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What are three ways to do sociology
(research orientations)?
After you have decided upon a sociological approach, you must decide
what to do with these theories. There are three basic orientations.
• Scientific Sociology – This is the most common research orientation.
In this research orientation, we know based upon systematic
observation. Theories are seen as relationships between concepts.
These concepts are turned into variables and measured.
• Interpretive Sociology – This orientation focuses not on testing
theories, but understanding why people do what they do. In other
words, this orientation focuses on the meaning people place in their
• Critical Sociology – focuses on the need to use theories to change the
way society works. This orientation makes value judgments about
inequality and uses research to change this inequality.
What are four research methods?
Once sociologists have a general approach and a research orientation,
they must then develop a systematic plan for doing research.
• Experiment – Used to investigate cause and effect
• Survey – Subjects answer questions on survey. Usually assesses
• Participant Observation – Sociologists involve themselves in the day
to day activities of people
• Existing Sources – Sometimes sociologists use information (data) that
has been gathered by others.