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Evolution Ch. 16 and 17
Multiple Choice (2 pts. each)
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Fossils found in the lowest geological strata are generally the most
a. advanced.
b. complex.
c. primitive.
d. widespread.
e. specialized.
2. Darwin's mentor, who arranged for Darwin's position on H.M.S. Beagle, was
a. Alfred Wallace.
b. John Henslow.
c. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck.
d. Georges Cuvier.
e. Charles Lyell.
3. The place Darwin visited on his trip around the world that had the greatest impact on his thinking was
a. the Canary Islands.
b. Africa.
c. the Hawaiian Islands.
d. the Galápagos Islands.
e. Brazil.
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true concerning Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired
a. Nature selects the best adapted individuals to survive and reproduce.
b. Environmental pressures cause changes that are inherited.
c. Life forms gradually proceed toward perfection.
d. A great pianist would likely beget a great pianist.
e. The drive for improvement was in the "fluida" of the nerves.
5. Darwin was influenced by which of the following concepts attributable to Charles Lyell?
a. The geological history of the earth is a series of catastrophes.
b. Acquired characteristics can be inherited.
c. Natural selection operates on the tremendous variation found in nature.
d. All life forms a part of a great Chain of Being.
e. The geologic forces in Earth's history show predictable uniformity on how things are
6. According to Darwin, natural selection is based on the ____ found in populations.
a. acquired characters
b. variations
c. weakest members
d. noncompetitors
e. similarities
7. Thomas Malthus proposed that
a. the food supply multiplied faster than the population.
b. the population multiplied faster than the food supply and if we continued to grow
unchecked, there would be competition.
c. the food supply and populations multiplied at the same rate.
d. artificial selection was the key to evolution.
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
e. natural selection was the key to evolution.
The person credited with being the codiscoverer of the theory of natural selection was
a. Alfred Wallace.
b. Charles Lyell.
c. Thomas Malthus.
d. James Hutton.
e. John Henslow.
Which of the following could be called adaptations?
a. tomatoes in salty areas that store salt in their leaves
b. spines and thick cuticles on cactus
c. large muscular legs in ostriches
d. all of these
e. none of these
Which of the following evolve?
a. populations
b. genera
c. kingdoms
d. phyla
e. individuals
New alleles arise by
a. mutation.
b. migration.
c. genetic drift.
d. random mating.
e. independent assortment.
New variations of genes in a population may be produced by
a. immigration.
b. mutation.
c. crossing over.
d. sexual reproduction.
e. all of these
The Hardy-Weinberg formula
a. is useful in determining the extent to which a sexually reproducing population is evolving.
b. is used to predict when genetic drift will occur in a sexually reproducing population.
c. is useful in determining the extent to which polyploidy is occurring in specific plant
d. is used to predict when specific groups of organisms will become extinct.
e. all of these
The maintenance of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is encouraged
a. when sexual selection occurs.
b. when mutations occur.
c. in small populations.
d. when there is no gene flow between different populations.
e. all of these
Which statement is NOT true?
a. Migration leads to genetic variation.
b. Dominant genes always occur more frequently in a population than recessive genes do.
c. Nonrandom mating may result in changes in gene frequency.
d. The Hardy-Weinberg law applies to large, stable populations.
____ 16.
____ 17.
____ 18.
____ 19.
____ 20.
____ 21.
____ 22.
____ 23.
e. Crossing over increases variation.
Of the following, which does NOT characterize a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
a. large population size
b. no mutation
c. differential reproduction
d. absence of gene flow
e. no natural selection
If the frequency of expression of a recessive trait in a population is 16 percent, the frequency of the recessive
allele would be what percent?
a. 16
b. 25
c. 40
d. 50
e. 67
If the frequency of a recessive allele is 36 percent, the frequency of the dominant allele would be what
a. 5
b. 8
c. 25
d. 48
e. 64
In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, the term q2 refers to the frequency of
a. a recessive allele of a given locus.
b. the homozygous recessive genotype at a given locus.
c. recessive alleles in a population.
d. heterozygotes in a population.
e. the dominant phenotype in a population.
Of 400 people who dwell on a Pacific island, 16 are homozygous recessive for a trait that has only two
different types of alleles in the population. The number of heterozygous people is
a. 256.
b. 32.
c. 64.
d. 128.
e. 384.
