management.
200. Explain the following term: Biosphere.
201. Explain the following term: Niche.
202. Explain the following term: Biotic factor.
203. Explain the following term: Trophic level.
204. Explain the following term: Competition.
205. Explain the following term: Symbiosis.
206. Describe a procedure for estimating rabbit numbers in an ecosystem.
207. Give two possible effects on an ecosystem of the extinction of a plant species.
208. Suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of biological control of a pest organism.
209. Name three factors can that affect human population.
210. Suggest two reasons why the human population increased so rapidly from the mid-1800s.
211. Suggest what could happen to biological diversity as the human population continues to
212. The vast amount of waste generated is one of the consequences of this huge increase. Mention
the three main ways in which waste can be minimised.
213. What is pollution?
214. What is the role of microorganisms in pollution control?
215. Describe the role of 1. Plants and 2. Animals in the Nitrogen Cycle and in the Carbon Cycle.
216. What do we mean by the word ecology?
217. The following food chain is from a grassland ecosystem:
Grass  Rabbit  Fox
(i) Name a secondary consumer from the above food chain.
(ii) Name a producer from the above foodchain
(iii) Name a herbivore from the above foodchain
(v) If all the foxes were killed, what would happen to the number of rabbits?
218. In relation to ecology, explain the terms: Abiotic, Edaphic, Habitat.
219. Explain the term predator.
220. Give two problems associated with waste disposal.
221. Mention two ways of minimising the amount of waste produced.
222. A quantitative survey was carried out to show the effect of poor waste management on
the plants in an ecosystem. What is meant by the term quantitative?
223. Describe how you carried out a quantitative survey on a species of plant in its habitat.
224. What is the main source of energy for photosynthesis?