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Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
1. The densest part of an atom is the ______________ and it has a _______________ charge.
2. The three subatomic particles are the _____________ with a ________ charge, the _____________
with a __________ charge, and the ________________ with a __________ charge.
3. The electrons travel outside the nucleus in a __________________.
4. An element is a pure substance containing only _________ atom and cannot be broken down by
______________ or _____________ means.
5. ________________________ discovered a pattern within the elements. They are arranged by
____________________ and the pattern is _______________.
6. Atomic number is: ___________________________________________________.
7. Atomic mass is: _____________________________________________________.
8. What happens to the atomic mass as you go left to right and up and down the Table?
In a neutral atom, the number of ____________= the number of ____________.
The atomic mass is equal to the number of __________ and the number of ___________.
An __________________ represents the area in an atom where an electron is likely to be found.
Each energy levels can hold only a ____________ number of electrons.
The smallest, innermost energy level can hold only ____________ electrons.
The second energy level can hold up to ________ electrons.
The third energy level can hold up to __________ electrons.
The 4th & 5th can hold up to ___________ electrons.
The 6th can hold up to ___________ electrons.
Electrons tend to __________ the lowest available energy level.
The number of ___________ in the outermost energy level determines the __________ behavior of
the different elements.
These outermost electrons are called one ________________________.
Both sodium and potassium contain valence electron and are highly ___________ metals, which
means that they combine ____________ with other elements. Their ______________ energy level
has only one electron and it reacts ___________ with other elements.
Elements such as helium (He), neon (Ne) and argon (Ar) are ____________, which means that they
_________________ easily combine with other elements. This is because they have _______
outermost energy levels.
Each ____________________ row of the table is called a _____________. Each row represents the
number of ___________________________ present in an atom of the element.
The columns are called _______________. The elements in a group have the same number of
_______________ in their ______________ energy level.
The Periodic Table can also be divided into three main types of Elements: _____________,
_______________, and ________________.
__________ are shiny and solid at __________ temperature. They have high _____________ and are
______________. They are further divided into the ______________, ____________________, and
_______________ are not shiny and are mostly _____________ at room
temperature. They are poor _________________, they are ________ and they will shatter easily
(not ________________ or ______________. They are also called ________________________.
28. ___________________ have characteristics between metals and nonmetals. They are __________ at
room temperature and they are _________________________. They are also called
29. ______________ have 7 valence electrons, which explains why they are the most __________ nonmetals. They are __________ found free in nature. ___________ atoms only need to gain _____
electron to fill their outermost energy level. They react with _______ metals to form salts.
30. _________ Gases are colorless gases that are extremely ______________. One important property
of the noble gases is their _____________. They are inactive because their outermost energy level is
___________. Because they do not readily combine with other elements to form compounds, the
noble gases are called ______________.
31. The thirty ______________ elements are composed of the ____________ and _____________series.
One element of the lanthanide series and most of the elements in the actinide series are called
_______________________, which means synthetic or ________________.
32. A _______________ is a substance that is made up of different elements. The atoms of the elements
are joined together by _________________. Bonds are chemical connections between atoms.
33. There are two basic types of bonds: ____________________ and ______________________. The
reason that bonds occur is that atoms “want” to have __________ outer electron shells. An atom
gets a full outer shell by getting ____________ in one of the two types of _____________.
34. Sharing one of more electrons is one type of bonding called a _________________________.
Example: water is formed when atoms of ___________ share their ____________ with an oxygen
35. The second type of bonding is when some atoms give up electrons, creating an __________ bond.
Example: salt is formed when the sodium ______________ its electron and the ____________ takes
it. An atom like this that has lost or gained an electron is called an _________. We write a _____next
to the element’s symbol if its atom has lost an electron and a ____ if it gains an electron. Opposites
attract! The ____________ in the nucleus “miss” the “missing” ___________ and they stay close to it
forming the _____________.
36. Atoms bonded ionically can sometimes form ______________. This is an atom that has the same
number of ____________ as another atom, but has a different number of __________.
REMEMBER…usually neutrons = protons, but not with isotopes. This can make them unstable and
37. Atoms will often _____________________________ electrons with other atoms in order to have a
complete set of ______________ in their outer __________________________. Elements whose
atoms undergo such processes are called ____________ and can combine to form
_________________. Since __________ [columns] are similar, because they have the same number
of electrons in their outer energy level, the ____________________ is also organized by degree of
38. In general, _____________ located on the left of the Periodic Table are most _________ metals,
least reactive metals in the ____________, and _____________ on the right.
39. ___________________ are combination of things where there are no chemical changes or bonds.
____________________ mixtures are ________mixed evenly and each component retains its
__________________________. ____________________ mixtures are mixed
___________throughout. The ________________ are not easily _____________________. A
____________ is an evenly mixed mixture (liquid), such as salt water. Mixtures can be separated by