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What is the correct relationship among DNA, genes
and chromosomes?
A)A gene contains many chromosomes which are
composed of proteins
B)A chromosome contains many genes which are
composed of DNA
C)A gene is composed of proteins which are found on
the chromosomes
D)A chromosome contains many genes which are
composed of proteins
What is the correct relationship among DNA, genes
and chromosomes?
A)A gene contains many chromosomes which are
composed of proteins
B)A chromosome contains many genes which are
composed of DNA
C)A gene is composed of proteins which are found on
the chromosomes
D)A chromosome contains many genes which are
composed of proteins
DNA and RNA are polymers of
A. fatty acids
B. nucleotides
C. monoglycerides
D. amino acids
DNA and RNA are polymers of
A. fatty acids
B. nucleotides
C. monoglycerides
D. amino acids
What are the parts of a nucleotide?
a. a phosphate, five-carbon sugar, and a nitrogen base
b. a group of linked amino acids
c. one half of a DNA molecule
d. a protein, a sugar, and a phosphate
e. a phosphate, a six-carbon sugar, and a nitrogen base
What are the parts of a nucleotide?
a. a phosphate, five-carbon sugar, and a nitrogen base
b. a group of linked amino acids
c. one half of a DNA molecule
d. a protein, a sugar, and a phosphate
e. a phosphate, a six-carbon sugar, and a nitrogen base
Which parts of a nucleotide make-up the
backbone of a nucleic acid molecule?
A) phosphate
B) sugar
C) nitrogen base
D) A and B
E) B and C
Which parts of a nucleotide make-up the
backbone of a nucleic acid molecule?
A) phosphate
B) sugar
C) nitrogen base
D) A and B
E) B and C
In double stranded DNA, the weak bonds between
complementary nitrogen bases involve:
a. RNA
b. DNA
c. hydrogen bonds
d. five-carbon sugars
e. sulfur
In double stranded DNA, the weak bonds between
complementary nitrogen bases involve:
a. RNA
b. DNA
c. hydrogen bonds
d. five-carbon sugars
e. sulfur
Which of the following is NOT one of the nitrogen
bases in a DNA molecule?
a. adenine
b. cytosine
c. uracil
d. thymine
e. guanine
Which of the following is NOT one of the nitrogen
bases in a DNA molecule?
a. adenine
b. cytosine
c. uracil
d. thymine
e. guanine
Cytosine will form a base pair only with:
a. cytosine
b. adenine
c. thymine
d. uracil
e. guanine
Cytosine will form a base pair only with:
a. cytosine
b. adenine
c. thymine
d. uracil
e. guanine
What is the base sequence of the DNA strand that
would be complementary to the following singlestranded DNA molecule?
What is the base sequence of the DNA strand that
would be complementary to the following singlestranded DNA molecule?
Identify components
1 and 2 of the DNA
molecule to the
Identify components
1 and 2 of the DNA
molecule to the
1 = a phosphate
2 = deoxyribose sugar
In this DNA,
which of the
following can
3 and 4 be?
a) A and G
b) U and A
c) C and C
d) A and T
In this DNA,
which of the
following can
3 and 4 be?
a) A and G
b) U and A
c) C and C
d) A and T
In this DNA,
3 and 4 are held
Together by
a) Barry Bonds
b) Covalent Bonds
c) Peptide bonds
d) Hydrogen bonds
In this DNA,
3 and 4 are held
Together by
a) Barry Bonds
b) Covalent Bonds
c) Peptide bonds
d) Hydrogen bonds
DNA replication
A. occurs by the addition of nucleotides to the end of
the DNA molecule.
B. results in the formation of four new DNA strands.
C. produces two brand new DNA strands that do not
resemble the original strand
D. uses each strand of a DNA molecule as a template
for the creation of a new strand.
E. begins when two DNA molecules join together to
exchange segments.
DNA replication
A. occurs by the addition of nucleotides to the end of
the DNA molecule.
B. results in the formation of four new DNA strands.
C. produces two brand new DNA strands that do not
resemble the original strand
D. uses each strand of a DNA molecule as a
template for the creation of a new strand.
E. begins when two DNA molecules join together to
exchange segments.
