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Name ______________________________
Section 1:
1. We are surrounded by millions of ____________________, tiny organisms, such as
bacteria and viruses that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
2. Microbes are also called____________________ and are found on the surfaces of things
you touch, in the air you breathe, on the forks that carry food to your mouth, and on the
surfaces of your body.
3. Most Microbes are harmless, many even perform valuable services such as decomposing
wastes and making nutrients others, however, can cause ____________________.
4. Diseases are caused and transmitted from person to person, by microorganisms or their
toxins. They are also called ____________________ or ____________________ diseases
or simply, Infections.
5. Microbes that cause disease are known as ____________________. There are main 2 types
that can cause disease ____________________ & ____________________.
6. ____________________ - microscopic single-celled organisms capable of causing disease.
Bacteria grow and multiply in warm, dark, moist environments. Bacteria can also thrive
inside deep puncture wound, which is why you seek medical attention for open wounds.
Some bacteria can be beneficial. Bacteria found in the digestive tract protects against some
disease and help digest food. If a person’s immune system becomes weakened, bacteria may
cause illness.
7. ____________________ - organisms that contain only genetic material and protein coats,
and that are totally dependent on the cells they infect. They differ greatly from bacteria.
Bacteria are cells, Viruses are not. Viruses are genetic material can invade cells even
Bacteria. By using the cells’ equipment, Viruses reproduce themselves with astonishing
speed. Viruses take over the cell’s genetic material and force it to reproduce more viruses.
The new viruses then move on to infect other cells. Most people suffer through at least one
cold, or upper respiratory tract infection, a year. Once symptoms are gone the virus causing
the illness is usually gone also. Some viruses can remain in the body long after the
symptoms are gone and are still communicable.
8. ____________________ - living things that absorb and use nutrients of organisms they
9. ____________________ - tiny, animal like cells, some of which can cause illness.
10.____________________ - visible parasites that burrow into the blood supplies of victims.
11.____________________ - living things that depend on the bodies of others that they
Section 2:
12.Our immune system is our bodies natural defense against illness and disease,
as we age our ____________________ ____________________adapts
13.Someone who has a cold may sneeze into the air; bacteria will circulate and land on various
surfaces. Another person breathes in the bacteria, touches an object that was infected and
catches the cold. The ____________________repeats – continually spreading and
contracting of illness.
14.____________________ – chemicals that kill pathogens on surfaces.
Name ______________________________
Washing hands with soap and warm water, regularly. Treating open wounds with
____________________ ointment and properly covering the wound. Public sanitation
such as water treatment plants.
15.____________________ - Drugs made from alter Microbes or their poisons injected or
given by mouth to produce immunity. ____________________ ____________________
____________________control diseases but cannot eliminate them!
Section 3:
16.The body has many barriers against infectious diseases. The ____________________,
____________________, and the ____________________ ____________________ can
block most infectious diseases.
17.Bone marrow produces ____________________ (white blood cells) – imperative in
immunity! Thymus Gland changes Lymphocytes into ____________________ which
recognize invaders that cause illness. Other Lymphocytes become ____________________
which make antibodies. ____________________ are large protein molecules produced to
fight invaders.
18.____________________ - Foreign substances in the body (bacteria/viruses) that stimulate
the immune system and produce antibodies.
19.____________________ draw back into the lymph nodes – causes swelling. Travel through
body fluids when adequately prepared to fight.
____________________ - A chemical that produces inflammation of tissue. Inflames site
of attack and draws defenders to aid in that location.
____________________ are taken to reverse the effects and relieve unwanted symptoms.
20. T and B cells work as a unit. If a T cell detects an enemy it sends out a
____________________ ____________________. B cells respond to the message by
making ____________________ that destroy the invader.
21. Phases of Illness - ____________________, ____________________,
____________________, ____________________, ____________________.
22.____________________ Infection: Antibiotics can be utilized. Specific antibiotics must be
used for specific pathogens.
____________________ Infection: Antibiotics CANNOT be utilized Why? – antibiotics
prevent cell growth, viruses must run its course – basic medicines can be used to relieve
23. Body’s natural reaction to infection = ____________________ . Assist the body in fighting
an infection by increasing temperature and making the environment unsuitable for the
infection to thrive in. Activates the immune system
Section 4:
24.Keep immunizations current. Eat a healthy diet. Reduce or eliminate alcohol intake. Reduce
and manage stress. Get regular exercise.
25.Cover your face when you sneeze and cough. Avoid touching contaminated surfaces. Bathe
regularly. Always wash your hands with soap and water – especially when handling food.
26.Bacteria in foods can cause infection/poison in the digestive tract – prepare food correctly.