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Julius Caesar Note-Taking Guide
Slide One: Introduction
• Before Julius Caesar took control in ____ BC, the Roman
Empire was not ruled by the Emperor, but by two consuls
who were elected by the citizens of Rome. It was known as a
• People were divided into classes.
o ________________: Wealthy citizens of Rome. Allowed to
o ________________: Not wealth. Allowed to vote.
o ________________: No money, no rights, no freedom,
and were not allowed to vote.
o ________________: Citizens voted for two consuls.
Elected to serve one year. Job to govern Rome. Both
had to agree on all decisions. They were replaced after
their year serving and were not allowed to be consuls
again for ___ ______.
o ________________: Citizens voted for a number of
magistrates. Job to keep law and order and also to
manage Rome’s financial affairs. When Magistrates
retired they became senators and attended the Senate.
o ________________: Citizens voted for tribunes. Job to
make sure that the people were treated fairly.
Background Information
Allegedly a descendant of Trojan Prince _____________.
Birth Date:
Full Birth Name: Gaius Julius Caesar
Born of Aurealis and Gaius Julius Caesar, a praetor (Roman
Early Years
• Married ________________, the daughter of a noble.
• His marriage drew the anger of Rome’s dictator, __________,
who ordered Caesar to divorce his wife or risk losing his
• Caesar refused and found escape in the military, he served
in both the province of Asia in ________________.
• After the death of Sulla, Caesar returned to Rome to begin
his career in politics as a prosecuting advocate.
• After his relocation to ____________, to study philosophy, he
was kidnapped by pirates.
o In a daring display of negotiation, he convinced his
captors to raise his ransom, then organized a naval
force to attack them. The pirates were captured and
• Returned to Rome to work with ______________
• _____ or _____ BC : Elected quaestor (a base political office)
• Cornelia (wife) passes in 69 BC
• _____ or _____ BC : served as governor of the Roman
province of Spain
o Continued his close alliance with Pompey, which
enabled him to get elected as consul, a powerful
government position, in 59 BC.
Early Political Career
• Caesar’s cultivating political partnership with Pompey
caused the aligning with ___________ Licinus Crassus who
proved to be instrumental in Caesar’s rise to power.
o He provided financial and political support to Caesar.
• Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar became the ___________
o This gave Caesar the perfect springboard to greater
• Pompey grew envious of Caesar’s power and prestige after
his major war dominations.
• ___________ years into Crassus’ five year term in Syria, he
was killed in battle.
Caesar the Dictator
• Caesar went to war against Pompey. (January 10 – 11, 49
• Pompey aligned himself with the nobility, and the nobility
increasingly saw Caesar as a nation threat causing a civil
• Pompey and his troops were no match for Caesar and his
military campaign
• Caesar pushed his enemies out of Italy and into Egypt,
where Pompey was killed.
• He aligned himself with __________________, with whom he
has a son, Caesarion.
• Caesar was made dictator for life and hailed as the Father of
his Country.
• He would serve only a year’s term before his assassination,
but in that short period Caesar would greatly transform the
• Roman _________ bore his face.
• His reforms made him popular among the __________ and
___________ class Romans, but his popularity with the
Senate was another matter.
o Envy and concern over Caesar’s increasing power led
to angst among a number of politicians who saw in him
as aspiring king.
§ Romans had no desire for ___________________
§ Legend has it that by the time Caesar came to
power it had been five centuries since they’d last
allowed a king to rule them
o Caesar’s wish to include his former Roman enemies in
the gov’t helped spell his downfall.
§ Gaius Cassius Longinus & Marcus Junius Brutus :
led the assassination of Caesar on the Ides of
March (the 15th), 44 BC.
Julius Caesar
• Playwright: William ____________________
• Roman Tragedy
• “Et tu Brute?”
o Famous line spoken by Caesar to his friend Brutus who
acted against him in his assassination.
• Caesar was apart of the First __________________ along with
Cassius and Pompey
• He was made Dictator for __________
• He was popular with the lower and middle class
• He was assassinated on the _________ of __________ (15th)
o led by : Gaius Cassius Longinus & Marcus Junius