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Students will describe the inf luence of Julius Caesar on the
transition from republic to empire.
Following Sulla a number
of generals came to
Julius Caesar was one.
Julius Caesar = Roman
general, politician and
Noble class
Power = victory on the
battle field.
Gained his military fame in Gaul
Gauls were fierce fighters
(once defeated Rome).
Caesar’s military campaign
defeated the Gauls and
captured their land.
Campaign = series of military
operations that form part of a
Caesar’s military success gave
Rome new wealth and power.
Caesar became famous!
Caesars wrote about his military
success in his personal memoir.
Commentaries on the Gallic
Caesar became famous for his
writing skills as well.
Caesar was a respected
Known as a reformer.
Popular with Plebeians.
Patrician opposed Caesar.
Cicero opposed Caesar
Cicero = Roman consul, speaker
and opponent of Caesar.
Cicero supported the Republic
and distrusted Caesar (taste for
After defeating the Gauls Caesar
ordered to disband his army
Caesar refused and used his
military to take over the
government (46 B.C.)
In 44 B.C. the Senate named
Caesar dictator for life!
Expanded the Senate
Include people from new
Roman territories.
Enforced laws against
Created jobs for the poor.
Caesar’s reforms make him
popular with the general
Some feared his
Fear that he would become
A king enabled Caesar’s
family to become rulers
(returing to Etruscan
Concern over Caesar’s power (and
popularity) caused the Senate to
Senators held a meeting
(including Caesar) surrounded
him and assassinated him.
March 15, 44 B.C. (Ides of
Ides = Day that divides the month!
Leaders of the conspiracy
eventually killed.
Today (as well as in Ancient Rome)
there are differing opinions of
Some see Caesar as reformer
who helped the people
Others say he was a power
hungry tyrant.
Either way Caesar brought about
great change in Rome!