Describe what is
happening in each
step of
DNA replication
(figure to right)
Describe what is
happening in each
step of
DNA replication
(figure to right)
1: one parent double stranded DNA
2: DNA unzips and unwinds
3: Complementary nitrogen bases match up forming a
new strand of DNA using an old strand as a template
4: Two daughter double helices; each ½ old and ½ new
The enzyme ________ unzips and unwinds the DNA
A) DNA polymerase
B) helicase
C) primase
D) DNA ligase
E) unzipase
The enzyme ________ unzips and unwinds the DNA
A) DNA polymerase
B) helicase
C) primase
D) DNA ligase
E) unzipase
The enzyme ________ assembles a new strand of DNA
according to the base pairing rules and using an old
strand of DNA as the template..
A) DNA polymerase
B) helicase
C) primase
D) DNA ligase
E) unzipase
The enzyme ________ assembles a new strand of DNA
according to the base pairing rules and using an old
strand of DNA as the template..
A) DNA polymerase
B) helicase
C) primase
D) DNA ligase
E) unzipase
A double-stranded DNA is 21% cytosine.
What is the percent of thymine in that DNA?
A double-stranded DNA is 21% cytosine.
What is the percent of thymine in that DNA?
29 % thymine
A double-stranded DNA is 38% adenine.
What is the percent of cytosine in that DNA?
A double-stranded DNA is 38% adenine.
What is the percent of cytosine in that DNA?
12 % cytosine
In the semi-conservative DNA replication, daughter
DNA molecules consist of:
a. one-half of the molecules with two parental strands
and one-half of the molecules with two new strands
b. all molecules with interspersed parental and new
c. all molecules with one parental and one new strand
d. all molecules with two new strands
In the semi-conservative DNA replication, daughter
DNA molecules consist of:
a. one-half of the molecules with two parental strands
and one-half of the molecules with two new strands
b. all molecules with interspersed parental and new
c. all molecules with one parental and one new strand
d. all molecules with two new strands
The coded information in a DNA molecule determines
the formation of
A. polysaccharides
B. polypeptides
C. monosaccharides
D. lipids
The coded information in a DNA molecule determines
the formation of
A. polysaccharides
B. polypeptides
C. monosaccharides
D. lipids
What is a gene?
What is a gene?
A gene is a segment of DNA that codes for a protein.
Which one of the following sequences best describes
the flow of information when a gene directs the
synthesis of a cellular component?
A.RNA → DNA → RNA → protein
B.DNA → RNA → protein
C.protein → RNA → DNA
D.DNA → amino acid → RNA → protein
Which one of the following sequences best describes
the flow of information when a gene directs the
synthesis of a cellular component?
A.RNA → DNA → RNA → protein
B.DNA → RNA → protein
C.protein → RNA → DNA
D.DNA → amino acid → RNA → protein
Two differences between DNA and RNA are that only
the RNA contains
a) ribose and uracil
b) deoxyribose and uracil
c) deoxyribose and thymine
d) ribose and adenine
e) ribose and thymine
Two differences between DNA and RNA are that only
the RNA contains
a) ribose and uracil
b) deoxyribose and uracil
c) deoxyribose and thymine
d) ribose and adenine
e) ribose and thymine
Which of the following correctly describes
messenger RNA?
a. single stranded
b. uracil replaces thymine
c. many sugar to phosphate bonds are present
d. contains ribose sugar
e. all of the above
Which of the following correctly describes
messenger RNA?
a. single stranded
b. uracil replaces thymine
c. many sugar to phosphate bonds are present
d. contains ribose sugar
e. all of the above
The process of making RNA from DNA is:
a. transcription
b. translation
c. conjunction
d. peptide synthesis
e. this process cannot happen
The process of making RNA from DNA is:
a. transcription
b. translation
c. conjunction
d. peptide synthesis
e. this process cannot happen
Where is RNA synthesized in a cell?
a. nucleus
b. mitochondria
c. ribosome
d. endoplasmic reticulum
e. golgi body
Where is RNA synthesized in a cell?
a. nucleus
b. mitochondria
c. ribosome
d. endoplasmic reticulum
e. golgi body
The enzyme responsible for synthesizing RNA is
a. topoisomerase
b. helicase
c. RNA synthase
d. RNA hydrolase
e. RNA polymerase
The enzyme responsible for synthesizing RNA is
a. topoisomerase
b. helicase
c. RNA synthase
d. RNA hydrolase
e. RNA polymerase
What is the base sequence of the RNA strand that
would be transcribed from the DNA sequence below?