Mutations that neither harm nor help an organism are called
a. dominant.
b. deleterious.
c. lethal.
d. neutral.
e. recessive.
Directional selection means that
a. the environment controls which organisms will survive.
b. humans determine which organisms will survive.
c. the extremes of the population have a lesser chance to survive.
d. the extremes of the population have a better chance to survive.
e. the organisms on one extreme of the population have a better chance to survive than those
on the other extreme.
In a certain bird species, clutch size (the number of eggs laid by a female in one breeding season) ranges from
four to eight and the most frequent clutch size is six. This phenomenon is an example of
____ 24.
____ 25.
____ 26.
____ 27.
____ 28.
____ 29.
____ 30.
a. sexual selection.
b. stabilizing selection.
c. disruptive selection.
d. directional selection.
e. artificial selection.
Disruptive selection favors
a. the intermediate forms.
b. an average human birthweight of seven pounds.
c. the extremes of a range of variation.
d. a greater number of individuals in the center of the bell-shaped curve.
e. a shift toward higher and higher academic grades.
Male northern sea lions are nearly twice the size of females because
a. males live longer than females.
b. predators of the sea lions favor males.
c. males compete to mate with females.
d. each male must protect the one female with which he mates.
e. all of these.
The HbS allele (sickle cell) occurs at a higher frequency in Africa than it does in the United States because
a. it is a dominant allele in Africa and a recessive one in the United States.
b. genetic recombination occurs at different rates in different human populations.
c. natural selection favors heterozygotes in Africa, but favors homozygous normal
individuals in the United States.
d. the U.S. population is descended from a small group of individuals who possessed the
allele at a high frequency.
e. the U.S. population is descended from a small group of individuals who possessed the
allele at a low frequency.
The introduction of a small population onto an island that results in a limited gene pool for a population best
a. the Hardy-Weinberg law.
b. genetic drift.
c. the bottleneck effect.
d. the founder effect.
e. the effect of genetic isolation.
The sharp reduction of the gene pool and the numbers of a population through a severe epidemic is an
example of
a. artificial selection.
b. genetic isolation.
c. the bottleneck effect.
d. the founder effect.
e. all of these
The fossil record is incomplete because
a. very few organisms were preserved as fossils.
b. organisms tend to decay before becoming a fossil.
c. animals with hard parts are preserved more easily.
d. geological processes may destroy fossils.
e. all of these
Which of the following habitats is most likely to be rich in fossils?
a. eroding hillsides
b. deserts
____ 31.
____ 32.
____ 33.
____ 34.
____ 35.
____ 36.
____ 37.
____ 38.
c. polar ice caps
d. bed of former shallow sea
e. rocky plateau
The large land mass that contained all the continents was called
a. Laurasia.
b. Pangea.
c. Gondwana.
d. Atlantis.
e. all of these
The convergence in external morphology of sharks, penguins, and porpoises is attributed to
a. reduced genetic variability in these groups.
b. selection pressures that are common to these groups.
c. reproductive isolation of these groups.
d. identical genes in all three groups.
e. all of these
The wings of a bird and the wings of a butterfly are ____ and the wing of a bird and the arm of a mammal are
a. homologous; analogous
b. analogous; homologous
c. homologous; divergence
d. analogous; divergence
e. none of these
The study of early life stages has revealed the conservative nature of the genes responsible for
a. food procurement.
b. reproductive behavior.
c. embryonic development.
d. size.
e. intelligence.
Comparisons of protein similarity between species can reveal the degree of genetic kinship because
a. the number of protein variations is limited.
b. specific amino acids are dictated by known nucleotide sequences.
c. gel electrophoresis converts proteins to nucleotides.
d. protein can be hybridized with DNA.
e. DNA is made by directions stored in proteins.
Members of the same species would be expected to
a. look alike.
b. be reproductively isolated from one another.
c. share the same gene pool.
d. have the same phenotype.
e. resist evolution.
