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Marketing 334
Consumer Behavior
Study Guide for Final Exam
Summer 2008
Chapter 1
Know the definition of consumer behavior.
Know the meaning of social marketing.
What is meant by “value” in the marketing context?
Understand segmentation including the steps of the segmentation process.
Understand what represents “cost” for the consumer.
Understand positioning.
Know the steps of the consumer decision making process.
Chapter 2
Be familiar with the cultural factors that influence consumer behavior.
Understand the components of culture (i.e. the definition).
Chapter 8
Understand how perceptions form.
Know what product placement is and how it is used to form perceptions.
How is attention created?
Chapter 9
Know the difference in short and long term memory.
Understand low involvement learning as compared to high involvement learning.
Understand brand image in terms of the schematic memory of the brand.
Understand perceptual mapping including how strategies are derived from the map.
Understand positioning strategy and repositioning.
What is meant by leveraging the brand?
Chapter 11
What does a person’s attitude consist of (definition)? How does attitude form?
What are the components of attitude?
Understand the multi-attribute model and how it relates to attitude.
Understand how marketing strategy can be developed based on the multi-attribute
Chapter 13
Understand the elements that would be included in situation characteristics
relative to individual characteristics.
How do situational characteristics influence consumer decision making?
Be able to distinguish between the four types of situations.
How do physical surroundings affect time spent in the facility?
What is meant by an antecedent state?
How do we use perceptual maps to analyze situational influences?
What are the five steps for developing situation –based marketing strategies?
What is a person-situation segmentation matrix? How is it used to develop
marketing strategy?
Chapter 14
Be familiar with the parts of the consumer decision making model.
How does purchase involvement differ from brand or product involvement?
How does involvement with the purchase effect the decision making process?
Understand the differences and similarities in nominal decision making, limited
decision making and extended decision making.
What is the problem recognition stage of consumer decision making?
What’s the difference in an active problem and an inactive problem?
What kinds of things influence problem recognition (both marketing and nonmarketing)?
What is variety seeking behavior? Can marketers do anything to overcome variety
seeking behavior?
Be able to describe the methods used by marketers to discover consumer
Based on the ‘problems” identified, how can marketers respond to the problem?
Know the difference in generic and selective problem recognition; and be able to
identify the appropriate marketing strategy for each.
Chapter 15
What’s the difference in internal search and external search for information? Be
familiar with the sources of information. Understand the awareness set, the evoked
set (consideration set), the inert set and the inept set of products.
What is meant by “ongoing” search?
How has the Internet changed how information searches are conducted?
What strategies have marketers developed to address Internet searches by
How do marketers know where consumers are searching for information?
Understand the factors that cause consumers to shorten information searches
(cost versus benefits of the search).
Understand the six marketing strategies (identified in the book and your notes)
based on information search patterns.
Chapter 16
Understand how alternative evaluation fits into the consumer decision making
What is meant by “bounded rationality”?
What are “metagoals” and how do that influence decision making?
Understand the three types of consumer choice processes.
How do evaluative criteria affect consumer decision making? [Think about the
multi-attribute model].
How do marketers figure out what evaluative criteria consumers are using for a
given product choice?
Understand how marketers “help” consumers express brand performance on a
specific attribute?
Understand the difference in direct and indirect methods of measuring importance
weights of evaluative criteria.
What is meant by “surrogate indicators”?
Be familiar with the various decision rules for attribute-based choices.
Chapter 18
What is cognitive dissonance?
What factors tend to influence the probability and magnitude of dissonance?
How does consumption guilt differ from cognitive dissonance?
How do consumers attempt to reduce cognitive dissonance?
Why is it important for marketers to understand how consumers use the products
they purchase?
What is meant by use innovativeness?
What is meant by product nonuse? What are the marketing implications of
understanding nonuse?
What is product disposition? Know the five major ways that disposition decision can
affect a firm’s marketing strategy.
What kinds of things determine whether a consumer is satisfied or dissatisfied
with a purchase?
Know the differences in instrumental performance, symbolic performance and
affective performance.
What is the relationship between expectations and satisfaction?
Know the difference in repeat purchasers and a brand loyal customer.
What are switching costs and how do they affect consumer behavior?
What is meant by “churn”?
Know the common marketing objective identified in the text and understand the
kinds of general marketing strategies that make sense for each objective.
What is relationship marketing? What is a customer loyalty program?
Chapter 20
Know the key issues relating to marketing to children.
Know the key regulations for marketing to adults.