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Presented by Dr. Mosses Anak Enjob,
Senior Lecturer – MDIS Tashkent.
1st Tashkent International Forum
<<Marketing, Advertising and PR>>
Small and Medium Enterprise as we know it.
Role of small business in economic
development of a nation
The role of advertising in SMEs
Nature based tourism or eco-tourism – Role
of Advertising
Sample of nature based tourism – From the
Malaysian perspective – role of SMEs
The term entrepreneur and small-business
owner are used interchangeably.
A small business is independently owned and
operated, not dominant in their field.
Entrepreneurial ventures are those for which
the principal objectives are innovation,
profitability, and growth.
Create opportunity for enterprising people to
Job creation for society – private sector
Catalyst for economic development in all sectors
of society
To complement government effort to improve
living standard of people
Encourage training and development in new
Initiate Research and development in new
product and services that will benefit consumers
and society
After reviewing the evolution of
entrepreneurship and examining its varying
definitions, Robert C. Ronstadt, summarised
entrepreneurship, as:
“the dynamic process of creating incremental
wealth. This wealth is created by individuals
who assume the major risks in terms of
equity, time, and/or career commitment of
providing value for some product or service”.
All advertising programmes initiated by SMEs
aimed at business audiences require answers
to four important questions:
“Who is it that I want to communicate with?”
“What do people look for who are buying my
type of product (or service)?”
“What message (or messages) can I use to get
them interested in my products?”
“How can I reach these people?”
Consider them as the most likely to use your
product or service, e.g. a budget traveler, as
in B&B business, budget hotel, motel.
Study their demographics and AIO factors and
even their psychographics make-ups.
AIO – Attitudes, Interest and Opinion.
Niche market or unmet segments by other
marketers that SMEs wish to do business
with. Potential target group.
Make use of any unfulfilled needs & wants in
the 4P’s –product, price, place and promotion
Think of the AIDA concept as a starting point
Awareness – let it be known to others
Interest – Make them like your offerings
Desire – Not just like but wish to try
Action – Let do it and let spend the money
For the beginner, we have the most
economical way like words of mouth,
affordable advertisement, e.g. flyers,
When the budget is there, consider using
printed media like newspaper, classified ads,
radio, exhibitions, cooperative advertising,
local special interest magazines, etc.
Electronic media – make full use of IMC if
extra budget is available, e.g TV, and others.
The next presentation will give you an
example of how an integrated advertising
efforts with like-minded industry players
and excellent linkages with outside world
has promoted the development of tourism
and hospitality business at one of the 13
states in Malaysia.
The state of Sabah, located in the northern
tip of Borneo Island, in East Malaysia, is a
popular destination for tourists within the
A Bachelor of forestry graduate, Mr.
Jack Lee Y.J. started his eco tourism
business as an SMEs 6 years ago.
He is an affable character, professional
and a licensed tourist guide, a
mountain climber, expert in scuba
diving and jungle tracker. He trained
other tourist guides in his team.
Thank you for your attention.
If there is an feedback, kindly get back to me
at MDIS at Tashkent.
I can be contacted at [email protected]
Robert C. Ronstadt, “The Educated
Entrepreneurs: A New Era of Entrepreneurial
Education is Beginning,” American Journal of
Small Business 11, no.4 [1978]: 37-53