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MKTG 2910: Consumer Behavior
Summer Interterm
June 8 Sunday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m
June 9 Monday 6-10 p
June 10 Tuesday 6-10 p
June 11 Wednesday 6-10 p
June 12 Thursday 6-10P
June 15 Sunday 8 a - 4 p
Lynn Kelly, Ph.D., [email protected], 303-341-9300,
FAX: 303-341-9301
REQUIRED TEXTS: Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy
Peter & Olson
Course Description
How do consumers behave? Why do they buy this (really cool) pair of shoes and not
that pair (also really cool)? Find out how marketing to them (and us) works!
The focus of this course is on fundamental principles and theories of consumer behavior.
Students will examine processes of consumer decision making including influence of
environmental factors on consumer behavior. Discussion and activities will include
research on consumer behavior and development of successful marketing strategies.
Course Objectives
Our goals in this course are to understand theories and concepts related to consumer
behavior and to apply that knowledge. Theories and concepts are of little practical value
unless they can be successfully applied to existing or new situations. With this in mind,
at the end of this course, participants will succeed by being able to:
Define and describe the processes involved in consumer behavior
Demonstrate how to use means-end chains and other tools to measure
relationships between consumers and products
Understand the interaction between consumer affect, cognition, behavior and
environment and utilize this understanding to develop and evaluate sound strategic
marketing decisions.
Each student will be expected to complete assigned readings and submit written
assignments on due dates.
Expectations are that you have a computer and printer setup. All out-of-class
assignments should be typewritten and follow MLA or APA formats for references.
Use 12 point Times Roman font. No italics.
Topic name, student name, and date should be attached to each assignment.
Include original when submitting revised papers.
All writing must be original and current.
Documents written prior to enrolling in this course will not be accepted.
All work should be carefully proofed. Use of standard rules of grammar and punctuation
is expected. Points will be deducted for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
Late Assignments:
Grades on late assignments will be reduced one letter grade per business day late.
There are no make-up assignments.
Re-writes: work may be re-written for a higher grade, not to exceed B+.
Incompletes: A grade of Incomplete will be granted only under special circumstances
and will not be automatically granted for missing assignments.
In my courses, if plagiarism is identified on a submitted assignment, the student will earn
an “F” in the course.
Class participation
Written assignments
Project (1)
A=93 to 100%
F=less than 60%
Readings and assignments should be completed by the identified class night.
Be sure and check with the instructor as assignments are subject to change.
Assignment one
Intro to the course, definitions, consumer behavior information, history, models
Read Chapters 1-4.
Assignment two
Measuring Means-End Chains
Choose one of these products for your research project: running shoes/sneakers/jeans, ink pens,
soft drinks or fast food restaurants
Find two consumers with whom you can talk separately for about 5-10 minutes. Try to find a
quiet place where you won’t be interrupted.
Begin the interview by saying:
“Assume that you are in the market for ___________. What factors do you consider when you
are deciding what brand of _________ to buy for yourself?
Then ask?
What two factors are most important to you in making your decision?
Then for each of these two factors, do the laddering
Why is______________important to you? Or Why is ____________important? Or, What does
__________________________give you?
Continue the process for each factor until the consumer cannot go on.
Then, draw out the two means-end chains you measured for each person.
Be prepared to discuss what you have learned about the product knowledge of these consumers
and what implications your analysis could have for developing marketing strategies.
Identify any problems you had with the measurement procedures. Was the process easy or hard
for the consumers? Why do you think so?
Assignment three
Read Chapter 5
Describe in 2-3 pp the differences between accidental and intentional exposure to marketing
information. Identify a product for which each type of exposure is most common and discuss
implications for developing effective marketing strategies.
Assignment four
Read Chapters 7 & 8
Describe in 3-4 pp:
(1) At least two examples of how a marketing manager could use the various types of interrupts
discussed in Chapter 7 to increase the likelihood of purchase of the product.
(2) Challenges presented by the information search stage of the behavior sequence for each of
the following: (1) a leading brand (2) a new brand and (3) an existing low share brand.
Assignment five
Read Chapters 10-11
Discuss in 2-3 pp
(1) One example of a situation when a sales promotion could affect your purchase probability,
purchase quantity, purchase timing or purchase location.
(2) Factors you think influence whether consumers respond to a marketing campaign to reduce
drunken driving.
Assignment six
Read Chapters 12, 13
In 4-5 pp:
(1) Describe the various components of the marketing environment for a retail business of your
choice. Pick a store you are familiar with.
(2) Discuss the information, shopping, purchasing and consumption environments within the
overall marketing environment of the business.
(3) Describe and evaluate the store’s marketing strategies for each part of the marketing
(4) Tell why you think the strategies are effective or not.
Assignment seven
Read Chapters 14-15
In 2-3 pp, discuss how you believe recognition of sub cultural differences in target markets
would affect the marketing research and strategy development of a food products marketer.
Assignment eight
Read Chapters 16-19
Discuss in 2-3 pp differences in the purchasing experience between buying a book at versus at a brick-and-mortar store such as Barnes and Noble or the Tattered Cover.
Project due
In 5-8 pp:
 Select a pricing strategy of interest to you and describe it.
 Identify the target segment and describe how the consumer/product relationship. for this
group of consumers has influenced (or not) the pricing strategy.
 Describe what you believe are the likely objectives for this pricing strategy.
 Evaluate the likely effectiveness of the pricing strategy for the target segment.