A species is composed of
a. related organisms.
b. a group of reproductive females.
c. populations that have the potential to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
d. organisms located in the same habitat.
e. all males and females in the same geographical range with the same ecological
Complete reproductive isolation is evidence that what has occurred?
a. extinction
____ 39.
____ 40.
____ 41.
____ 42.
____ 43.
____ 44.
____ 45.
____ 46.
b. speciation
c. polyploidy
d. hybridization
e. gene flow
The term "reproductive isolation mechanism" refers to
a. specific areas where males compete or display for females.
b. the process by which sexual selection evolves within a population.
c. a blockage of gene flow between populations.
d. the inability of a species to continue reproduction.
e. all of these
Which of the following is NOT an example of an isolating mechanism?
a. species-specific courtship rituals
b. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
c. incompatible reproductive structures
d. geographic barriers
e. hybrid sterility
Speciation occurs
a. after populations become reproductively isolated and diverge.
b. when mutations generate observable differences.
c. when transitional forms develop between different populations.
d. when natural selection pressures reach their maximum.
e. when humans intervene and establish new breeds.
The 13-year and 17-year cicadas are isolated by
a. space.
b. behavior.
c. incompatibility of reproductive body parts.
d. time.
e. gamete incompatibility.
The fact that the courtship song of hybrid offspring is not recognized by either of the parents is an example of
a. speciation.
b. balanced polymorphism.
c. geographic isolation.
d. post-zygotic isolation.
e. behavioral isolation.
Allopatric speciation requires
a. gradual evolutionary changes.
b. geographic isolation.
c. polyploidy.
d. adaptive radiation.
e. rapid evolutionary change.
Which is NOT necessary for sympatric speciation?
a. organisms living together in same location
b. "same homeland"
c. geographical barriers
d. existing interbreeding population
e. reproductively mature individuals
Parapatric speciation would be expected to occur most often
a. in the same homeland.
b. near a common border between two populations.
____ 47.
____ 48.
____ 49.
____ 50.
____ 51.
____ 52.
____ 53.
____ 54.
c. within a group of interbreeding populations.
d. across obvious geographical barriers.
e. by divergence from a common interbreeding population.
The border across which genes can flow between two populations is called the
a. hybrid zone.
b. parapatric zone.
c. zone of speciation.
d. demilitarized zone.
e. zone of polyploidy.
A speciation pattern which exhibits branching of populations is termed
a. allopatric.
b. anagenesis.
c. nondivergent.
d. hybridizing.
e. cladogenesis.
Scientists have traditionally drawn evolutionary diagrams in the form of
a. interlocking circles.
b. pyramids.
c. a set of parallel lines.
d. a tree.
e. nested squares or boxes.
The gradual model of evolutionary change proposes that most morphological change occurs
a. gradually but without development of new species.
b. rapidly but without speciation.
c. gradually during speciation.
d. rapidly leading to new species.
e. none of these
The punctuation model of evolutionary change proposes that most morphological change occurs
a. gradually but without development of new species.
b. rapidly but without speciation.
c. gradually during speciation.
d. rapidly leading to new species.
e. none of these
The lack of transitional forms of organisms would be
a. more expected in the gradual model than in the punctuation model.
b. more expected in the punctuation model than in the gradual model.
c. equally expected in both models.
d. expected in neither model.
Which of the following groups represents the most closely related organisms?
a. kingdoms
b. species
c. orders
d. genera
e. taxa
Which of the following is written correctly?
a. Felis domestica
b. Felis Domestica
c. felis domestica
d. Felis domestica
____ 55.
____ 56.
____ 57.
____ 58.
e. felis Domestica
Phylogeny refers to what aspects of individuals?
a. morphological traits
b. evolutionary relationships
c. physiological characteristics
d. behavioral features
e. all of these
Cladistics uses which of the following to group organisms?
a. biochemical similarities
b. derived characteristics
c. overall similarity
d. all of these
e. none of these
Which of the following eukaryotic kingdoms is not monophyletic and may soon be split into several
a. archaebacteria
b. animalia
c. fungi
d. plantae
e. protista
Which two kingdoms are made up entirely by prokaryotic organisms?
a. archaebacteria and eubacteria
b. archaebacteria and fungi
c. eubacteria and protista
d. fungi and protista
e. protista and archaebacteria
Short Answer
59. Describe Darwin’s 4 points of natural selection. (4pts)
60. If you find a fossil that has 24g of 12C and it has 3 g of 14C, how old is the fossil using C dating? (4 pts.)
61. Describe the beliefs prior to Darwin, Darwin’s findings and the significance of Darwin’s work today. Please
include when Gregor Mendel came into the time line. (12 pts.- 3 pts. each part.)