What is the base sequence of the RNA strand that
would be transcribed from the DNA sequence below?
The process of making proteins from RNA is:
a. transcription
b. translation
c. conjunction
d. peptide synthesis
e. this process cannot happen
The process of making proteins from RNA is:
a. transcription
b. translation
c. conjunction
d. peptide synthesis
e. this process cannot happen
The genetic code is redundant. This means
A) One codon may code for several amino acids
B) The majority of organisms use the same genetic
C) mRNA has sections of nucleotides that are
D) Several different codons may code for the same
amino acid.
The genetic code is redundant. This means
A) One codon may code for several amino acids
B) The majority of organisms use the same genetic
C) mRNA has sections of nucleotides that are
D) Several different codons may code for the same
amino acid.
The genetic code is universal. This means
A) One codon may code for several amino acids
B) The majority of organisms use the same genetic
C) mRNA has sections of nucleotides that are
D) Several different codons may code for the same
amino acid.
The genetic code is universal. This means
A) One codon may code for several amino acids
B) The majority of organisms use the same genetic
C) mRNA has sections of nucleotides that are
D) Several different codons may code for the same
amino acid.
Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is
A)an advantage
B) codon.
C)a mutation.
D)an anticodon
Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is
A)an advantage
B) codon.
C)a mutation.
D)an anticodon
A physical or chemical agent that changes the
nucleotide sequence of DNA is called
a) an anticodon
b) a terminator
c) a transposon
d) a mutagen.
A physical or chemical agent that changes the
nucleotide sequence of DNA is called
a) an anticodon
b) a terminator
c) a transposon
d) a mutagen.
A frameshift mutation could result from
A) a base insertion only
B) a base deletion only
C) a base substitution only
D) deletion of three consecutive bases
E) either an insertion or a deletion of a base
A frameshift mutation could result from
A) a base insertion only
B) a base deletion only
C) a base substitution only
D) deletion of three consecutive bases
E) either an insertion or a deletion of a base
A point mutation could result from
A) a base insertion only
B) a base deletion only
C) a base substitution only
D) deletion of three consecutive bases
E) either an insertion or a deletion of a base
A point mutation could result from
A) a base insertion only
B) a base deletion only
C) a base substitution only
D) deletion of three consecutive bases
E) either an insertion or a deletion of a base
Which mutation would be most likely to have a
catastrophic effect on the functioning of a protein?
A) a base substitution near the start of the coding
sequence but not in the start codon
B) a base deletion near the beginning of the coding
sequence but not in the start codon
C) a base deletion near the end of the coding
sequence, but not in the stop codon
D) deletion of three bases near the start of the coding
sequence, but not in the start codon
Which mutation would be most likely to have a
catastrophic effect on the functioning of a protein?
A) a base substitution near the start of the coding
sequence but not in the start codon
B) a base deletion near the beginning of the coding
sequence but not in the start codon
C) a base deletion near the end of the coding
sequence, but not in the stop codon
D) deletion of three bases near the start of the coding
sequence, but not in the start codon
Which of the following is not an effect of a
prevents a protein from forming
lowers the amount of a protein
adds a function to a protein
any of the above can occur
Which of the following is not an effect of a
prevents a protein from forming
lowers the amount of a protein
adds a function to a protein
any of the above can occur
Changing the codon AGC to AGA represents a ____
Changing the codon AGC to AGA represents a ____
A spontaneous mutation usually originates as an
error in
DNA replication.
DNA transcription
reverse transcription.
A spontaneous mutation usually originates as an
error in
DNA replication.
DNA transcription
reverse transcription.
The codon for leucine is CUC. How many different
amino acids could possibly result from single-base
The codon for leucine is CUC. How many different
amino acids could possibly result from single-base
True or False? A mutation always causes a mutant
A) true
B) false
C) cannot be determined
True or False? A mutation always causes a mutant
A) true
B) false
C) cannot be determined