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Florence: The Cradle of the Renaissance
Why was Florence called “the cradle of the Renaissance”?
The Renaissance started in here.
What major piece of architecture was borrowed from the Romans by the architects of
the Renaissance?
How were Florence’s industries related to the city’s culture?
Great artists became bankers and traders.
Italy is to the Renaissance as Rome was to the Roman Empire.
The word renaissance means “rebirth.” What was reborn during the Renaissance?
Interest in classical culture
Who would have been most likely to speak the following words? patron
“I have made a lot of money in commerce. I’ve hired a talented painter to
decorate the inner walls of the church. I’m sure he’ll do a great job.”
Below are three elements of Renaissance culture. What do they have in common?
o painting
They were all influenced by classical ideas.
o architecture
o sculpture
What geographic factor contributed to Italy becoming wealthy?
Its location
The Crusades were Europeans’ attempts to conquer the Muslims and gain control of the
Christian holy land. One unexpected result of the Crusades was eastern influence in the
One factor that enabled the Renaissance to flourish in Northern Italy was that the
region had a wealthy class that invested in the arts.
What new type of economy developed during the Renaissance? A money-based economy
How did the development of a money-based economy affect Florence?
Florence became a banking center.
How did the location of Italy have an effect on the people of the Renaissance?
Italy was located along the major trade routes from Asia to Europe and thus the
cities became wealthy.
“All things were under its domain…..Its powers were such that no one could hope to
escape its scrutiny.” What European institution during the middle ages was best
described in this statement?
In what way(s) was Renaissance sculpture different from medieval sculpture?
Renaissance sculptures were three-dimensional, freestanding, and show emotions.
What type of government is power passed from parent to child? monarchy
What type of government does the following list describe? monarchy
o There is one ruler.
o The ruler usually inherited power.
o The ruler passed on leadership to his son.
The crusades have been called ‘history’s most successful failure.” Explain this expression.
They did not achieve their original goals, but they brought many desirable changes
to Europ.
Under the Greek definition of “citizen”, who qualified for citizenship?
Free, native born men who owned land
Be able to read a map and answer questions about the Republic of Venice and what is
located near it on the map.
Match each person on the left with his artistic or scientific achievement on the right.
Sandro Botticelli
a. David
2. Filippo Brunelleschi
b. The Divine Comedy
3. Dante Alighieri
c. II Duomo (The Dome)
4. Galileo Galilei
d. discovered Jupiter’s moons
5. Niccolo Machiavelli
e. The Prince
6. Michelangelo
f. made maps from a bird’s-eye view
7. Leonardo da Vinci
g. Adoration of the Magi